The gift
Instructions: Open on your 25th birthday - please recycle the wrapping paper mindfully.
One mirror - which allows you to see yourself as you truly are. With every flaw and blessing clearly shown - to motivate you to always evolve and understand who you are and how you are. It will be painful to look into the mirror - but all growth is accompanied by pain and struggle.
One healthy dose of self-confidence - perhaps not everyone needs this, but for those who did not grow up in homes where they were made to feel safe and where their voice mattered, here is a nice dollop of self-confidence. It's a quiet dose, that just allows you to listen to your inner voice more, that has the ability to make you believe you are worthy of being treated well. That gives you the confidence to take that risk, pursue that dream, make that art, take that trip, ask that cute person out.
One never-ending gratitude journal - Your life is a gift, this day is a gift. The air you breathe is a gift. This journal is a gentle reminder to acknowledge these gifts each and every day. A life focused more on appreciating what you do have, than what you don't, will be a life filled with contentment, happiness and joy. It will also help you to take care of the things you do have, the pets, the people, the house, the car.
One healthy dose of compassion - for yourself, your parents, the postman, the bus driver and everyone in this world. Because everyone is going through something, everyone has pain - and when we take a step back and realise a bad day doesn't equate to a bad person, and that behaviour is never personal, we gain a much more holistic appreciation of life. Even animals get grumpy sometimes. Not every day can be a great day, some days will be miserable. On those days, you need radical self-compassion and to make sure your bad mood isn't thrown in the faces of other people. Spread joy, not misery.
One pair of rose-tinted glasses - to help you see the beauty in the small things. The delicate petals of a flower, the relaxing hum of a bee, the vibrant colours of the sunrise and sunset. That delicious crunchy apple. Really taste it, really revel in the beauty of the world. There is so much and often we don't even see it.
One letter: Dear 25-year old, welcome to a quarter of a century. You probably feel old today, but I promise you that life stretches before you like a giant, unexplored forest and there are so many directions in which you can venture. Tread lightly on the earth, for she is delicate and sensitive. Listen to the whispers of your heart. It's never too late to start over, to make amends, to evolve and be a better person. Mistakes are part of life, they are part of growing. Embrace your mistakes, learn from them - they are part of the process. Remember the conversation never ends, as long as both people are still talking. If there are misunderstandings, just talk it out until you find common ground. Don't be afraid to be bad at something, it's the first step to becoming good at it - if you can learn to enjoy the process of learning, then you can learn anything. Be kind to yourself, you are becoming.
Happy birthday. I hope you use your gifts well.