September 2024 Drabble Challenge: A Day in the Eighties
Using exactly 100 words, tell me a story inspired by the phrase, "A Day in the Eighties." You don't need to use the exact words, just launch into a flash fiction piece that goes wherever your imagination leads. I ask that you use standard spelling, punctuation, grammar, and prose construction to spin this yarn. Are we talking about a decade? Temperatures? Old age? You decide. Please don't tag me, I'll read all the entries and pick a winner sometime in early October. Winner gets two whole dollars!
Milk Bar
Mum gave me two whole dollars to spend at the milk bar and as I skipped towards it's hallowed halls I felt rich. She'd said to bring back change of course - but the possibilities of sweet and salty treats were almost endless. Mum had been watching the TV and crying. It wasn't one of her soaps though. She was watching the news. Something about a murder. I'd asked too many questions, so she'd reached in her bag and sent me to the milk bar. I'm happy I'm alive and not shot to pieces like that musician. John somebody Beatles.