It rained tonight for the first time in a while,
And the Moon broke through the clouds,
Summoned witnesses to remember the mountain sky
In all their great dramas here below,
Where hellos and goodbyes take up so much of our headspace
And so little of our time.
Only dreams, only memories,
Only little moments of breaking my heart open
Like frozen fingers too quickly warmed by the fire
Shattering me in her layered lingering
And their naked splashing in the darkness,
And I shiver half-clothed,
Watching a moment I'm (not) truly a part of,
And (yet) have created.
I am so young in my flesh,
So old in my ways.
Do the trees think me curious?
Head shaking out the window
And a child in a thrice-too-large coat
And tears behind so many eyes
And somehow it feels like Winter,
And Fall hasn't even arrived yet.
Could you embrace me again,
Skin to skin and our minds reeling
In a spiraling mass moving up and down
In tandem with the rhythm of distant hearts,
And I feel like crying out: Wait!
Because I'm not ready,
Because you're gone now
And Lichen next
And everyone, everyone eventually,
And I've hardly even caught your eye
To tell you silently that I love you.
Could you wait another day?
Take another month?
Stay another year?
But we would never keep you,
Though the piano doesn't greet me when I seek it out in the night,
And the stairs don't sing when they creak under unfamiliar footsteps,
And my terrified pace won't be slowed by the patient nightwalker
When the houses get too crowded and the paths too thin.
Where you wander now is yours,
And I'm proud of that choice,
And whether you appear in a month or a year
Or never again in our little wild lives,
I'll go on dancing to strange music,
Taking up space and squeezing into tea cups,
Laughing because people are so beautiful
And because being loved is so lovely.