Guilted reflectors
Stand face to face,
One salted with guile
One oiled in grace
Yet bearing each other
With the slightest of pace,
A stillborn empathy
Deposed from its place.
Each colored with
Obsequious aim
But bottoming out
In apathy grey,
With stilted tongues spilling
Raw words each can taste,
And each saving face,
Holdout egos
For the rainiest day.
Each like the rickety ship
Which bares
Her angular body
Of cracking groans,
An up stream fish
Once steady,
Now lost
Delivered to the inky rings
Whirling into nowhere.
As it were
Captive again,
Chained to the sea
And lodged in its den.
To emptily glide,
On brackish water
And surging,
Swallow the screaming tides,
Twin heartbroken arrows
Aimless and shadowed
In darting pursuit,
To taste divine love
Not bittersweet fruit.
So love turns dead corners
Its beacon en route,
Its devil red wings,
Grown black
With death’s bruise.
But bandage the other
With Samaritan eyes
And in doing so,
The ship realigns,
Steadies her course
And now sails upright,
Guided towards glory
Graced with merciful might.
And we are the same
Far as I can tell,
For I can love you like heaven
Or hate you like hell.
And girded truth readies
Her halting heart whole
To mend all the broken
Bones of the soul.
The captor is captain
If each wants it to be,
And such lies the choice,
For love starved of need.
Forgive all their sins
And turn up cast down eyes,
And be still in the shelter;
Let sleeping dogs lie.
Captor or captain,
The wheel remains yours
And such is the choice
For each guides a course.
The ship ports at land
And tied to the mast
Is a tear written letter;
“I am home now at last”.