Sorrows and Prayers
Dear God,
You are infinite, you are all. You are my friend, you are my guide, you are my creator, you are my sense of hope.
I know you see me, questioning the sorrows of the world, questioning the pains I face, the tragic loops from which I suffer.
Yet, I can't stop thinking of you, that you have our back, that you love us.
This must all be for a reason, but then why are there so many ways to view you?
Why do we all fight about how we view you?
I love you God, but it is hard to know how to navigate.
As I child I would think worshipping you is as simple as saying prayer before eating my Oreos. As I grow, I see the grey areas, the fights in your name, the complexities of decisions.
I love you God, I know you wouldn't want this, all of us fighting over you.
I hope you hear my calls to you, I need your love my lord.