Single wide miracle
Sauntering outside to get fucked up was the only thing I had done so far today with real enthusiasm. Brushing my teeth and changing my underwear, all but showering had card charged its way the fuck out of my daily ritual.
The card. Charging off. In the literal financial sense of the word I had experienced it already one time before - when you make mistakes they’ll be there for you but it’s only in there briefly, then the piper demands payment and pop the pussy on the corner if you want to survive another month of rent.
The vehicle was an all blue, miscellaneous sport model ford. The pasty white skin of the smiling driver who had waited a 5-10 minute interval for me smiled more than his mouth did in its original ride of his meat suit.
Taught and wrinkled at the same time
in a disarming way.
I didn’t think of any of these observations as thought process but now that I am fresh in mind and memory I remember the specifics - like how I couldn’t care less about anything except arriving at that shit hole trailer to buy some narcotics.
The night cut into the vehicle in darkening shades of icey black that hung heavy in the back seat of the vehicle tearing across creation into deeper and deeper still vegetation lined roads - bordered by wire fences and ditches on either side it always seemed like a perilous journey driving these roads of pedestrian impasse in Texas.
We talked as the vehicle sped. The closer we got the more I said and spewed from my mouth. Not many people you can be brutally honest with in life. I had a habit of being brutally honest anyways.
Late at night in the back country of nowhere we meandered to a stop and then a left turn into a trailer park. I let him know how to get out of there should any problems arise and then asked if he didn’t mind the wait that was scheduled. He didn’t.
Out of the vehicle I went and into tiny trailer I walked, to find the woman I had come to buy drugs from looking at me in a way I couldn’t really figure out until the very last second with her allusion to sexual innuendo and a half hearted attempt at a come on.
I made my way to the door and backed away after I got my hands on what I needed and not in her. I typically actually regret this moment and the lack of initiative to no holds barred take a risk to expand my horizons but that doesn’t really work out a lot of the time and I’d already risked quite a bit this evening and at that point in the circumstances I had come out on top.
I laughed as I recounted to my uber driver how she had tried to have sex with me, and we sped out of the trailer park - looping around the encampment until we reached the exit again.
I was elated and had no problem shooting every chatter box shit I had at this point, and most of it was probably lost on me and him. We got back - and I got his card and I got high, then went to California.