December 2024 Drabble: Give and Take
With the holiday season upon us, tell me a story about giving, taking, loving, losing, joy, sorrow. Any or all of the above. There's a prize for what I consider to be the most interesting entry. Here are the rules if you're interested in winning: tell me a story in exactly 100 words. Use prose, not poetry, standard punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Please do NOT tag me, I'll read all the entries conforming to the rules at the end of the challenge period.
Recycled Hope (a drabble)
We stared in amazement at what this find may mean for us.
"It's here for the taking," Brother shrugged, "gimme a boost."
He landed in the dumpster with a thud.
I checked the school parking lot: empty due to Christmas break.
He pushed and I pulled. Success!
Ecstatic, we pulled our treasure away. In small puffs, our breath took wing upon the shimmering winter air. Giddy with hope, we hardly felt the cold by then.
We arrived at the door of our
impoverished home, filled with childish certainty: Santa would remember us this year.
This year we had a tree.