Burn the racists
I wish to live as a swallow that displaces vast borders, unauthorized. How beautiful it can be to live in such liberty through untamed thermal winds over the boundless and bent earth. At peace in the innumerable varying shades of blue that decorate the third dimension. Surfing the currents of the sky's breath towards uncharted wonders.
Are we, mankind, not asphyxiated by estrangement due to the perception that distinction of appearance, unnaturally somehow changes the composition of our substance. We find ourselves in a static state, entrapped by a nefarious moral intersection where crucial decisions, that carry far-reaching consequences, are made by incompetent characters that lack the empathy to comprehend that we are one. That ego creates the illusion of individuality and that singular identity is a concept that will lead to a friction so great, that we would set fire to each other.
Whatever happened to the ideals and values that we so mechanically urge into the malleable minds of our youth? Love thy neighbor and do not hate. We memorize the script, but never get to play the character, as we've run out of money and motivation to do so. We have surrendered our dreams to the god of war and riches. We have abandoned our faith in love, loyalty and compassion.
I mourn as I observe the human addiction to vanity and fall prey to the obtrusive propaganda displayed on every mirror, window and wall that might allow intrusion into our psyche.
We are not different, nor are we unique, yet we thrive in the conflict we design in observation of miniscule genetic abnormalities relative to the face of some God painted by a man that was confined to his own imagination. There is no color in the eyes, hair or skin of the Creator, there is no face to the origin of existence and there is no gender to the particles that bear the weight of all that was, is and will be. We are nothing, yet we are everything.
All I know is that the only thing that matters is to love.