Over the rolling back hill the sky was closer, it was like you could touch heaven nearly but not quite.
The sun came through the dark clouds always rolling past, so that's how it was here.
The land rose up to hills beyond, dips and hollows, intersecting dirt roads leading nowhere except to a farmers gate.
For a while it was enough, the grass laid out below the sky, like you could touch it.
You had watched the moon at night go through its cycles for months, waxing, waning, full moon, crescent - moon glow made shadows warm in the darkness.
All this was enough, and yes it was beautiful, and yes you fell in love with it. As you wanted nothing more except to watch the days and night go by, like so many hours joined together.
You were a part of it, feeling it like wind on your skin, the smell of rain before a storm, sunlight on a spiders web.
Lightning miscalculated across the Moorish sky set your nerves on fire, tingled in your teeth, where you clenched them.
The boom of thunder was like the drumming of some God, a wild orchestra on a forgotten earth.
Heaven was close here, yet incalculable,mythic, untouchable, yet just there in clouds.
Beautiful, beyond the rolling hills.