"War does not determine who is right, only who is left." (Bertrand Russell)
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." (Albert Einstein)
Poetry or prose
Endless war
War is a simple solution for simple minds. It’s easy to wage war against something you despise, an act as impulsive as crossing an item off a to-do list. As a society, we treat war like a convenient tool, wielding it against anything that displeases us.
War on drugs. War on crime. War on hunger. War on terror. War on the Left. War on the Right. War on fascists. War on socialists. We will eventually run out of enemies to fight, yet still find reasons to declare new wars.
When everything is a threat, no one is safe. Living in perpetual fear isn’t survival, it’s a slow descent into paranoia. And a life ruled by paranoia … is not a life worth living.