$1,000 Haiku Challenge
Write a haiku about anything.
And we mean anything.
Winner will be decided by likes.
Give us your best, or favorite, 5-7-5 syllable opus to cover rent, or make a dream date.
Lift us, drop us, make us laugh, cry, marvel, be get it.
Oh, and refer someone new to Prose. to participate in this challenge with you and get a $1 credit.
May the best piece win.
Live, Die, and Dice
I was born to live
And I lived to love the die
Such, was born to die
Birthed forth to live, I
Burst for, and by, chance till I
Berthed me in to die
Placed life on the line
Doubled down and threw my bones
All to win more time
Life is a crapshoot
"You win some and you lose some..."
Until you crap out