The guards zipped through the market, trying their best to keep up with the so-called thief. Folks in the village, and surrounding areas had heard talk about some farmers losing their cattle. But up until this moment in time— no one had caught the perpetrator, or perps. One of the fishermen had watched the young lad zip past him. The lad thought he was going to make it back into the shadows of the thick forest that was supposedly harboring all the thieves that had been stealing the cattle. The fisherman smiled, and thought to himself: ‘‘Here we go, again.’’ Just when the lad was about to see the path leading into the forest, his tracks were stopped by the ebenaceae. Once the ebenaceae had caught wind of your scent, they could find you anywhere- even in the depths of the Red Sea…not even Moses would’ve been able to escape from their talented tracking magickal skills. The lad felt the earth beneath his feet start to sink in. He began to panic as his body sunk further, and further into the ground. One of the ebenaceae slowly clenched their fists, and the lad’s body took on the shape of a crumpled piece of paper.
#CORVUS. Jan.|20|25