Feather Project VII
Word Mage & Sage in training: MNEZZ.
(NOTE: Here’s a quick snippet into The Shadow Man story world/realm).
Link to the other -chapters/parts:
Welcome to the stories/tales of—
The Shadow Man!
-Do you know the Shadow Man?
~What lurks in the shadows.
The clock ticked & tocked
Sasha woke up with a start
What time was it?
She stared at her notes
Euh, not bad, for now
The moonlight was her guide
The frogs croaked outside
She wished they would stop
When they did she smiled
She marched off to bed
With no thoughts of her work
Running in her head
As soon as her head hit the pillow,
Something had moved past the willow
It watched Sasha all night long
Just waiting for the right moment
To get closer to her~ in the shadows-
Later on it would find a way to have—
Her beating heart....right in its jaws!
There is no place to hide child
The Shadow Man pointed at Stella
She lay still and quiet
Not making any sound
Fear creeped in
It smiled
It smiled
Fear creeped in
Not making a sound
She lay still and quiet
The Shadow Man pointed at Stella
There is no place to hide child
Never stare into their eyes
There is no place to hide child
The Shadow Man pointed at Stella
She lay still and quiet
Not making any sound
Fear creeped in
It smiled
It smiled
Fear creeped in
Not making a sound
She lay still and quiet
The Shadow Man pointed at Stella
There is no place to hide child
Bob clapped his hands, and the lights to the kitchen turned on. He opened his fridge to check the leftovers he had.
He stared at the bowl of noodles. Then there was another dish: fried rice.
Decisions, decisions.
The fridge door was pushed gently. He smiled. Now he was ready to have more of the fried rice. He could have it for any meal of the day: breakfast, lunch, or even dinner.
Bob clasped his hands, and blessed his food. The moment that he was about to dig into his meal, the lights went out.
He walked away from his meal and tried flicking the light switch. Nothing. He stood still for a while, and then something caught his attention.
‘Hello? Is anybody there?’
Bob shook his head. He was not a kid anymore. Was he really still afraid of the dark?
He turned around and just right there he spotted another one. The shadow snarled. It dashed forward towards Bob.
Bob quickly ran up the stairs. He shut the door and hid under his bed.
‘It’s only a dream. A bad dream.’ He said to himself.
Then he heard the sound of the door. The squeak made him jump.
From his current position, all that Bob saw was a dark fog growing in his room. It reached his mouth in a few seconds. He tried to fan it away with his hands, but he ended up sucking some of the dark fog into his mouth.
He coughed, and coughed. Trying to get it out of his body. He felt his heart begin to pound in his chest.
Bob started feeling dizzy. Was the room getting smaller? His body shook and he gasped for air, as if he was drowning. The shadows had won.
His eyes became grey just like smoke. He could not see any thing.
Bob screamed. The last thing that ran in his mind was the thought of how scrumptious the fried rice would have tasted for another go.
The lights came back on right after the shadows vanished. Bob lay quietly and still under the bed. The shadows had taken another life & heart, too.
Ce Cœur
The shadow bent down on his knee, and lowered his head, then it presented the heart to The Shadow Man. This pleases him so much that he chuckled.
His laugh startled the crows near the Black forest. The Shadow Man took hold of the beating heart. He held the heart with his claws.
‘‘This heart has been through hell. I can tell. It had managed to still fall in love. How sweet.’’
The Shadow Man made a face and said, ’’Yuck. Humans and there need for bonding. This heart also seems heavy.
’’Oh, his love left town. Well, why didn’t he follow her? No way— she had a family.
’’She did not tell him. Man. That does hurt.
‘‘Anyway, now thanks to my pack of shadows, this guy will not have to worry about a thing- not at all!’’
The Shadow Man opened his mouth wide. The heart went down his throat and straight to his belly.
‘‘Excuse me.’’
The Shadow Man smacked his lips. ‘‘This heart was a bit sad. This is why I can not send a shadow to do my work.’’
The shadow apologized. It bowed & left its master to search for a less blue heart.
Henri et Melon
Henri fell on his bottom. He raised his hands and asked for forgiveness.
The thing took hold of Henri by his collar & sank its teeth into Henri’s chest. Henri did his best not to cry, but tears streamed down his face like a river.
He heard his cat hiss.
‘‘No,’’ Henri tried to shout, ‘‘Melon get out of here.’’
Melon leaped into the air. As soon as it approached the creature, it was hit by the side by a giant blade. The edge of the weapon had created a deep cut by the cat’s neck.
Henri sobbed. He was tossed on the ground right by the cat’s side.
All he had wanted was to watch the stars and spot the constellations in the night sky. Now he wished he could turn back the clock, & just stayed in his room.
The thought of dying on the rooftop had never crossed his mind. Ç’est triste.
Henri used his last strength to crawl to his cat’s side. He felt rain drops fall on his face.
The rain slowly sent Melon’s & Henri’s blood right down the rain gutter. Henri placed one hand on Melon’s neck.
He closed his eyes while the rain continued to pour and mix the blood of Henri and Melon. Their blood flowed together down the gutter.
They wait in the darkness
Growing ever hungry with each passing moment
Most call them shadow creatures, or simply: shadows
No one knows where they came from-
Some folks say they have been there since the dawn of time
Even before the invention of fire
The earlier community had tried to destroy them
All things seemed to be getting better
Until he arrived...The Shadow Man
He led the shadows into the Black forest
From there many thought they were safe at last
But things only became somewhat more scary
The Shadow Man was able to change the shadows form
They could blend in taking a human appearance
Or just take over a human’s body, mind and soul
Once that happens you might be added to the shadow pack
Some nights we stay up, keeping watch in the night
Staying awake to keep an eye on the candle light
Once it blows out, we strike another match
Hoping the little ray of light will keep the shadows away.
Pretty how leaves fall on the ground
Hear the owls hootin’ in the night
As the whispers echo in the breeze
Now the shadows start to gather
Tearing someone limb from limb
Another unlucky soul loses their head
Shadows chew the meat off the bones
Making them pleased ‘n’ mor’ hungry
Ah— see them begin to grin widely
Giants tremble whenever they’re near
O~ they fear the shadow man’s army
Raised to spread out across many
Islands, villages, across cities, & towns
Anything that faces them never live to see the light of day!
Carry on
Chad sneezed & stared at the eyes glowing in the dark—
‘‘Ah!’’ He jumped out of his bed and ended up sliding on the floor, because of his socks. He bumped his head on the floor & it was lights out for him from there.
Rising sounds of sirens buzzed in his ears. Chad slowly opened his eyes, but he couldn’t see a thing.
Rays of light burst through and he covered his eyes.
‘‘You are welcome here.’’ Chad stared at the being standing in front of him. ‘‘who are you?’’
‘’Oh— I’m the Shadow Man..
‘‘Nice to have you join us...in my realm.’’
Angels descended in blazin’ glory
Ready to aim their arrows at the man
In a flash~ somethin’ took over him
And his body began to transform
Smiling, and then cackling, he snapped his fingers & was gone!
Crystals lined up near her body
Lulling a simple tune
Always ready to sing along to it
In a hurry— she leaped over the roses
Running- trying to hide from the figure she saw in her mind
Voices cried out and told her to be calm
Obeying them she ran to her cottage
“Yes!” She jumped, & almost screamed
“Agh.” Not another one. The images were not something she could control.
Now they slowly faded. But she felt the presence of someone near.
The room became much darker. When she spun around~ she saw...the Shadow Man. He moved closer to her side, held her hands, and asked, “What do you see?”
Le Dernier Repas
*takes a deep breath*
*stares at the dish pushed under the steel door*
Mmhh, this is odd?
Why does the last meal look not so bad?
I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try it—
Eh- *spits the food out* still tastes like dirt~
Uh, they could at least have provided me with something appetizing seeing as this’ll be mon dernier repas
Now I wait for my final moments here on earth
Wait, what was that?
*rubs eyes*
Did my shadow just move?
Nah, my mind is playing tricks on me
Whoa..um...where are the guards?
*steel door squeaks*
Is anyone there?
Eirik, I’m not going to fall for your prank again!
[A shadow with glowing crimson eyes stretches from the side of the door & reaches for the death row inmate]
No....stay back
Whatever you are.....
[The shadow spins around and transforms into a person like form.
Then stares into the inmate’s eyes.
It leans closer toward the inmate, & opens its jaws.]
Coffins or Caskets?
Something caught its eye. Why would someone else be in the graveyard & at such a late hour?
Its head started spinning. Its body suddenly felt weak. The world was slowly becoming darker.
It fell with a thud onto the gravel path. The last thing it heard before hitting the ground was—
‘‘It’s down! Which one do you think it prefers to be placed in- a coffin, or a casket?’’
“It doesn’t matter. We just have to make sure that its really dead- this time.”
So Long…Francis..
Shadows can’t wait to reach the lad
Over the fence they leap
Listening for the lad’s heartbeat
Oh~ they smile & simply tsk at the lad thinking he can escape
No- there is no where to run, lad—
Get back, do not run into the closet
Find another place to hide
Reach for a spot that has some more bright rays
At least be surrounded by even a bit of moonlight
Never think you can escape from the shadows
Carefully try with all your might to keep your eyes closed while we surround you
‘I see you trembling in there lad!’ every shadow utters.
Sure the shadows like to see their prey shaking with fear, but now they think maybe it’s time to call it a day, then again....maybe not...
The midwife moved swift..
Arne beamed with pride-
Leaned forward to stare at his wife—
“Irine?” She lay peacefully like an angel.
Something was not right.
Midwife transformed & jumped to grab the kid~
Alas, she got zapped by the talisman around Irine’s neck.
Now seeing her shadow form, Arne drew his sword, the midwife cackled, & went flying out of the cottage, through the front door, like a plume of smoke.
Never bend down to pet the creatures
It may look all cuddly— at first
Grizzly- it becomes after it’s turned
Howling loudly at the full moon!
The Shadow Man cackles
Howlers of the night..do not pet them.
Or you’ll be met with quite a surprise
Worse you will just hear its howl~ but,
Let’s hope you don’t get to feel it’s bite
Each becomes more painful than the
Razor sharp first...& remember not to Scream your lungs out.
La Reine de la forêt
The Queen of the forest only had one rule...
She forbid any being, or thing, to take control over her own kind..
The Shadow Man of course did not follow the rule-
Now he would have to face the Queen of the forest!
Angelic order gathered around the table
Bringing all stories, tales & latest tidbits about their current problem
Yeshi, one of the elders, cleared his throat—
‘’Sanza- are ye ready to track down the
‘Shadow Man’?’’
Soul taking 101: Take the soul with some dramatic flare*
FOREWORD: About this chapter
No persons were harmed in the creation of this part. Also, this chapter’s inspired ‘n’ dedicated to my fellow author, mentor and poet on Prose. Thank you so much for your tips, & sage advice.
Write on. Happy reading and writing to one & all! :)
The only sound that could be heard from his office was his two fingers moving at lightning speed on the keyboard. He paused to take a quick chug of the last pint of whiskey.
Howls began to ring in his ear. He turned around and scratched his head. Hmm, maybe he needed to call it a night. It was almost midnight.
He rubbed his eyes and thought to himself. ‘Now, where was I? Ah, yes. The Land Where Shadows Never Die..’ The cursor on the computer screen blinked at him. ‘What now?’
In a quick motion, he turned his chair around & then yelled. ‘‘Whoa! Who are you? Why are you hiding in the shadows—?’’ The figure raised its arms and slowly clapped. ‘‘I have been keeping an eye on you, Farin.’’
‘‘I have come to help you with your book. Surely you have questions about the Land Where Shadows Never Die..Well, I am here to take you to that place.’’
Farin gulped. What kind of crazy talk was this? Was this one of his buddies pulling a prank on him? They always laughed at his work. But hey, he didn’t mind.
The Shadow Man waved his hand and the floor beneath them opened. Farin felt a powerful wind pulling him into the portal. ‘‘Hold on~ I have not agreed to this....’’ Before Farin could say another word, his body was sucked in & taken to the Land Where Shadows Never Die.
Note: Do not try this at home. flare* The Shadow Man has trained in soul taking, and still has to work on his writing skills. correction— the word: flair- was supposed to be used, but then the flare felt more appropriate here. xD
Lyam’s eyes looked on at her body
Eve’s feet were not touching the floor
Very close to screaming— Lyam was-
In his mind he could not figure out
The reason why her body was afloat
And then in the corner of the room
Twisting it’s head around~
It smiled & winked at Lyam
Only thing it wanted now was Eve
Not even Lyam could stop it from taking her to the Shadow Man!
In his chamber, he grabs hold of his axe
Ready to swing it back 'n' forth
At any of the shadow creatures and their leader
Taking his golden armour-
Heavy it is, but he does not mind
Everyone is waitin' for him to join the order
Glorious light shines around him
Ladies in indigo robes bow down
A choir sings out Ira’s name
Dawn breaks ringing in the rosy morning
Ira smiles and walks toward the throne
And the sound of trumpets is heard
Throughout the heavenly realm
On and on the joyful music echoes
Raising a melody for even the Shadow Man to hear
Darkness was all around the space
Eve looked for a sliver of light
Among her new dwelling place
Resting her head in her hands
Embracing herself a bit later
Soon she heard the dungeon door open
Then her eyes fell on a dark figure—
Every cell in her body felt terror-
Voices echoed chanting loud’r & loud’r
‘‘Escaping is not possible here, Eve~’’
Screams from varying sides are heard
Uh, what an odd & macabre realm
Now who’s goin’ to save her where the
Flowers lost their colour—
Leaves turnin’ black~ fallin’ down.........
Onto the dark volcanic like floor-
Where no flower can bloom, or grow....
Eve takes a deep breath & then smiles
Remembering days in her own world.
Roars & hisses echoed like a nightmare
As the rattlesnake slithered nearer
To her side~ she used her feet to try &
Toss the thing to the side- ‘n’ not close
Lilting in a symphonic way— making
Eve feel much more panicked, ready to
Shout for someone to save her from the
Never endin’ torture brought on by the
All evil, powerful master & the one
King of the Nightmare Lane who put
Eve under a long hypnotic spell
Hurrying past the guardians
Amir the Leader of the guardians
Looked at the messenger
Lowering his head to the Chief
‘‘Eve’s in nightmare lane—’’
Listending nearby was Ira who was not
Under no right to be in charge for now
Just as soon as he tried to speak~ King
Amir raised his hand & shook his head
‘‘Here’s the rule- Sanza’ll be in charge!’’
Heroes grabbed their weapons
Every guardian raised their shield
Letting out a warrior’s cheer- ready to
Lay down their lives for their loved
Ones in their glorious city & realm!
The Shadow Man stared in the mirror
He saw them gather~ forming an army
Each one of them looking so fierce—
‘‘Really?- they think this’ll be just so Easy, well, they’re in for a big surprise.’’