Mr. O’Connell paced back, and forth next to the delivery room. His wife had gone into early labor, and he was taken aback by the news. He did not even know that she was expecting a baby. His mother had informed him that his wife had gone to work on securing a business deal with the Japanese— and he knew that the voyage there would take a while. But then one of his guards had informed him that his wife had been admitted into the labor ward. That had shaken his very inner heart’s core- or in fact where his heart was supposed to be. After what seemed to be eons he heard the screams of a little babe. He stormed into the delivery room, and nearly pounced into his wife’s OB/GYN Doctor. She rolled her eyes, and muttered to herself: Here we go, this fella has no control. The Doctor was familiar with this man- his father had been here to help a young woman not too long ago with an issue. She had claimed that she was carrying his son’s child. Mr. O’Connell Sr. made sure that the young woman in question would never see the light of day ever again. The Doctor had tried to contact her, but her line did not patch through. So, the Doctor had come to the conclusion either the young Miss in question had been disposed of, or she had been sent to a far away island where she would not be a problem any more. Mr. O’Connell Jr. almost was at a loss for words. He gazed upon the newborn child- the first born. It’s hands were teeny tiny. Mr. O’Connell Jr. was afraid to good it. The newborn just cried, and cried. Mr. O’Connell did not seem pleased. He grabbed his wife’s bags, and soon there were right back at the O’Connell abode. The O’Connell abode was a mix between a Victorian style home with a touch of the most modern gizmos, and gadgets. From the top-notch security cameras with 24/7 surveillance, all the way down to an underground bunker in case of an emergency, or total world alien invasion. The moment his wife stepped into her own chambers, Mr. O’Connell Jr.’s hand moved across his wife’s cheeks. They burned and started to turn a mix between purple- and blue, with a touch of scarlet, too. She held onto her baby making sure that it felt, and knew that it was in safe hands. Mr. O’Connell stared with bulging eyes at his wife and then bellowed: You think you’re a clever lass…huh?! That child may have come from your womb, but it looks nothing like me..Who’s its real father? His wife felt the bitter sharp stings of pain in her heart. Why in the world had she decided to come back to the O’Connell’s, to be more precise….back to Mr. O’Connell Jr.’s side?
Slowly time passed, but the wounds in the newest mother’s heart did not fade away. She had taken great care of her kid. He was growing up to be a big, and strong lad. But deep down in the lad’s heart, he felt something begin to grow in his heart, mind, and soul. He felt it sink into him like an anchor going down into the depths of the Indian Ocean.
Sometime during the dead of night, in the summertime, a dark shadow had snuck into the O’Connell’s abode. It moved stealthily past the guards, and managed to sneak into Mr. O’Connell’s room. The man was snoring like a humpback whale. It was the loudest sound that echoed throughout the mansion. The dark shadow squinted its eyes, and growled. It protracted its paws, and slashed at Mr. O’Connell Jr.’s throat.
One of the guards had heard the sound of Mr. O’Connell sputtering out: Cccc….ooo….or…..vvv.
The guards called the police. When then finally arrived on the scene, they were in for quite a pickle of a case.
The Detective sighed, and then shook his head: When god, and his angels slept…something sinister took their place..showing not a single trace of grace for Mr. O’Connell.
#CORVUS. Monday 01.27.2026