3:47pm – Sunday, Sept 27, 2015
Mary-Kate and Ashley
Hairy Kate and Ashy = My legs during the summer and occasionally through the winter♥
You don't have to pay attention to that little tidbit right there if you don’t want to—I just...I just had to get that off my chest♥
NOW! The meat of the story or maybe I should I say—the center of the universe heh heh
That's right! It's about Pluto.
"You heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right?" —Gus [Psych]
You're late!
Yes, but fashionably late I dare say! And I don't care how late it is I must declare the truth please hear me out — Bear with me!♥
Not a moon of fûcking Neptune!
If it was a moon
*REMEMBER: You're a Bear*
It would be the same size as the rest of Neptune's other moon(s).
Let me look this shït up!!!
You have no earthly idea what you're talking about, do you?
Yes. I admit it! I have no facts to back up what I'm saying♥
BUT let me state my case! (Or theory I guess) … (o)_____(O)
Those specific scientists who have so "suddenly" sarcasm and thoroughly "discovered"/determined that Pluto was not a planet.
Well get this Pluto has been a planet for thousands of hundreds of years! We 90s kids and many kids before us have used Pluto to get through school.
What the hell are you talking about!?!
Like you don't remember: If you know it, sing it with me.
(insert music symbol)
My Very Exotic Mother Just Sat Under Neptune Planet
(insert music symbol)
That was just to help us with the order of the planets HAHAHAHA!!!
But oh no, it didn't just stop there!
It helped with math class too!
Hold on...wait a minute...mmm maybe I got that one wrong.
Let me look this shït up!
*REMEMBER: YOU'RE A BEAR!* gonna have to get back to you soon on this subject at hand.
*REMEMBER!: You're a Bear and You're With Me!
ρ€@©h¥ Keen!♥
Stay Tuned!
Keep a Look out for....
"You Can't Change History Let Alone The Universe part II"