The end of us!
Under the gibbous moon
my shadow splits in twain
I'm in a race
insane, my heart cries in vain
Used to be a good girl once
the world mistook my kindness
for weakness—
See now, what I've become
cold and callous I suppose
By myself, I cannot judge
I have tasted the maggots
in the meats you gave me
smelled the blood in the wine
tartrate in fragrant milk
that my children sucked from my breast
I'll sink into languor...
Commend me to death with your poisons,
disguised as passions
And as I reach for death
—instead of death fetching me
throw your triumphant arms around my withering frame
As chills of doom prevail over me
transfer your warmth
to my adipocerous corpse
You might —just might
prevent Armageddon, a war of maggots
in my within...
The clouds will be arrayed in gray
as I die!
Wound not a shroud upon my body
let me lie there beneath the rainbow light
when the moon dies in the sky
your time too— in the world will be done
You mistook my kindness
for weakness,
but the world is full of maggots
supping your marrow
wrapping your merry face in sorrow
as you did me with poison
With terror their leeching
slowly diffusing in your within
your eyes'll open then
you'll see the world differently
Perhaps you'll run as I did
racing your own shadow
If only time could be bent
to suit our needs, would you?
Would you remember to put a smile back upon my face
would your memory return music to the wind
would you mend every suffering you've inflicted
would you reopen closed doors
and with your open eyes see what lingered behind
O! But that's a mischance
look what we've become
mere shadows split in twain
then halved again...
O—we, slaves of each other
never did we learn from another
now we wilt into nothing together
Our blood dabble dunes and sands
The stains of our regretful end
no more could be said of us
other than those soft sorrowful requiems
muttered by priests in soft tones
It ends here, my dear
now could it be said that we lived
or was it all an illusion– all of it!