The Forgotten History of Earth (Part IV)
"They projected their energies across the surface of the continent in the form of the Tree of Life, not with 10 circles, but with 12 – an extra on top of the Island of Udal, and an extra on the bottom in the water. There were 10 components on the main land, and though it extended for hundreds of miles on the surface, it was projected to the accuracy of a single atom. We chose to move to Atlantis because of the Kundalini. In humans, the kundalini is often referred to as the 'energy serpent' that runs up and down your spine. When activated, it provides an immense amount of energy through all of the chakras. The Earth itself also has a Kundalini because the Earth is alive, like an organism, running from the center of the planet to a specific place on the surface. Wherever the Kundalini resides, the people there become the spiritual leaders of the world.
"The Earth chose Atlantis to be the new energetic center of the planet. After Atlantis, the Kundalini moved to the mountains of Tibet, which is why the Buddhists were the leaders in pure spirituality for the last 13,000 years. It was a very pure place. It moved again within the last 10 years, but that’s a story for another time. Suddenly, in a single day, the Naacals breathed life into the Tree of Life on the surface of Atlantis. This created vortexes of energy rotating out of each and every circle. Once the vortexes were established, the children of Lemuria began to be called forth. Millions upon millions of Lemurians who had settled all across the planet began to be pulled toward Atlantis. A great migration began. However, the Lemurian body of consciousness had only reached the age of 12 as a planetary consciousness. Because we were right-brained, we were a female species – like a 12-year-old girl – and some of our centers weren’t working yet. They had worked with these energies, but only mastered eight of the 10.
"Each migrating Lemurian was attracted to one of these eight centers on Atlantis, depending on the nature of the individual. There, they settled and began to build cities. That left two vortexes with nobody using them, not a single person. These two vortexes were pulling life toward them, and in life, you can’t have an empty place. Life will find a way to fill it. Similar to if you were driving along a freeway, following another car, and you dropped too far behind, someone will fill the place. That’s exactly what happened on Atlantis. Though the Lemurians had only filled eight of the vortex areas, Mayan records state clearly that there were 10 cities in Atlantis when it fell." ...