Dear Body
We are not friends
We used to be, long ago
Until I conspired with the mirror and TV
And learned to hate you
I learned to hate your bumps and edges
The jiggling of your legs as we walked
The puffy cheeks and back fat you so desperately clung onto to
I learned to hate myself
Society taught me
To love the feeling of acid climbing up my throat
To embrace my hip bones
To cherish the way I could place a marble on my collarbone
To take pride in being cold on a warm day
But never once, did I stop and think
What was happening to you?
You grew weak and docile
Easily breakable like a toothpick that I used to carve out my shame between my teeth
You shriveled
Muscles falling away
Screaming from the inside you grabbed onto our remaining fat and pulled
Trying to keep us alive
You went into starvation mode
And not once
Did I feel for you?
Instead, I adored you
I adored the peach fuzz covering our shoulders
The way our hair would fall out when I brushed it
The cracking of our blue nails
I hated you
And yet,
I loved you
Some days you would try to talk to me
Sending me waves of distress in bouts of dizziness and stomach pains
I knew that I was killing you
And you knew that I didn’t want to stop
So, you took matters into your own hands
You shrunk until people started to really notice
You caused our heart to become weak and our blood sugar to drop
You did all you could for attention
And I suppose
I thank you
A year later we are still not friends
We are trying to be
Parts of me hate you
And you unconditionally love me
For you are willing to do anything
To save us
You are my savior
And my home
And I’ll be damned
If I repay you for saving us
With air