White Socks
They are all different sizes,
Those white socks.
One of them only covers three toes,
Those fluffy white socks.
One of them nearly reaches the knee,
Those funny white socks.
There is also a white bib,
To go with those soft white socks.
Sometimes they get muddy,
Those plain white socks.
Sometimes, they get bloody,
Those adorable white socks.
They have holes in them,
Those weird white socks.
And out of those holes come claws,
Those remarkable white socks.
Everyone loves them,
Those wonderful white socks.
They make the owner look oh so cute,
Those silky white socks.
But who is the owner, I hear you ask,
Of those delightful white socks?
The owner is Odin,
Odin the cat,
His fur is smooth,
His eyes are green,
His ears are so big and his whiskers so long,
But what strange odd socks he has on his feet.