It is dark out so off to bed I go,
Eager to wake up and play with the snow.
I have had the most magnificent day,
Although I can't find my gloves, it's okay.
I climb into bed with the heater on,
Observing the snow on the front lawn.
I'm woken up by someone at the door,
It is pitch black outside, the clock reads 4.
I hear my father get up to answer,
What is there makes him scream bloody murder.
My mother is up now, and she screams too,
Whatever is happening, I've no clue.
The screaming ceases, the house is silent.
I feel the presence of one who's violent.
I hear a heavy step on the first stair,
For a second my hands burn, just a flair.
Another step and the burn comes again,
I start hearing the voices of the damned.
The tips of my fingers start to dissolve,
It's on the last step, I let out a sob.
It walks in and I am without a plan,
There standing is a demonic snowman.
Three balls of snow, carrot nose and tophat,
I recongize it, of course, I made that!
I notice that it is holding my gloves,
It stares at me with something less than love.
I'm so shocked that I don't notice my hands,
they are meat and bone, the work of no man.
The snowman finally says his first words,
His voice is gravelly, just a bit slurred.
"Looks like you forgot these." The snowman states,
For what did I do to deserve this fate?
I close my eyes and attempt to pray,
"God is not here, maybe some other day."
The malicious thing approaches my bed,
I come to terms with the fact that I'm dead.
I keep my eyes closed, and I feel it's touch.
It's deathly cold, it burns, it burns so much.
There is no use in putting up a fight,
the cold overcomes me, and I see white.