You're in the river.
You've been laying flat floating fine for days.
No food. No drink.
Rapids coming.
Can you stay flat as the water thrashes you up against the rocks and down the steep drops?
Can you remain still?
Will you make it to the lake where the river collects and find rest?
You are doing fine, sun, lay still.
I will see once more.
I will run up the door and make myself small and sit at the edge.
When the door closes I will hide in the frame.
I will watch everyone who opens and closes the door.
I will see everyone who passes through.
I will know every single thing about them without them knowing.
All the while, they could never know me. They could never see me.
For I am just a speck at the top of the door, watching.
Denial Kills
It’s a Quiet Death under a Silent Breath.
Twist, shake, rip, shock, break
No one knows because they don’t want to
like shielding the sun from your face
Wouldnt believe it if I told you
Tried a million times
They make me into something sick with something to prove
Woulda been better if I hadn’t killed myself when I turned red
Woulda been better if I just learned to play nice and be friends
I love them too much
If I just agree, this will never end
If this won’t end, I want to end
Let’s pretend.. Let’s pretend..