Shallow Depression
Before you stick to my web
Throw it easy for Wilder
Maybe they're right
Through progression comes obsession
But I'm only stuck in the mud
Happy as can be
Maybe that's true
However from drowning comes self doubt
And that's all I ever knew
Clingy and dependent
Constantly observing
Plotting to prove you wrong
Then apologizing for nothing
Fostering your happiness
Yet watching you take the life out from within me
Energetic yet ostracized
Maybe that's just me
Turn away before I talk
Because you'll never want to listen to me
Disheartened and ignored
Even my insides don't look at me
Through all my giving and mental cleaning
This is all that's ever come back to me
Scared with all my secrets
Of emotional outbursts and obsessions long gone
Taking over my brain
Until I no longer see the light ahead of me
Attention starved and anxious
This isn't all I'll ever be
But why drown yourself
In your thoughts
When you can do it yourself
Sitting alone with selfish tears
Until tomorrow's daylight breaks me
Cradling my wounds
Like I need to have them around me
Sensitivity boosted up
So I can cry at my awakening
Making sure I feel the pain
When my mind leaves me out of everything
Bringing people to my web so that they're too afraid to leave me
So run
Before you stick to my web
Because through my open eyes comes floods
Maybe that's why all these people keep running away from