I Can’t Sleep
I can't sleep
I haven't been able to sleep
for six
seven months now
so long I've lost track.
I used to lay in bed
frozen stiff with anxiety
that ungrips out of sheer exhaustion
just briefly
at dawn.
I went to a doctor
who told me
staying in bed without sleeping
exacerbates the problem
he said get up
read a book, write a poem
and sleep would come upon me
all on its own.
It did not happen that way.
So each night
I sit alone in my nightshirt
and watch today become yesterday
tommorow today
and still
I can't sleep.
Prose Portland
I, a simple shopkeeper
selling my wares
in a brick and mortar storefront
bought and paid for with sweat and tears
but now
you come
each night
and burn me down
loot my wares
and call me names for my existence.
You, who come in numbers too great to fight
come to destroy even when there is nothing left
you can take from me
demanding too my silence
taking also
my right
to scream
bloody murder.