Orchard’s Metaphysics
I'm a tree
in my orchard of moods
suspended in time
I'm moved by the gust of wind
by soundless sound
rooted I taste life
with the language of metaphysics
bark-free naked
with crushed interior
shrouded in the mystery of duration
stained glass of leaves
in the cathedral of roots
moved by touch
of untouchables
among people
in the middle of existence
I'm a tree
The heart beats faster and faster louder
sounds words and thoughts quiet down
I drift off to the islands of childhood
body and soul are still muted
they float on the other side
thoughts merge with water
I swim deep into myself
wandering without tips
for transformation
I drift off
getting ahead further
deeper and deeper
heart beats more slowly
becoming quieter
the rustle of autumn leaves
lulled cats
cuddled on the porch
under the dark blue sky
full of stars
in the moonlight
I see my children
sing them lullabies
read poems
in my real home
hugging my love
listened to the croaking in the pond
the dance of leaves
slowly I find myself
in the dark and bright