Kostya stood at the window of the little hut she had that was built into the side of a mountain peak. Starring at the moon, she could feel tears slide down her pale, plump cheeks. She sniffled.
“I hate that you aren’t here with me.” She muttered to the wind. As Koya closed her eyes, she swore she could feel a large, warm palm take her’s.
“I miss you so much, Thomas… Why did you have to die…?” Koya burst into heavy sobs, slipping to the floor from the window, her form being shaken aggressively with her pain. She cried out angrily:
“Why did he have to take you from me?!”
Kostya wailed, her heart, again, being plucked from her chest by heartbreak.
It’s That Time Again
It's that time again!
The time of year we go back to our desks.
The time of year we again study for tests.
It's that time again!
When we see our friends in the late summer heat.
When the staff persons yell "Students! Please take your seat!"
It's that time again!
We perform awkward introductions,
Praying others will not shun us.
It's that time again!
A time of love and for laughter.
A time that's not in our "Ever After".
It's that time again.
It will always fade from view.
When we look forward, to the new.
Is it that time again for you?
Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect.
Always smiling.
No way to let out this pain.
No way to fully tell the truth.
Picture Perfect.
Always pretty.
Hairstyles complex,
Name brand shoes flex.
Picture Perfect.
Always sweet.
Never rude, timid, or meek.
Picture Perfect.
Cover Girl.
I've cut so much.
I've cried so hard.
Picture Perfect.
Make it stop!
I don't want to be on top!!
Picture Perfect.
Here I go.
I can just...
Let go.
Picture Perfect.
Off the bridge.
Flying through the sky.
Picture Perfect.
Now you know.
I just can't wait to smile again.
I'm THIS close to an anxiety attack.
I don’t know why.
I want to cry,
But I can’t.
The tears won't come.
My heart is pounding
And my chest is heavy.
I feel like I’m dying.
I can't stop shaking.
I feel like I'm vibrating.
My lunch is bubbling in my stomach
As bowling balls roll about,
Threatening to set off a land mine.
I'm THIS close to an anxiety attack.
I don’t know why.
I want to cry,
But I can’t.
The tears won't come.
My skin is burning,
I'm sweating bullets.
I'm uncomfy in my clothing
And feel immigrated to my skin.
I can't hear my thoughs,
The screams are too loud.
My mouth is desert dry,
even water won't help.
I'm THIS close to an anxiety attack.
I don’t know why.
I want to cry,
But I can’t.
The tears won't come.
Please just kill me.
End it all.
My anxiety is heavy,
And I feel SO SMALL.
I'm THIS close to an anxiety attack.
I don’t know why.
I want to cry,
But I can’t.
The tears won't come.
Her Hurt
Her hands clutched at her hair as she wheezed and trembled. Stopit~! She internally screamed at herself, her black magic rearing its nasty head from its prison. Her tears turned to blood, black, tentacle-like magic blooming from her heart, beginning to encompass her. Her control dwindled as the darkness took over. She couldn't stop it... Didn't want to stop it. She shook, her gaze becoming obstructed as she was enveloped in the pouring black magic. In that moment, she lost control of herself. When she woke, the bar around her was washed with blood, her form drenched in it. She hurt all over, cuts scattering her wrists and thighs, her own blood pooling at her feet. The room smelled irony and alcoholic.
She could remember nothing of the prior hour.
But her lover could. As he was off in a corner, surrounded by a shield he'd put up to protect himself. He struggled to explain, having little comprehension of what had actually happened.
"Y-you went wild- The man nearest to you losing his head in one fair strike. You were amazingly dangerous. No one survived."
The woman listened in silence, utterly disgusted at herself. Why didn't she show up to stop me-? She wondered to herself, getting off her knees to begin cleaning her bar.