A Loss
I am at a loss of what to say
The feelings running amok in my head
The lump in my throat to big
I am broken
Unable to comprehend
A life without you in it
First one
Now you
The cheerful ball of fur
With flirty eyebrows
Deep soul searching eyes
A purr that makes my heart sing
Along with the tiny snores that make me want to snuggle you
In 34 hours you will cross
Into that beautiful life
Where your brother is waiting
You are forever in my heart
A bounty of videos and photos
I have taken in the last few days
I bite my lip to hold back the tears
That overcome me in waves
Know I love you so much
I hope you've felt it
I've felt yours
You are my sweet pea
My peanut
My princess
My baby
My everything
I Wanted
Than what you could give
I was confused
By what was offered
I needed
To feel that I was worth something
I craved
The same things you were giving to someone else
I should have
Never expected anything more
I should have
Never let my mind run with it
I understand now
It was nothing more than what it was
I am aware
That I mean nothing more than someone who is passing through
I hope
You are content with the situation
I must
Just let things go
I never was
I am nothing
I never will be
More than a name
We all go through it
It hurts
It stings
It is one of the worst feelings
Whether it be friends
It has happened
Dragging it out is worse than dealing with it head on
Silence is even worse
The things people promise then renege on
Time to think
Time to realize
A speck of dust
In the grand world
Is perhaps all I am
Realizing this
Pushes me to go quiet
The heart slows
The imagination quiets
Life goes back to what it was before
I can't change things
I can try to learn from them
The ones that will try
It will be harder
No trust
No openness
Whether family or friends
I will be more careful
When I hand over the little pieces of me
Who you get to know
Which side of me will it be
For the real me is buried deep down
Hiding now
Needing time to cower as the little person
Before being able to stand tall again
Two Sides
Such a classy man
You show up dressed to the nines
Suite and tie, your fancy socks
You are calm and cool on the outside
No glimpses of what you are like to the outside world
A little nerdy
The dad shoes are what made me giggle
The subtle messages before you arrive
The requests initially unsure
Then more explicit as you realized I am game
Your smell hits me first
The enticing mix of cologne and deodorant and you
The timbre of your voice
The touch of your soft hands
You've never removed my clothes
Always undressing ourselves
Revealing what's underneath
Exploring me
Pushing me
Moving past boundaries you've had
The composed man breaks
Revealing who you are underneath
Spewing words that make me drip
Hands on my skin
Teeth scraping
Fingers plunging deep inside
Stretching me to accommodate you
Filling me, stretching me
Sliding inside the wetness you've created
The words spoken calmly and evenly
Telling me how my pussy feels
Our bodies meld
Getting warmer
We are covered in a sheen of sweat
Moving me so you can deliver well placed swats to my ass
Making my cheeks pink
Making my pussy clench you
Till you tell me how tight I feel
How wet I am getting
Telling me to touch myself
To make me cum on your cock
That when I do I get tighter and wetter
Lost in the moment
I hear you tell me how you are going to fill my pussy
To the point that with each thrust your cum runs down my ass
The aftermath is me feeling like a boneless human
A feeling that hasn't happened
Laying there not wanting to move
A kiss on my lips
A murmured Happy Birthday
as we catch our breath
The mask goes back on with each button you do up
The composed man the outside sees
But I know the truth
Now if I can only push you to bring more of him out
I am left with the scent of you all over me
Marking me
My pussy sore from you
But a smile on my lips
Full Moon
The moon rose
Orange and full
The stars shined
Twinkled and bright
In the dark of the night
You took me
Into the shadows
Of both the night and my mind
Pushing me
Into the darkest corners
Teeth and hands
Marking me
Fistfuls of hair
Mouth full of flesh
You feast
You take
You drink from me
The cold never penetrating our bubble
The fires quenched
The darkness recedes
I wake to the morning light
With only dreams
Sensitive flesh
Marks left behind
And a promise of more to come
The Wall
I want to feel you drip
Bantering back and forth as we always do
It had been a long time since we saw each other
Work has kept you away and family stuff for me
Your request came through early in the day
Expressing your want to taste me and feel me
Amping up with each message
Losing track of time
Standing at the sink, hands in the water
I watch you pull in, saunter to the door
Drying them, I turn to watch you enter my house
The glint in your eye
The light smile
Never conveys the thoughts you've expressed
Never showing the devilish side
Gripping my hair, you spin me so my back is to you
Teeth graze my neck and latch on to my shoulder
I feel you nip at me, making my skin come alive with goose bumps
Seconds later my shorts are gone
I am bent over with fingers probing me
Sliding between wet lips to seek entrance
First one, then two and then three
I push back to grind against you
Moaning against my lips
The onslaught continues relentlessly
You push me against the wall
Fingers making me drip
My face held against the wall with your other hand
Growling I hear you tell me how much you've missed my wet cunt
I hear your jeans open ands your hand leaves my face
Long enough to push them down and free yourself
Fingers replaced suddenly with your hard cock
Driving yourself deep in me I cry out
The stretch of my lips around you too much for me to comprehend
You push against my ass
Bent over as much as I can in the confined space of my hallway
I drop my shoulders and try and take you deeper
I hear you moan, let out a fuck
As you continue to drive into me
Pushing me into the wall
As suddenly as you've started
It's over and your fist in my hair directs me to my room
To my bed
Face down you throw me
Bending me at the knees so I am in direct line with your hands
Hardness slides between my lips
But I know it's not you
Finding my wet hole
You thrust it in and out, twisting with each pass
Over and over until I feel me dripping down my leg
Laughing, you stop, I feel you slide it in to the hilt
Pausing, I feel you push against me with your cock
Sliding inside underneath the dildo
I let out a loud groan as you start fucking me with both
You pause, use a hand to spread my lips
Fuck I love stretching your pussy, I love feeling how tight you are
I drive my face into the mattress in relentless moans
It's all I can manage
An unknown amount of time passes and I am yanked up
Kneeling in front of me, your cock standing straight at my mouth
Clean me, taste yourself on me, see what you do to me
As you thrust up into my mouth
I taste your cum, it leaking from you in tiny streams
You pull out and paint my breasts
I rub your tip all over my tits
Taking you back in my mouth
I tease you, suck you, lick you until you pull my head back
That's enough, you growl
You lean over and kiss me, biting my lip as you do
You grab your favourite red ring
Sliding over your cock and balls, it makes you swell and grow even harder
Grabbing my hips, you return me to my knees
Pushing my head into the bed, I feel the dildo enter me once again
Then it's replaced by your cock
Alternating, I soak both you and it
The last thrust you leave the dildo in my pussy
Circling my ass with your cock head
I feel the wetness from both of us
You push yourself in me with one thrust
A flash of pain replaced by ecstasy
I feel you thrusting yourself inside my ass
While your pushing the dildo in and out of my pussy
Time is suspended for a short time
I begin to play with my clit
Building up to an intense orgasm,I contract around the toy and squeeze it out of me
I hear it land on the floor
Your balls slapping against me, I am in the midst of my own orgasm
I feel you pause and then swell inside me, pumping streams of hot cum
Deep inside
Slowly we return to ourselves
You grow soft still in me
You lean over and take your nails down my back as I collapse
You pull out and cover me with your warm body
Nuzzling against me, all I hear is Hey.....good to see you
Forget About Me
A face
A name
A person
I'd rather move forward
From the past
The stories about the others
I am now one of them
Turned off
With a flick of a switch
What once was
Can't be recaptured
But it's also not wanted
Not a part of the circle
The seat at the back in the corner
I'll take
Things said once upon a time
Have been retracted and forgotten
Retreat to the shadows
Hide in the dark
It's easier
Regret has happened
Wanting perhaps some timeback
But it is what it is
Be content
With just being with me
Sign off
Turn the lights off
Close up shop
Let the dust collect
On the relics of what was
Done and over
I'll watch from afar
It's best if I do
Patch the cracks
Superglue used
Block the light
Put them back up
I know where I'll be
It won't be here
In the kitchen you find me
Pin me against the counter
Wind your hand through my hair
Bite me as your hands find their way under my shirt
Pinching my nipples, making me gasp
Feeling the weight of my breasts in your hands
Grind yourself against my back
Dip your hand down to my waist band
Pushing my shorts down as your fingers find my pussy
Roughly shoving your fingers inside the wet lips
Pulling me against you
Wrenching my head back as you take what you want
Drag me to the bedroom
Strip me and pin me
Feast on me with all your senses
Slowly flesh meets flesh
Fingers thrust inside
Making me drip
Drag me to the end of the bed
Lean over and slide into my waiting mouth
Let me make you hard and slick
Feel you grow inside me
The assault on my body doesn't stop
As you thrust inside me, your hands find my nipples and pussy
Pinching and sliding as you go
The moment I taste you I am without
Roll me over and your eyes wander to my waiting holes
Holding your hard cock in your hand
You pick
I feel you slide home
Legs pinned above
Telling me to spread my lips
To let you watch as you disappear inside me
You reach down
Rub my clit
Lean over and grab my nipple between your lips
You watch me for my reactions
Telling me how it feels to be inside
How you can feel me getting wetter and tighter with each thrust
Bring me to my knees
I taste a mix of us on your cock
Clean me, you demand
I obey
Flip me over
Spread my cheeks
I feel you slide between them
Quickly pushing yourself back in
My pussy pulls you in
Cum for me
Cum on my cock
I want to feel you squeeze me
I reach up
Spread my cheeks for him
I hear him moan
The long drawn out fuck escapes his lips
He grabs the fleshy globes in his hands
Digging in his nails
Slows his thrusting
Enjoying the show
My hands free of their duty
Reach down to my pussy
I spread my lips, finding my hardened clit
I begin to rub it
I feel your thrusts quicken again
The heat on my cheeks enhanced by several well placed slaps
The moans escape my lips with each one
Words pass your lips
Comments about missing my pussy
Me missing your cock
Focused on feeling your cock deep inside me
I close my eyes, reveling in the feeling of my clit becoming harder under my fingers
The tingling starts
The moaning quickens and gets louder
I hear you tell me your going to fill my cunt
Just as I reach my peak
I feel your cock swell
I feel you quiver with your hips grinding against me
Fuck me, the only recognizable words
You let me collapse onto my stomach
Covering me with your body
Quickened breaths begin to slow
Hands caress my skin
Memories come
Flood my mind
Not often enough
To make me inspired
Maybe things need to change
To spark that part of my brain again
Time will tell
Show Me
Wind you hand through my hair
Dip you head to my neck
Taste my skin between your lips
Pull me tight against your chest
Tell me what you want from me
Show me what you want to do to me
Let it be about the glorious ride
From the beginning of the conversations
To the monumental finale
Make the small light inside me blossom
Make the black turn to light
Show me why I should open up to you
Make me want to tell you my secrets
Help me slay my demons
Hold me when they are gone
I will help you chase away your darkness
With everything I have
Honesty and respect
Openness and mindfulness
Be strong when I fall
Be kind when I crumble
Push me to expand my world
Teach me things to open my mind
Dominate not just my body but my mind
Take my soul and be gentle
Let me open up to you
You to me
Leave enough room in your world to have me
Let me show you I am enough
Be strong enough
Be open enough
Be truthful
Show me who you are and I will let you in
Not a Family Unit
"Through it all, the family unit stayed together"
Such a simple sentence
But did we?
Left in a house when you went to work for 12 hours
Him already gone to a different town due to work
Me a teen and him a pre teen
Only really left while you went to work
But, no father around
It continued for a few more years until you both left
Two of us in an apartment for most of the time while you were living in a different town
I was 19 he was three years younger
How do you learn to grow up that fast
No guidance
No leadership
It's continued since then
The absentee man in our lives
Learning to not expect anything
You defending him but not liking some of the decisions
He made them without consulting you later in life
Taking you farther away
Looking at the two of us
We have had our own struggles
I only know glimpses of them
I have mine
I know all to well
Some too many to list
You look at us when we pass comments about him and him not being around
You act surprised that we have issues and emotions about it
But, really, how could you be?
Guilt is something he feels
Tries to make up for it
But, it is history repeating over and over
Even as adults
Learning to not expect anything
It's easier than to get hopes up
It trickles into my everyday life
A small bit of hope
But know that it will be dashed
I can hope that things could change
But this late in life
It's easier to believe that it won't