My heart cries out for you
You turn your back on me. You crush me with your selfish ways. You know I only want whats best for you. You know how much I love you! Why do you constantly lie and pretend I don't exist? Why do you hurt me so badly every chance you get? I know the life you think you want seems more exciting but it's going to cause you so much pain. Come back to me... let me hold you, comfort you, guide you, love you. I died a brutal and painful death for YOU and I would do it again in an instant. I died so you don't have to live in fear. I died so you can have freedom! This life you're choosing to live may feel free in the moment but it's a trap! It's going to chain you up and bind your heart in ways unimaginable, and when you realize it... it's going to be so painful to tear off those chains. Don't worry, don't be afraid.. I am here and I still love you, let me help you, let me hold you, let me love you through it all. I forgive you, come back home to me.
America the Beautiful...
America the beautiful.. really though? is it?
Make America Great Again! Seriously?! Was it ever?
Was it great when white men ran the country and blacks were enslaved?
How about when women had no rights and their jobs were to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?
Or when you couldn't marry the man (or woman) you loved because of the color of their skin?
Oh what about when innocent people were strung up by their throats because they looked at somebody wrong?
How about now.. when a black man decides to go for a jog in his neighborhood and gets shot..
Tell me, is that beautiful?