Leading an Unowned Life
No thoughts of own,
No dream to follow,
No will to rebel,
Just a hollow
For others to fill
With age-old order,
And make it spiral
In the loop forever.
A word of praise
Is the fuel of its,
And it must rip
Its passion to bits.
Maybe in the end,
It will realise:
It walked behind
And never explored.
‘It’ is someone who gave in to conformity.
A Word of Warning for the Reader
Dear reader,
If you ever need to be outside late at night, you have to avoid Dorton Alley at all costs. For when it becomes eerily quiet and you are the only one walking through the dimly lit place, not even the almighty savior can save you from the grim fate.
Maybe tired after a long day of work or drunk after a party—regardless of your condition, you cannot but be at least a bit startled when the lamp above your head begins to spark and almost immediately turns off. In a matter of seconds, with a spine-chilling feeling, you shall find yourself surrounded by uncanny murk. Your sixth sense will tell you that an ominous existence may have started to lurk behind you.
If you are half as pigeon-hearted as I was, you will start to run as soon as you sense danger. It is common human nature to believe that fleeing from every problem is the answer. Of course, attempting escape will be futile. You will frantically rip through the darkness only to find out even more. Meanwhile, the sinister being will slither closer and closer.
The worst part of all is—you will never know who or what ended your life, let alone the baleful reason behind it. You will be stupefied before long and your ears will be deafened by the terrifying shrieks of the trapped souls. Being forcefully drained of vitality, you will probably want to scream along with them in agonising pain. However, not a single sound will come out.
You may ask how I know so much or why I even bothered to tell you everything. Well, I am one of the unfortunate victims who have faced this dreadful situation. Only my thoughts still linger to warn others so they can hopefully avoid facing the same tragedy. Thus I expect you to listen to my advice.
A concerned entity from afterlife
P.S. I would like to thank @Bird_Watcher for helping me spread this message.
Ignored and Silenced
Mesmerised by nature
I walk and I see
A splendid picture,
How can she be...
"Hey! Look out, man!"
So pretty? Enduring
The malice of mankind,
An abuse, recurring,
But still, she shined...
"Are you blind or something?"
And now yet again,
A structure, being made,
She cries in pain
As green starts to fade...
"Sir, it's not safe to go out there!"
Does it seem so strange
To let ideas rearrange?
And try to make a change?
Oh, please! Make a chan-
"A person has been found dead in an unfortunate accident at a construction site today."
Just for a Mere Validation
"You look so old!" "You have wrinkles!"
"Try plastic surgery!"
—Was what they said.
She didn't hate her face,
But if others thought so,
It must be right.
The cost, however,
Was too much for her.
Until she found
A shady leaflet.
And her happiness knew no bounds!
Using her savings,
The operation started,
Being the most beautiful
Now couldn't be thwarted!
—Was what she thought.
But mistakes were made.
"Oh my! How?" "Your face is so..."
"Who told you to do this?"
—Was what they said.
Now she hated her face,
And others thought so too.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Let's not let the society decide,
Let's not be ashamed and hide,
Let's not give in to peer pressure,
Let's think for us, not others' pleasure.
As long as we love ourselves,
That's all that matters.
An Epiphany
Days go by...
Without progress,
I try and I try,
Yearning success.
The passing time
Laughs in my face
And makes me think:
I am a disgrace.
Countless feelings,
Inside they cry,
I cannot explain
But I cannot deny!
And days go by...
Without progress.
Then one day...
A sudden emotion
Hits my soul,
In all the commotion,
I find my goal!
I piece all together,
Stopping no more,
Thinking how could I
Not see it before?
Countless feelings,
Inside they cry,
I cannot explain
But I cannot deny!
And forward I leap,
With epiphany, no less!
I felt nothing,
Throughout my whole life.
A void, devoid of emotions
Except one,
One barren, lifeless emptiness...
I felt nothing,
When my dad brought a kitten.
I felt nothing,
When the kitten died.
I felt nothing,
When my dad died.
A life full of forged emotions,
To hide one,
One barren, lifeless emptiness...
I felt nothing,
As long as I have lived.
And I know,
I will feel nothing,
As long as I will live.
And when I die,
I will feel nothing,
Just like my whole life:
A void, devoid of emotions
Except one,
One barren, lifeless emptiness.
Be Your Own Hero
We know the heroes
Who fly and blow fire,
And the patriots,
Whom we all admire.
Maybe the ones,
Very close to you,
A few of their words
And ambitions renew.
Heroes we see
And heroes we know,
Heroes can save us
When the hopes are low.
Applauding others,
We don't introspect;
But those who do,
find a newfound respect
For themselves
On their own,
At times
When alone.
So remember,
Your very own hero
Can surely be you.
The sombre sunset compelled me to think,
Had I the power, I would change all in a blink,
The imperfect world, which tainted my soul,
Would rise to perfection, would rise as a whole...
Now I stand, beholding a soothing sunrise,
Amused by the thoughts that once did arise;
Change is inevitable, but not as we may like,
Without acceptance, only regret shall strike.