In the beginning there was nothing, but a lone God who wandered in nothingness timelessly -
But He soon grew lonely and bored with his penumbral existance,
So he gathered his power which came from within and CREATED.
Tired of only ever existing in darkness he separated it into two different entities: day&night, light&dark;
A star illuminated always half his face and the warmth gave him hope, and with hope came many more stars - more distant ones that would shine in the dark and bring hopehopehope forevermore -
Then, air. Swift and light. And soon the plain world was a collage of mountains, valleys, oceans, beaches, forests, prairies -
And they were filled with flowers, multicolored; and trees, short and tall; and animals, of differeof kinds roaming the Earth.
Then came humankind, frail and strong, ephimerous and everlasting, and a whole other contradictions, but they were perfect in their imperfections.
And the nameless God was content because I was nameless no more, I was now The Creator,
And My Creation was Good.
Zombie Apocalypse: Day 1
This is Jamie Jones, reporting from a small rural area in South Texas. The whole world has gone to hell. I used to think this sort of things only ever happened in movies. I was wrong. Zombies are real. They came out of nowhere. Yesterday everythings was as it had always been. Now, big cities all over the world are collapsing, millions of people have died, others have been turned. It has been less than 24 hours since the first human showed signs of the virus. The whole town had gathered at the public plaza, and we were all watching the news. We all saw the red dots in the maps in the screen spread throughout the globe, and the fear in the face of the reporter. Then she was bitten. It was short of three hours later when one of our own fell. Clara, a six year old girl who was friends with my sister. Then Blue-eye Jack, the local drunk who was always getting into fights, lost it too. The whole town fell to pieces. We were lucky. Our neighbor, old Karl Barrow took pity on us. He let my ma, Lizzy, and I stay with him in a bunker he had built specifically for this kind of situations. I'm ashamed to say l once thought him crazy ald man. We are now hiding, and we have food to last for a few months. I don't know what we'll do when we run out. I hope things will get better. I hope we survive.