for thirteen years
you've been here
with a dream clenched in your fist
And I'll watch
you walk over
and add your name to the list
Of the fakers who finally made it
Of the dreamers who graduated
You can breathe.
you can sleep.
youve fought through it all
And the scars
on your legs,
they don't hurt at all.
And the clouds settle over the city-
You stand on your hill and you look so pretty...
The ladder was made
from the arms of your
Your shield was created
by the words of the
That played in the song
through your headphone
The world is your stage-
Babe, bow for your
You can breathe.
you can sleep.
youve fought through it all
And the scars
on your legs,
they don't hurt at all.
And the clouds settle over the city-
You stand on your hill and you look so pretty...
Hopeless Romantic
I'd choose to lose my eyes before I ever lost my ear,
so that i'd better recognize the way the air feels when you're near
and I'd lose blood for your laughter- a song I'd die to hear-
I'd lose my mindto keep my nerve so that I'd never have to fear
the way I want to love you
I understand now why the moon chose mortality
when she could've kept her lover forever, sound asleep
though I'd put flowers in your hair and you'd smile while you'd dream
forever would be nothing if I could hear you speak
to me so consciously
Some of us were made to be obsessed
so when you see me babe don't be upset (I'm in the)
doorway I'm in yur way, in your head
when you leave me love you won't forget
the way I want to love you
There are a thousand ways to suffocate, and I wasn't made to live
So let me die to make make you happy, my life is all I care to give
One day you'll find somebody golden, and box me in the attic
I'll rot and mold and tarnish, while you giggle in emphatic
joy- the way I could not love you
I'm a hopeless romantic, the worst kind- I fear it's true
Don't try to love me back my dear, you'll leave your love bruised
You've got the aura of the sun, the only gold I'd worship
So Please just eave me in the attic, in the shadows, in y morbid
way I wish to love you
Grocery Bagger
The man was 40 something, the girl was 38.
- his hair was streaked with grey
- his heart showed little age
The man was 40 something, the girl was 38
- her skin held scars and wrinkles
- her body was a cage
*Her body was a cage, like the one used for crabs.
One that's been discarded, leaning on a shack*
Ex. her crab-empty cage of a body
The man was 40 something, the girl was 38
- He was made for Oregon
- She was made to smile
The man was 40 something, his father 96
- he lived in an apartment in the east
- she needed a place to stay
NOTE **He was once 27, and she was 22
- they had lived out west
- they had a large breed dog**
He was 40 something, the girl was 38
- she showed up on his doorstep
- he showed her to her room
He was 40 something, the girl was 38
- his father couldn't speak,
- the girl wouldn't say why she wouldn't eat his food
NOTE for the next watcher **The apartment complex was full of broken hearts and empty bodies**
He wondered if she'd love him again
he mumbled "Breezeblocks" by Alt-J when unloading the groceries
The man was 40 something, and she was 38
- She'd pass out on the balcony every other day,
naked, with a cigarette in hand
The man was 40 something, and she was 38
- he went to work bagging groceries
- The town's gossip thrived there
REMEMBER **The apartment complex was full of broken hearts and empty bodies
- after two weeks they knew her empty body well
- They weren't surprised to see it hang** (huh)
The man was 40 something, and she 38
- they didn't know he loved her
- she couldn't feel the same
The man was 40 something, and she was for the grave
- she couldn't feel at all
NOTE for the reader **there are people you can't save**
So the man was 40 something
- she was
"They weren't made for this."
4 year old poet
instead I crept into the doorway and I watched them breathe together
My sister looked distraught laid Against my tired mother
She frowned the way that children do The way that I could never
The protected way that children could- Allowed to feel whatever
And my mother tried her darndest But I could see her tired eyes
She didn't frown she didn't twitch When I turned on the kitchen light
I turned around to go to bed But when I got there, babe, I cried
Whod've known a four year old Felt so damn lonely that night
I woke up on her laundry In the doorway, on the floor-
Of course she was annoyed But I's not lonely anymore
no ones awake at 3 am and midnight no one wants to talk
so i listen to the stories and then I tell more to the walls
and the walls began to answer with moths against the glass
and the wind through the leaves outside and faces from the past
later I crawled under the covers and I listened to the rain
when the baby needs to sleep The machine won't sound the same
but the baby cried much louder She wasn't taught yet not to cry
she's allowed to seek attention Wake her parents in the night
and my mother is so tired and my Father isn't mine
and the rain on the machine repeats Perfectly in time
I ran into the livingroom Found a chair, began to cry
my ears could not hear that rhythm Repeat one more damn time
My mother found me the next morning, In the kitchen, on the floor
Of course she was annoyed But the rain can't hurt me no more
When the kids giggle at school Their god would tell me to be kind
the nicest thing I seemed to do was to Walk four feet behind
I rarely talked in groups, I didn't dare to crack a joke
so I laughed out loud at nothing, And used riddles when I spoke
then I got home and went to work then Volunteered more than was wise
I have homework, I need to run, and I need to sit and write
I sent two texts an hour ago, I wait for their replies
knowing I'd go with them wherever, if I didn't have the time
So my grades begin to slip, my mother goes to sleep at six
and my sister throws a hole in the wall and gives me lip
I wake up an hour late, and I still wake up on the floor
but mama you can't blame me, I ain't lonely anymore
sleep deprived scrawls
I vaguely remember writing it- not sure when, or why.
It had to be important.
It hid under my sleeve at school. I didn't speak to my friends much.
I ignored it, mostly.
There was a speaker on my backseat when I threw my backpack in.
After the drive to school, there was a speaker and a rose-
a very old, very dead rose
on my backseat when I pulled my backpack out.
I didn't speak to my friends much. I didn't think about the dead rose.
I ignored the writing on my arm, mostly.
I pulled off my sweater when I got home. It was too hot for a sweater.
I had my ToDo list on my palm, my schedule on the back of my hand. On my thigh there were encouraging phrases, my desperate attempts to motivate myself into finishing my homework the night before.
And of course, on the inside of my forearm, it lay, nearly faded, neatly scrawled.
"Sometimes My Textbook refers to Dead Philosophers in the Present Tense"
It must've been important, it lay there hidden.
I hadn't spoken very much to my friends.
Strange, it wasn't written in my handwriting.
Everything’s Okay
It worked.
I sit on my kitchen floor, alone.
I said what I needed to, I defended those who needed defending behind their backs.
I did everything right, and
Everybody's happy.
And I sit on my kitchen floor, alone.
Why do I need to blame myself?
Why do I need to be at fault.
Why can't I just take the win?
Everybody's happy.
It worked.
And I'm at the jury pleading guilty
Who'd have thought the lawyer would confess? She was quite an experienced lawyer. And what on Earth is she confessing to?
Put me in jail, I beg of you. Put me in jail, I'm guilty. Please.
Everybody's happy. Thank God.
And I'm on my kitchen floor,
wondering why.
Maybe I only feel at peace when I'm punished. Hold myself accountable, and I'll be morally okay. But only if I'm held accountable for something.
So let me be your martyr, let me be your villain, but don't you dare make me a hero.
It worked, but it wasn't me.
Let me stay behind the scenes.
But what could I have done, had I interfered before?
The Moral
I'm writing a series. A chronicle of a sort.
A world in my head, so much like our own, but so different.
Over and over again, through out the history of this little world, they try to save it. Over and over again, they succeed- but by saving it, they break it, just a little bit more.
They don't, in the end. It was always always doomed to fail. This world, since the beginning, was always doomed to end.
So why do I write it? What's the point? What's the story? What do we learn? Isn't that the point of stories? To learn something?
I think the point of the story is that its okay in the in between. It's okay in the little moments. Even if it is al doomed to end, it was all worth it. The moajority of the time, the majority of people were in pain. But those few and far between moments were worth it.
It feels diminishing of the horrors and the terrors. Nothing should make the slavery, the exploitation, the hunger, the war, the hopelessness, the pain, the rape okay. Nothing.
But would we give all of it up to avoid that? Could we really just end it all and not even hope to try?
I'm not really certain its a good moral, or a good point.
But that's what it happens to be. The example to kind of help answer that question. Wanted to save it somewhere in case I forgot while writing t.
The Walker
The walker's got a tune
he whistles it in June
but he only ever whistles alone
The walker's got a blanket
(I'm pretty sure he made it)
and a big fluffy beard, fully grown
The walker had a name
but not anymore
when he's walking with you
he won't say a word
for better or worse
he doesn't know north
so he'll never
try to find
his way
He'll be there when your lost
and he'll be there to stay
until you decide
you want to find your way
He'll be there when you give up
oh the peace of no care
A survivor of alone
Don't worry, he'll be there
The walker's got a story
but not one to tell
So forget your questions, child
just get yourself out of hell
no he's not your savior
he's not even your friend
he's a walker and he'll never
see a story end
The Writer
I've got people in my head
they won't let me forget
just where they
came from
One, he calls me "his best friend"
the other tells me when I can
I should
Help! They're going to take me!
And you will all mistake me
for insane!
Help! they're going to keep me!
And I'll forget
I tried to get
There are people in my dreams
they love me unconditionally
I'm starting to think
that's not
a good thing
They must suffer; I must sleep-
and somewhere in
their hearts,
I think they
blame me
Baby, tell me what it means
to be hated by your creator?
They love you, but they
kind of want you
Maybe God isn't what he seems?
Maybe He's a writer
and this was always how
it had
It had to end.
There are people
in my head they won't let me forget
just where they
came from
One, he calls me-
his best friend, the other,
tells me "when I can,
I should" run