i saw you in my dreams last night
i was in your territory
hoping but not expecting to see you
and it wasnt pleasant
i didn't take advantage of the dream
having one last moment with you
to hold you and smell you and
pretend it was all okay again
you got my glare
my head shake
i turned and i asked you why
i didn't take advantage of the dream
and because it was a dream i heard
the cliche excuses
because i dont really know why
because you aren't there anymore
and you left
without a goodbye
you were annoyed at me
for jumping to conclusions
i didn't take advantage of the dream
for passion, for love, for lust
for memories
for everything you could have been
and somehow i wonder
if you dreamt of me too
did you
do you
feel my ache
because i feel worse than i did
before the dream
i didn't take advantage of
i still have no answers
i still have no acknowledgement
you are
you were
the greatest nothing something
of my life
do you really think
that what you did
was a disservice to me?
see what you did was
give one opportunity
and it wasn't taken
and it came back to you
like the boulder you propped
had your bait been taken
and the hook not thrown back
and pierced your cheek
still the honor you would
have bestowed upon me
to return to the tides
would not have been
the difficult path,
but home.
Until now, I'd lost all hope
Though my thoughts kept spinning
In childlike pirouettes
Everything else
Everyone else
had instantaneous instructions to flee.
And beneath the surface
Of a thick yet translucent blue
I neither fought nor succumbed
To the weight
From the pressure
And my two-handed grip was steadfast
But not strong enough to pull
My skeleton upwards.
It encased me.
The blue.
Like a thick skin
And when it stretched, its grip
Was stronger.
But now sometimes
On the darkest days
I can smile
If only for a moment.