River of Lead
Chapter 1
*The sound of pickaxes swinging into the side of a mountain makes a sharp banging sound as rock meets steel. A gruff man tirelessly carving through the rock as he works despite the heat brought on by the sun. Wearing thick overalls with a brown shirt, both of them covered in wear and tear. A smaller slimmer figure begins approaching the man, the figure wearing a yellow bandana around their neck.*
Hey Cliff! You wanna go get lunch with me? Your break just started a few minutes ago.
*A deep voice asks from behind, an inviting tone in his voice.*
Yeah sure Jack, let me just finish getting this vein of ore out.
*Cliff responds in a friendly yet stern tone as his voice echoes out strongly, aligning with the strength and precision he has with his pickaxe.*
Working during your break again Cliff, man I could never do that, I get so sore after mining away all day.
*A small chuckle from Jack as they begin walking away.*
See ya at the deli Cliff!
Oh and before you go. What are you doing on this side of the mountain?
Just wanted to come talk to you Cliff. That's all.
*A strange tone in his voice as he seems a bit nervous.*
Well bye Jack.
Bye Cliff.
*Cliff nods as they wave, the pattern of strikes into the stone continuing almost melodically. Eventually, Cliff finishes clearing out the vein of lead, collecting all of it into a container as he lets out a hoarse cough.*
Wonder what they need this for. Well whatever, don't get paid to ask questions.
*They think to themselves out loud as they cough a little more*
*Lifting up his pickaxe and the container of lead he begins walking down the mountain. As he makes his way down he observes his surroundings, taking a deep breathe as he lets the smell of pine needles and fresh air fill his body. The sound of flowing freshwater echoing in the distance.*
Such a beautiful day to work on the mountain, I don't think the feeling of fresh air on my body after I'm done working will ever get old.
*He thinks out loud to himself again as he listens to the birds and various animals live their daily lives in the forest. After walking for a little longer he spots a small town at the base of the mountain. He continues walking as he makes his way toward the previously mentioned town him and his coworkers go to frequently for breaks. The sounds of water and the various animals becoming more distant, the fresh smell of pine becoming less prominent."
"A shame the town isn't as clean as the forest."
*Some scattered trash littering the streets as he walks past to the deli. Opening its doors as the door squeaks from its hinges, the smell of freshly made sandwiches filling the air as he walks up to order one.*
The usual please Marshall.
Coming right up Cliff. Is that it or do you want a drink to.
I'll pass for now, after my breaks over gotta get back to work.
Ah. Makes sense.
*Marshall begins to make a hoagie with bacon, ham, cheese, ketchup and a variety of other ingredients. Afterwards he hands the food to Cliff as he hands him some cash in return.*
Thanks again Marshall.
No problem Cliff. Always nice to talk with you.
*Cliff begins to walk off as they see Jack.*
Hey Jack.
Sorry I worked a bit longer than expected, how much time does it break?
*Cliff says with a small bit of guilt as they cough.*
Only about 10 minutes left, maybe next time we can chat.
Yeah maybe next time Jack, maybe next time.
*They sit there in silence for a few moments as Cliff starts to walk off, the silence being broken.*
Actually before you go Cliff. Could you do me a favor? I overheard one of the bosses talking about the River. It… it seemed a little shady.
You know that's not our business Jack, we're paid to do a job, not ask questions.
I know! I know. It's just. I have the feeling something bad is going to happen.
*Jack has a fearful expression on their face as they look a bit more panicked then what Cliff has seen before.*
What exactly DID you hear Jack.
I… I don't want to talk about it here. That's why I wanted to get food together, look, meet me at my house later tonight.
Fine, convince me and I'll go check it out. See you later tonight Jack.
*The two split off as Cliff heads back to work, an uneasy feeling building up inside of him as he begins to question what his bosses are doing. Cliff swinging the pickaxe as they make a mistake, grazing off the side.*
I can't believe I'm letting this affect my work.
*They sigh as they place the pickaxe down, the image of Jack's terrified face and his voice echoing in his mind. They check their watch as they see they have a few hours of work left as they sigh. *
I need to find out what had him so shook earlier.
Chapter 2
*For the first time in years Cliff walks off, getting off work early despite his dedication to his job. Walking down the mountain he heads toward the town, passing the familiar buildings and people before heading to their truck. It's navy blue and silver exterior shining in the little sunlight left, a large scratch across it's right side from a accident a couple years ago.*
I hate this.
*Cliff thinks to himself as he begins driving towards Jack's house. A bit of tension reflecting into his driving as he speeds up a little bit. Eventually he reaches Jack's house, parking in the driveway as he gets out of his car. Making his way to the front door as he knocks.*
I'm here Jack.
*Cliff's voice resonates in the night as it's the only sound to break the silence. After a few seconds of silence Jack unlocks the door. Opening it slowly as he nervously checks to make sure it's Cliff.*
… Come inside
*Cliff nods as they walk inside, following Jack as they lead them to the downstairs. An ornate table with a few oak chairs around it.
Come. Sit down.
So… what did you want to talk to me about Jack.
Okay so… this… this could be hard to hear but our bosses were talking about something really… incriminating.
Get to the point Jack. What. Did. They. Say.
I will… sorry. Look, apparently some of the lead from our mining is leaking into the River and…
And what?
They found a kid in it last night, dead by lead poisoning, just a small little girl who was playing in the river like normal.
Oh God… what… what else did you hear.
They want to cover it up. If this gets out the company is going down, not only for poisoning the river but for the death of an 8 year old girl. Maria Stockland.
So… why haven't you contacted the police yet.
Because that wasn't the only thing I overheard, there planning to shut anyone up that MIGHT of overheard them. Anyone on the east side of the mountain is getting switched to the west side, replaced, or worse.
Jesus Christ Jack we need to call the police NOW.
But what evidence do we have? They aren't just gonna the word of two people and… I'm afraid they are gonna hurt me if they find out I'm the reason they get investigated.
… Then we need to find evidence, prove that the river is poisoned, and… the remains of Maria. They must have missed something, a piece of clothing, something that might point to them going missing near or in the river.
Yeah… problem is I'm most likely have a target on my back right now.
What do you mean, did anyone see you?
I… I think someone did. If I didn't think so I wouldn't have met so secretly, switching to your side of the mountain isn't exactly that much of a punishment after all.
That isn't good Jack. That really isn't good… try to lay low the next couple days okay.
*They let our a nervous sigh as they take a few deep breaths.*
I'll try my best but… if I'm found dead you know what happened.
*They solemnly nod as they let out a sigh as well, unsure of what to do next.*
If we're lucky I'll be moved by the river. Everyone knows I always work overtime so they shouldn't suspect anything. I just need to get a little bit of water to test it though finding evidence of Maria might be easier said then done.
*Jack nods as they cover their face, letting out another long sigh as they are interrupted by loud banging coming from the front door.*
Cliff… if … if I'm killed. Call this number, tell my family I love them…
*A slow nod from Cliff as silence fills the air.*
I… have to go get the door. Lift the rug, there's a small shelter underneath, lock it and don't come out for a while, if I'm not dead I'll knock 6 times. If I am though… you need to find another way to get to work tomorrow. If you take your truck they'll recognize it.
Got it… stay safe Jack.
*Cliff obeys as they lift the rug, finding a hatch and opening it before going down a ladder. Jack heads upstairs as his footsteps echo out, every footstep taken as if it was his last as Cliff feels a grimace grow on his face. Jack opening the door as Cliff hears a muffled voice.*
Hello sir, are you Jack Welch?
Yes, how may I help you?
Just a simple question about your work.
Are you allowed to ask that? I mean isn't it confidential.
Not in this case sir.
Uh okay. W-what's your question.
Hmm you seem… nervous Jack. Are you feeling well.
*Their voice hides a malice underneath the seemingly normal question about his well being.*
Y-yes. Just ask the question already.
So, during work today what section were you at?
Hmm… that's strange because our sources said you were at 3C. Are you perhaps… lying to me?
I… I invoke my right to silence.
Hmm… well that's all I needed to know.
*A loud bang rings out as Cliff sits in dead silence. The man shouting as he calls out to another person.*
Make it look like a suicide, already got a note in the car. Also, make sure to check for any cameras and delete the footage if found. I also have the suspicion someone else might be here, there wouldn't be to cars parked outside if it wasn't. Do a sweep of the house, any signs of trouble you leave, I'll stay at the edge of town and send you a message via radio if I see anything.
Yes sir!
*Lots of footsteps are heard above them as they hear a car drive off. Now only one set of footsteps echoing in the silence as it gets closer to the basement, Cliff feeling a bit of panic rise. Cliff dials 911 before hanging up quickly, knowing the police will come anyway. The sound of a radio activating right above Cliff as the same voice they heard before rings out.*
Get out of there! Just spotted a police car coming your way. You have about 2 minutes to go.
*The man begins running upstairs as he slams the door shut, Cliff turning off his phone as he waits inside the shelter. *
"... The cops will probably suspect me if they find my car but not me."
*He thinks to himself as he opens the hatch, cold air rushing over him as he waits for the cops to arrive, finding Jack's body as he stares at his now cold corpse, blood leaking from the center of his forehead. *
I'm sorry Jack…
Chapter 3
*Police making their way into the house as Cliff holds his hands up.*
Police! Put your hands up!
*The officer puts Cliff to the ground as they take him to the cop car to question him, 2 other police officers pushing past toward the body.*
Tell us what happened sir!
*The officer shouts at Cliff in an accusatory tone of voice.*
Me and him were talking, suddenly he went upstairs and I heard a gunshot, I came upstairs and found him like that.
That was easier then I expected, what else do you know.
He didn't kill himself. Someone else was involved, check the cameras.
*Cliff's deep voice booms with a numb feeling as he stares off in the distance.*
Do you have any idea who could be responsible?
No idea, I was hiding while it happened and then I called you.
Well we're just gonna have to look at those cameras now aren't we Sir.
*Cliff nods as the cop proceeds to leave the car, seemingly waiting for hours as everything feels a lot slower, like an impending doom is approaching. Being snapped out of it as Cliff hears the officers coming back to the car.*
Well, it seems like your story is true, we saw a man running away to an unlicensed car as well as the perpetrator.
May I go home now officer.
Yes, your free to go.
*The officer pulls Cliff out of the car as they remove his handcuffs, Cliff walking to his truck as he looks down at his feet.*
Don't worry, we're going to get justice for what happened here tonight.
*Cliff nods as he enters his car, driving home as everything seems to blur together. He finds himself laying on his bed as he questions everything, his job, his beliefs, and what he's going to do now.*
God… poor Jack. I can't believe the bosses would do anything like this all for what? To protect a empty lie of a reputation.
*More and more questions drift around his head as he stares at the ceiling wide awake. Before long he finds that the sun is rising.*
Time to head to work…
*He begins to head for his truck before stopping, remembering that if he drove his truck to work tomorrow he would certainly be next on the bosses list.*
Looks like the bus will have to do.
*He begins walking toward the bus stop as he listens to the wind in silence. Trying to focus on the smell of fresh pine and the sight of birds to calm himself down. Eventually he reaches the bus stop, waiting for about half an hour before the bus arrives, getting on it as he tries to stay awake on the bus. Drifting in and out of conscious from his lack of sleep.*
Wake up!
*Cliff jumps awake in panic as he takes sharp inhales and exhales, calming down as he realizes it was just another passenger.*
Thank you ma'am.
*He looks at the lady who woke him up with gratitude as she smiles.*
No problem! Good luck with your day sir.
*Cliff makes his way off the bus as he walks for another 20 minutes before grabbing his clothes and pickaxe heading to the mountain. He tries and tries to focus on the nature around him but he can get the picture of Jack's face out of his head. His cold and colorless expression burnt into his mind.*
… Jack… I'll make sure your family knows. I promise. I just… I need to find evidence first
*He mutters to himself out loud as he reaches the side of the mountain, raising his pickaxe and he slams it down. The pickaxes movement being a lot more sluggish and weak compared to Cliff's usual efficiency. He continues like this for hours, losing track of time as he skips lunch accidentally.*
Shit… this isn't good, I can't risk putting more suspicion on me then there already is. If anyone asks I'll act like I brought some food from home today.
*They sigh as they continue working, the only thing keeping them sane while they wait for their shift to end. Eventually the sun begins setting as they look at their watch.*
Works over. I just gotta wait a little longer until I'm sure everyone is gone.
*Cliff waits for another half hour before he begins heading to the river and nearby Forest. The sun now set as the forest is pitch black, the only thing guiding Cliff being the flashlight on his phone and his memory. Pulling out two plastic bags as holds them in his hands, prepared to gather evidence.*
The river should be right up here.
*He says to himself as he walks down a small trail, the grass and plant life unusually colored for this time of year. Appearing almost like everything is dying around this area.*
I can't believe the poison has spread this far already. How long has the lead been affecting the water..?
*He asks himself before seeing the river up ahead, water flowing gently as it pushes along weakly. The water seemingly normal from a distance. Cliff approaching as he has to watch his feet as he goes down the sides of the river. Pulling out a plastic bag he gathers some of the water before freezing in place. The voice of his boss echoing in the distance. Cliff quickly making his way to the side of the river to give himself cover, turning off the flashlight on his phone.*
So, was he dealt with?
Yes, though there was a small problem.
A small problem. What do you mean by that?!
*His voice raises a bit panicked as he yells at the man.*
Well. Someone called the police, we found a blue truck outside but couldn't find the owner before the cops came.
Shit…did it have any unique markings?
Yes, the truck had a large cut alone it's right side, seemingly caused by an accident in the past.
I know who it is. A guy named Cliff. A really hard and dedicated worker. A shame we risk him spilling the beans about this.
*He starts looking through his pocket as he pulls out a paper and pen, writing something down before handing it to the man.*
Here, this is his address, make it quick okay, don't leave any loose ends this time. If you do YOUR next. Ya got that!
*He screams at the man as he begins walking off into the mine. Cliff holding his breathe as sweat falls down his back, terrified if making the slightest sound. Eventually both of the men leave before Cliff let's out a deep inhale as he sits there for a moment, catching up on his breathe. *
That was… huff puff… really close… huff puff.
*He catches his breath for a moment or to before finishing collecting water. Afterwards he turns on the flashlight on his phone, heading into the thick forest in search for evidence the girl was here. Searching for hours they find nothing before finding a deeper part of the river, the water still flowing calmly despite the depth. Looking around they find a piece of clothing caught on a tree branch.*
This should be all I need. I'm so sorry this happened to you Maria. I wish I could of saved you.
*He looks down as he thinks about what he could of done, if only he was on this side of the mountain instead.*
You know, my daughter is really gonna miss you, all of the playdates and fun you two had together… heh… at least she's at her mother's right now. If she wasn't I wouldn't be nearly as calm as I am now.
*He goes to dial the police before realizing the internet is off.*
What the hell!?! Why is the mobile data tower dow-
*He hears a loud shout in the distance as his heart begins racing.*
Hey! Who's out there!
*His bosses voice angrily shouting out as he begins running through the pitch black forest, nothing but the light on his phone preventing him from running head first into a tree.*
All I need to do is make it to town.
*He thinks to himself as he picks up more and more speed, heading in the direction of the town he had gone to hundreds of times before.*
Cliff! Get back here and I promise nothing will be done to you!
*Cliff doesn't respond as he continues running, only to be tripped by a tree root.*
Agh… shit.
*He quickly turns off his flashlight as he hears footsteps getting closer. Moving himself behind a tree as some light is visible coming towards him.*
Cliff! It doesn't need to be like this; I promise you nothing Jack said was true. We HAD to take him out, he was slandering the company.
… *Cliff doesn't make a sound.*
Come on Cliff, your one of my best workers, my most trusted, I'll pay you double, no triple if you come out!
*Cliff can see his boss now as he reaches down for a large Rock.*
I'm sorry Mr Stevenson. But you know what your doing is wrong! This is for Marie! This is for Jack!
*Cliff jumps from behind the tree as he bashes the rock into his head, Mr Stevenson shooting a bullet into his stomach as they both fall to the ground.*
… *Mr Stevenson lays cold on the floor, the lies he was attempting to weave into Cliffs mind being cut from the source. Cliff looks at his wound, knowing it's fatal. He thinks to himself for a moment.*
… I need to make it to the town. I know there's medical supplies at the mountain but I'm sure his men are heading back here.
*He pulls himself up as he begins running again, adrenaline pumping through his veins as more and more blood leaks out.*
I'm sorry Jack, couldn't tell your family how you loved them or even mine for that matter…
*He refuses to let this slow him down as he reaches the edge of town, his phone connecting to the internet as he dials the police.*
911 operator speaking! What's the emergency?
I've been shot, I'm at the town at the west side of the mountain. I've also found evidence of the cover-up of the poisoning of the river thanks to the Stevenson mining company as well as the deaths of Jack and Marie!
Sending officers t now, please apply pressure to your wound!
*Cliff starts holding his wound tight as he pulls out his wallet, pulling out a picture of his daughter as he feels his head grow lighter.*
Sir are you still with me!
*Cliff weakly responds after a moment.*
Yes… just… catching my breath.
*He takes labored breaths as he feels his body weaken, running took a larger toll on his body then expected.*
Stay with me sir! Help is almost there!
*He feels his eyelids grow heavy as he holds up Jack's bright yellow bandana.*
Your family will know how much you loved them… I'm sure of it, Jack. . .
Sir! SIR!?! …
He's gone.
*Cliff's vision begins to fade as the only thing he can focus on is his senses. The taste and smell of his own blood punctuating the finality of these last few moments as pain shoots throughout his body. Blue and red flashing overtaking his vision as his eyes close. The only thing he could do now was listen, the blaring sirens screaming out into the night air as the sounds slowly fade into silence.