Beggining writer
Freshman in college
Please leave valid critiques
VICE VERSA. Choose two random words, say A and B. Create a piece that contains both words (in any frequency). At the end, write 'Now, swap A and B.' The meaning, though changed, should still be sensible.
Give me, please: a micropoem consisting of 10 words, starting with the word "one," and ending with the word "ten." TAG me as well, if you wish! #onetoten
Dog lovers dilemma
Come away my furry friends, our tale is one that now must end
My sweet Penelope's call beckons no louder than the boisterous bay of a friend.
The Tender howls of the night, Tear my hearts delight, only reconciled by loves sweet sutures in the night
You see the time when Our Merry play machined my hearts content. Only revoked by my sweet temptresses alluring delight.
Much too great a pain yet such overwhelming bliss. Two sides torn made irreparable by the impinging rapture.
Taken by breath and body.
The alkonost's psalm, the empusa's gem
What now we have must soon be hemmed.
Building way to love my love.