Chapter 1: The Fairytale Beginnings
Chapter 1: The Fairytale Beginnings
As you may know, every fairytale starts with "Once Upon A Time." As a lover of reading books, I (or anyone who knows how to read) would know that.
But this story doesn't start with "Once Upon A Time." Nor does it end with "And they lived Happily Ever After. The End." It starts a lot differently, and ends not quite as you would expect it.
But how should I start this tale? There are many ways to start a story, but seeing as this story is special, it should begin in a spectacular way. A way that you won't ever forget.
So without further ado, let's begin.
Years ago (about a decade ago or two actually), there was a young girl. She wasn't your average, normal girl like everyone else, she was special in her own way.
And by special, I mean gifted. And to be gifted, it means to have magical powers. Magic does exist, whether you believe in it or not.
However, there are rules. Rules that you must follow and can't break. The most important rule, is that magic always, always comes with a price you must pay.
Any sorcerer, magician, practitioner of magic, wizard, or anyone with the ability to control magic knows that one rule.
But enough of that for now. Let's focus on the story rather than the rules of magic.
Anyways, this special girl was unique and unlike all of the other magical beings surrounding her. She had powers unlike any other, and was one of the very few people in the universe with such a power.
Her power... Is to control the elements.
A small number of people know she has this power. She doesn't even suspect. She must come of age before she can gain knowledge and learn to control it.
And that time is near.
Until one day, she found out the truth for herself when someone accidentally told her.
Phoebe knew all along she was different, and now, she knew the exact reason why......
I would like to tell you a story.
But there is a slight problem.
You see, there are many other little stories to this, but they aren't quite as you were told them. They are a lot more... Different.
What are these other little stories, you wonder?
Why, they are an assortment of many Fairy Tales.
They include the different versions of:
Sleeping Beauty,
Alice in Wonderland,
Little Red Riding Hood,
Beauty And The Beast,
Snow White,
The Snow Queen,
And Rumplestiltskin.
What if I told you that everything you heard about them wasn't even true except for some small parts? Or that it was a lie? Would you even believe me? What if what I said was true?
Let me tell you then, reader, about a mysterious girl...
Her name? It is Phoebe.
Phoebe Saunders-Jaques.......
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 1
Sometime in the future...
"Yet you seem to forget Phoebe- I own you!"
"No, you seem to forget that I am a person who doesn't want or need to be owned! I'm not an object! I'm a normal person! I don't belong to you! I never will!"
"And that's where you're wrong. You aren't normal, and you will belong to me. You don't see it now, but you will soon. I don't care when that is, but I know it will be soon."
"No, that's where you are wrong. I don't belong to anyone and I certainly will never belong to anyone like you!"
"It's too late. You already do. Fate has brought us together Phoebe-, and whether you like it or not, you will be mine soon. It's just a matter of time."
He grabbed her arm forcefully, gripping onto it harshly as to keep her there, but so not to hurt her.
"Let go of me!" She screamed for help, but in the place that they were in, no one would be around to hear her. And even if they did hear her, they wouldn't be able to help her with the kind of power he held in this region and other surrounding areas.
There was no escape.
"I won't. You belong to me. I will have you one day Phoebe, that day will come. And when that day comes, you will be mine. I will make you mine. Even if I have to force you, it will happen. I will claim you as mine, and I will be yours."
"Go to hell!" She kicked him where the sun has never shined, and he groaned in pain upon impact. "Stupid dog!"
Ah, the irony. Phoebe thought slyly. He really is a stupid dog.......
For Freya, the one who begged for this story when I had written a small bit and had no ideas. I decided to base this on barely any real events, but most of it lies in imagination. I also used facts, real discussions, jokes, other things and hopes and dreams for the future.
All names, places, characters, people and anything else are fictional (unfortunately!). Some of the things mentioned above are the true things that happened in real life. If any of these are similar or are the same, I apologise, as it is purely coincidental.
© All Rights Reserved. Plagiarism is punishable, and if you copy my work, you can be punished.
please write this please *~*
Freya (frazzle01 ) said this to me and wrote this. I decided to do this for her, even though she was begging me to do it. I got rather distracted, and that's why I will post the excerpt to keep her happy. I have an order of books, and for the first installment of The Crazy Seven Series (when they were all 16), this book is the one that comes second to last. This is only because of the information in this book.
I apologise for this Freya. Very sorry. Try not to kill me. :) Even though you will, I will hide in my lair.
Summary and Info
"Yet you seem to forget Phoebe- I own you!"
"No, you seem to forget that I am a person who doesn't want or need to be owned! I'm not an object! I'm a normal person! I don't belong to you! I never will!"
"And that's where you're wrong. You aren't normal, and you will belong to me. You don't see it now, but you will soon. I don't care when that is, but I know it will be soon."
"No, that's where you are wrong. I don't belong to anyone and I certainly will never belong to anyone like you!"
"It's too late. You already do. Fate has brought us together Phoebe-, and whether you like it or not, you will be mine soon. It's just a matter of time."
Phoebe Saunders-Jaques was along the lines of normal.
She was an alone child until she met the rest of The Crazy Seven, and even then she felt like something was missing from her life. A puzzle piece she hadn't found yet.
And the day she met Carlisle Hawkins changed her life forever.
She thought he was the missing piece. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't.
Find out, in Today Was A Fairytale...
With many twists and turns, The Narrator shows us an entirely different version of the fairy tales we knew as children, illuminating a darker side to everything...
Genre: Paranormal/Romance/Hint of Werewolf
Language: English
Rating: [PG-13] Parents Strongly Cautioned
Copyright: All Rights Reserved Diamond Traylo Summers
Chapter : I Remember It All Too Well
Chapter : I Remember It All Too Well
I walked through the door with you.
The air was cold.
But something about it felt like home somehow.
And I left my scarf there
At your sister's house,
And you've still got it
In your drawer,
Even now.
Oh, your sweet disposition
And my wide-eyed gaze.
We're singing in the car
Getting lost upstate.
Autumn leaves falling down
Like pieces into place.
And I can picture it,
After all these days.
And I know its long gone
And that magic's not here no more.
And I might be OK,
But I'm not fine at all.
Cause there we are again
On that little town street.
You almost ran the red
Cause you were looking over at me.
Wind in my hair,
I was there,
I remember it
All Too Well.
Photo album on the counter
Your cheeks were turning red.
You used to be a little kid with glasses
In a twin size bed.
Your mother's telling stories about you
On a tee-ball team.
You tell me about your past,
Thinking your future was me.
And I know its long gone
And there was nothing else I could do.
And I forget about you long enough,
To forget why I needed to.
Cause there we are again
In the middle of the night.
We're dancing round the kitchen
In the refrigerator light.
Down the stairs,
I was there,
I remember it,
All Too Well... Yeah!
Well, maybe we got lost in translation,
Maybe I asked for too much,
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece
Till you tore it all up.
Running scared, I was there,
I remember it,
All Too Well.
Hey, you call me up again,
Just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel
In the name of being honest
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here,
Cause I remember it
All, all, all...
Too well."'
"'Time won't fly,
It's like I'm...
Paralysed... by it.
I'd like to be my Old Self again,
But I'm still trying to find it.
After plaid shirt days,
And nights when you made me your own,
Now you mail back my things and I
Walk home alone..."
Alice paused, taking in another memory of blowing dandelions on a grassy hill.
She took two deep breaths and continued the song.
"'But you keep my old scarf,
From that very first week.
Cause it reminds you of Innocence,
And it smells like me.
You can't get rid of it,
Cause you remember it,
All Too Well, yeah.
Cause there we are again,
When I loved you so.
Back before you lost,
That one real thing you've ever known.
It was rare, I was there,
I remember it All Too Well.
Wind in my hair,
You were there.
You remember it all,
Down the stairs,
You were there,
Cause you remember it all.
It was rare, I was there
I remember it.
All Too...