Alone. The word that everyone knows, hears and feels at somepoint within their lifetime. It's a thought; a feeling. Something that cannot simply be described from just one person's point of view. Loneliness effects everyone differently. Well, for me, I've felt this way for so long that it has become a part of who I am. It's like being in a room, with no windows, no doors, no anything but you. You are trapped there by yourself with all of your thoughts, good and bad within a void of darkness. It's the feeling of constantly trying to reach out to someone, only to have them push you away before you get a chance, so you stop trying altogether. You begin to lose hope and just accept your solitude. At first it isn't that bad, talking to yourself about whatever you feel like without the fear of being judged. Then, as the days turn to weeks, and the weeks to months, you begin to just talk to fill the silence. Everything feels so cold without the warmth of others. Everything in your life lacks without another to share it with. You feel lost. That's why we choose to share our stories with others online. From the safety of our screens we can feel less alone, even if it's just until the screen turns black and you see the face of someone staring back at you. Their eyes pleading for the chance to feel the warmth of another whom they've let in to their life and trusted. But, it's you. The lonely person on the screen. It's your reflection.
It's dark. It's cold. It's silent. It's madness. It's suffocating. It's the feeling of being alone.
The Cupid’s Love
The Cupid sat up in a tree outside of a high school; watching and waiting; looking for her next pair of people to strike with the arrows of love. Out of the front doors walks three people; a boy and two girls. Upon spotting these people, she drew her bow and took aim. Usually in a situation like this, she would have already shot an arrow and made two of them fall in love. But, for some reason, it felt different this time; this time she lowered her bow and just smiled.
"Let love be love; let it find itself" she whispered before flying out of the tree. Looking back over her shoulder she saw the happy couple walking hand in hand; with the boy next to them.