Many Things
She is known for many things:
Her welcoming personality
where people are drawn to her,
like moths to a light except
you would never get hurt
from her warm light.
Her interest for anime
where you can talk to her
for hours upon hours
as well as instantly
form a bond with her.
Her love for boba,
where she is willing
to hit any boba spot
the second it first opens.
Her hardwork and determination,
where she is not known to
easily give up on herself
or others.
Her hidden artistic talent
where she can make leighs,
origami, drawings, picture collages,
photography, etc.
more for others than herself.
And of course,
her bright smile
where her entire face
would light up and
brightening another person’s day.
But of course, there is a reason for those many things:
Through anime she escapes
her overwhelming life.
The anxiety.
The fear.
The depression.
And the struggles of home.
It reminds and promises her
that everything will be okay.
She will be okay.
Through boba she feels
content and sane in her reality.
The stress,
The worries,
The tears,
The anxiety…
All melt away with each sip.
Through her dedication and hardwork
she is determined to leave;
be free from the struggles
that has imprisoned her.
Start and create a life
of her choice without it
being controlled and criticized.
And through her welcoming personality
she attracts people who
know her well.
People who have seen
her fall apart,
her beaten down,
her on the brink
of giving up….
And yet, these are
the same people who
build her back up,
remind her who she is,
tell her that everything
Will be okay.
But most importantly, they teach her how to keep smiling.