she would take me
into her bosum
& nurse my
as if I were her child
& not a dream
she held on to
she was the dream girl
that had claimed his soul
with out ever becoming
the reality he thought
he knew
the tempered steel
within my heart
has weaken
with her
until I was both
her father
& her play thing
the stars aligned
when our souls
danced to
the dawn's love song
while we had become
innocent bystanders
to the shadows
of the world
the dawn
offered the promise
of calm
even as the night echoed
the dreams
we still haven't shared
within her heart
she kept her secrets
as intangible memories
to the outside world
& as the pillars of her soul
if the soul is intangible
does it shatter so quickly
over a child's tears
we were doomed
to be strangers
until I was besotted
by the colours
within your soul
the apple of my eye
has become nothing more
than the passing of a dream
that once
had your name
she would have been
had I not been blinded
by her insecurity
& found myself
drown in her tears