I'm jealous.
Everyone, here, is making long and longer texts.
Why I cannot ?
I'm as good as all of you, am I right ?
(Don't answer, it could irritate me)
I know, I'll write down what I am thinking.
Even thought I hate this idea.
I hate a lot of things in fact.
What was I thinking ? Oh yes, I thinking of I was thinking.
So, a bicycle...with a giraffe... who smoke...and...dammit!
That's why I hate this idea! Because that doesn't have any sense!
So, is it long enough ?
But I don't care. I will be the one with the shortest...Texts! Of course....
Someone told me to tell him my worst nightmare.
But I don't want.
I want forget nightmares.
Even thought I will never.
But why do we always remember nightmares and never good dreams.
Why do I wanna stop sleeping just because of nightmares.
The good. The bad.
If you stop something for the bad sides,
You stop it for the good too.
Sa démarche.
Je pourrais la reconnaître au milieu d'une foule de personne aussi pressés que les bureaucrates dans le métro de Paris.
Elle est élégante, décontracté, insistante, légère... Équilibrée.
La façon dont elle peut-être sévère et douce m'intrigue.
Elle a un tel pouvoir sur moi, sans même le savoir.
Son indifférence me blesse mais me fait aussi apprécier chaque moment, de contact ne fusse-t-il infime.
Elle me tue.
Elle me fait vivre.