questionable idea for short story
I am currently writing a continuation connection to Extinction. I can't tell you the name of it, but it is about 53 pages and 16,000 words at the moment. I just finished 1/3rd of the story. Anyway, this one is a part of a 3 part sub-series. the following point is the idea to start the next story, without further ado.
Russia, 2078
unknown location
stabbing pain.
H woke with a start.
"the hell? Shali why did..."
h looked up to see the structure about to cave down on them. he looked at Shali she looked terrified she was struggling to close a wound in him.
"Shali, strop, no STOP."
she stopped dabbing the blood. looking at him.
"is no good. there to much damage."
"Shali do you remember when I came for Christmas that first time you were so attached to lis i thought you had been part of her."
Shali laughed.
h took her close.
"Remember the good times and all the greatness you will have in the future."
"H, i..."
he grabbed her and pushed her hard she stumbled away and close to a rope. she grabbed it to stop her fall but that small little tug started to bring it up she disappeared just as the rest of the structure fell on H.
H looked he around he was almost dead.
"so I guess this is the end?"
h looked up to see the head of a dog.
"our of you form Anubis, is it time."
"I think it is, I know you ready, you always have been."
"Hurmph. of course."
H's body racked with coughs and blood poured out of his various wounds.
"do you remember that note we found?"
"I do, and H it was so weird it was not a langue I knew but could still read it."
"I know Anubis, but it was so interesting. I wish we could have solved that before I went o...v.......e.......r."
the light faded from H's eyes silencing for good.
"I'm sorry my friend I wish we could have..."
light started to shine around the 2 of them and without warning there was a massive CRACK, as both of them disappeared from the structure the only thing left behind was blood galore.
"aurgh. I feel like shit."
Anubis sat up from wherever he was he placed his veil over himself to hide his face.
"but. where the hell am I?"
there were no defining features around him here was he. anubis got up only to stop dead. he has half of the way up when he had turned to see.
he went over and found H was barely breathing.
"Anubis stood to his full height then leaned down and got H onto his back securing him on his back with his arm around H's legs."
with h secured he took to the air. floating up into the clouds, he saw a building in the distance everything else was blackened out. something was calling him there. so he started to fly there. landing just in front of the structure. and relaing it was holy land he could not go any further. but luck was with him as he saw a priest walk out. As it was morning he saw. no masons working yet.
priest Lenx was a unique priest he had the most connection to the bishop and even though Notre Dame was incomplete it was still nice to be inside. he was heading out to take to the market when he came upon a man standing outside and looking up at him the man kneeled and let his cargo which was a man gently fall to the ground he stood up. and in a deep voice that boomed. he spoke.
"Please take care of him, priest, I need him alive. Fate brought us here. and I will not see him die. take care of him for I can not as I am not worthy of your holy ground."
as the tall being was speaking the presist followed his hand to where it lay the man inside the cathedral domain, only to see the being's hand start to burn when it crossed the barrier.
Then Lenx looked back just to see the being jump way on to the buildings far away.
looking down he rushed over calling for the Dame guards. a contingent came rushing over helping the priest carry the body in. A body so close to death that one would think it was dead.
"I will be back my friend, I will be back."
Anubis spoke whale clutching his flesh-burned hand.
"I will find out why we were sent here and why."
It has been several years since my brother, who is practically like a brother in all but blood to me, last saw his original court. They were the ones who supported him, guided him, and provided him with everything he needed. In return, he rewarded them greatly. However, as time passed, the connection between them gradually faded away. Now, both Cathlin and I have made a firm decision to locate his original court. Sounds simple, doesn't it?
It was not.
Even with changed names.
We could not find them.
They were gone.
or were they
July 19, 2032
"Hey Lis, they misspelled 'reunion'," Cathlin pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep," Lis replied nonchalantly.
Cathlin frowned, doubting the legitimacy of the event. "Is this legit?"
Lis nodded. "Yep."
Cathlin glanced up at the pouring rain, her hope waning. "Is the rain going to let up?"
Lis shook her head, emphasizing the gloomy forecast. "Nope," she said, popping the 'p'.
They stood outside an old factory building in the director's old hometown county, a place that used to be their home too. However, that detail wasn't important for them to mention now. The rain was no ordinary drizzle; it was a torrential downpour, drenching the earth and causing flooded roads. Despite their broken umbrella and inadequate raincoats, they had ventured out, determined to find the original court for the director. The event before them catered to graduates spanning from 2022 to 2027, but not everyone was showing up. Nevertheless, they decided that it was important to take the risk and locate the old court, and this place seemed to be their best bet.
They exchanged glances, silently communicating their determination, and then stepped into the foyer of the old building. It was surprisingly quiet and dry, two things they desperately wished for. They looked to their left and noticed a sign-in sheet on a tablet. There were separate tablets for visitors and alumni. Lis grabbed the visitors' tablet while Cathlin took the alumni tablet. With a swift stroke, they signed in, adding their names and reasons for their visit. Below is what they wrote:
Name: Cathlin (Cee) Sterzen
Lesaina (Lis) Siservven
Signing in or out? In.
Reason for visit? Proxies to an alumnus.
Once they signed in, Cathlin and Lis hung up their coats and stepped into the school. It was still early, around 7:45, so the hallways were fairly empty. The school had a pleasant atmosphere, with bright lighting and walls painted in a soothing neutral blue color. As they ventured further inside, they were greeted by a friendly staff member named Cosl.
"Hello, my name is Cosl. May I know yours?" he asked, extending his hand in greeting.
"Hi, my name is Lis," she replied, shaking his hand. Cathlin followed suit and introduced herself. "And my name is Cee."
Cosl seemed a bit puzzled by their names. "I'm not aware of those names. Are you related to someone here?"
Lis took the lead in explaining their connection. "Yes, we are proxies for one of your alumni. I'm his sister in all but blood, and Cee is his girlfriend and secretary."
Cathlin chuckled and playfully slapped Lis on the shoulder. "Well, welcome! It's nice to have you here. If you know his original advisory, you can stay in there. Are you familiar with where that is?"
Cathlin and Lis nodded in unison and replied eagerly, "Explore."
They walked through the main room, passing through a door that bore the word 'explore' on its surface. Stepping inside, they were greeted with a surprising sight. One of the court members, a girl with striking features, stood in the room engrossed in conversation with a teacher. The girl stood at a height of 5'8", her hair flowing black with a distinct stripe of white and a vibrant shade of red adorning the left side of her face. Lis and Cathlin exchanged glances, their smiles communicating their shared understanding. One down, four more to go.
They patiently waited for the teacher to finish his conversation with the mysterious girl before approaching him. Cathlin deftly slipped a piece of paper into the girl's back pocket without her noticing. With the coast clear, they finally approached the teacher, who appeared to be quite interesting. Introducing himself as Jnass, he greeted the girls warmly. "Hello, my name is Jnass."
Lis extended her hand and replied, "Hi, my name is Lis, and this is Cathlin. We are proxies for an alumnus who unfortunately couldn't make it."
Jnass's face displayed a mix of surprise and confusion. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What was their name?"
"we call him the director, but here they were known here as H."
A momentary confusion flickered across his face before Jnass leaned over the table and handed the two girls a packet of papers. "This is the schedule for the week."
Thanking him, Lis and Cathlin found a place to sit. They opened up the schedule and perused its contents.
8:30-9:00 advisory
9:00-10:00 Session one
10:00-10:40 Morning Meeting
10:40-11:40 Session 2
11:40-12:20 lunch
12:20-1:20 Session 3
1:20-2:20 end of day (set in advisory.)
2:20-2:30 dismissal
8:30-9:00 advisory
9:00-9:30 Guest speaker
9:30-11:40 What everyone does
11:40-12:20 lunch
12:20-12:40 life work
12:40-1:20 end of day (set in advisory.)
1:20-1:30 dismissal
When they finished looking at the schedule, Lis glanced around the room and noticed that it was beginning to fill up. Approximately 15 people had arrived, including the girl she had encountered earlier, accompanied by her husband or boyfriend. Lis playfully poked Cathlin's ribs, directing her attention towards the teacher who was discussing the agenda and assigning locations for various activities. Their first session was scheduled to take place with Selas on the opposite side of the school.
As they made their way back to their seats, the teacher suddenly announced a no-technology policy and instructed everyone to engage in silent reading. Lis and Cathlin nodded in understanding and promptly retrieved two books from out of nowhere. The first book, titled "Be Damned, You're Mine" by Bromithere Jones, intrigued Lis, while the second book, "Death by Angering Your Boss" by Slilzzerks Malsklin Jones, caught Cathlin's attention. Both of them flipped to the bookmarked page and commenced reading.
In session one, an intriguing and middle-aged woman by the name of Selas initiated a discussion on creativity and inquired about individuals who worked with this aspect in their profession. She managed to engage and converse with six different people before the session concluded. The group then proceeded to a morning meeting.
During the morning meeting, Lis and Cathlin seemed distracted as they had just encountered their second person for discussion. With only three more individuals to go, their attention wavered. One of the girls they focused on was notably short, measuring around 4'6. Despite her stature, her kind countenance and the military uniform she wore made her appear beautiful. The second girl they targeted had dirty blond hair, styled in a bun, and stood at about 5'10. She was dressed casually but upon closer observation, Lis noticed a hidden blade, much like her own. Could this indicate a role in security?
Moving on to session two, they came across another girl who stood at 5'4 and wore a black skirt and shirt. A distinctive baseball cap adorned with a galloping horse caught their attention.
However, frustration built up as they were unable to locate the final person by Thursday. In their annoyance, they left the last piece of paper detailing their search information on a random desk.
Friday, July 23, 2032
The group reconvened in Selas' room for the first session on Friday. This time, it was Lis and Cathlin's turn to discuss the types of creativity they had witnessed in their work. Cathlin, with her hands clasped in front of her, began the conversation by asking, "What kinds of creativity have we seen?" She scanned the room, her face lighting up with a smile, before turning her attention to Lis.
"We have seen it in every step we take," Lis replied. She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, and then continued, "Our boss is an incredibly creative individual. He holds leadership positions in not just ten but..." Lis counted the figures on her fingers, momentarily seeking assistance from Cathlin, Cathlin added "with over thirty subsidiary companies and corporations. He is involved in twenty factories, and three shipyards, and has stakes in the economic systems of eighteen countries."
Lis continued "He has kept us on our toes, constantly coming up with new ideas and offering his expertise to assist numerous companies. Once he revealed his true abilities, it made a significant impact on all of us."
Cathlin nodded in agreement and chimed in, "He can be a bit enigmatic at times, but his creativity is truly remarkable. He manages to make the world a better place while also wielding a certain level of influence in the darkness to keep it at bay you could say he has his hand dipped in the black licorice jar."
Cathlin and Lis exchanged glances, their smiles growing wider. In perfect synchronization, they switched between each other to deliver their final remarks, "However, if you wish to form an unbiased opinion, I encourage you to explore the UN news platform. There, you can find all the information you need regarding our boss."
The second session was spent with Dmb, a short-haired man whose stature stood in stark contrast to Lis's towering 6'5" figure and Cathlin's 5'11" persona. Standing at just 5'5", Dmb sat down with the group and expressed his interest in learning about their lives and work experiences.
Cathlin went first, confidently stating, "I work as a secretary, but not just any secretary. I'm a direct secretary to our boss, managing all of his work and meetings. Sometimes, I even attend meetings on his behalf. My day begins at 5:00 AM and ends at 9:00 PM, and I get paid based on the amount of work I do, not by the hour. On average, I earn around $800 a day, which translates to about $22,000 a month." The class was left in awe, their jaws dropping at the staggering amount Cathlin was making. It was more than what most of them earned in three to four months combined.
Lis chimed in next, with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I, too, work as a secretary, but I also double as a trainer for the security company and a ship drafter. My monthly income amounts to around $45,000. The best part is, I get to work on my own time. Oh, and did I mention that I am the leader of the largest prank war in the building? I've pulled off over 500 pranks! Well, only three people have been sent to the hospital so far, but hey, I call that a win." Although the class was amazed at Lis's earnings, they couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about the pranks that resulted in hospital visits.
After answering a few more questions, the group decided to break for lunch. Dmb couldn't help but ponder the numbers he had just heard. He jotted down the figures on a sheet of paper to calculate their annual incomes. "$264,000 and $540,000?!," he whispered to himself, astonished at the amount of money Lis and Cathlin were making.
Curiosity got the better of Dmb, and during their lunch break, he couldn't help but wonder about their boss. If Lis and Cathlin were making almost half a million dollars a year, how much was their boss earning? With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Dmb sat down with them for lunch, enjoying some mouth-watering pre-made Russian food, given to him by Lis and Cathlin.
session 3 final
They attended a job opportunity lecture conducted by Ecic, but found it dull since they were content with their current employment. After enduring the class for just 20 minutes, they decided to explore the surrounding area, engaging in conversations with various individuals. Eventually, they reconvened at the conference table, which was positioned at the heart of the building.
after school.
They had found 4 of the 5 court members. and were going to travel to Japan with them.
Japan, Kyoto, Yakuza House. Sunday, August 6th, 2032.
"You two were gone for an entire week and now you come back acting strange," he asked confronting Lis and Cathlin, his voice filled with confusion and concern. "And why are you bringing me to Kyottono House? What the fuck is going on?"
Cathlin, with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, leaned in closer to him. "Oh, my dear," she began, her voice dripping with anticipation. "Why don't you take a look?"
With that, Cathlin and Lis opened the doors, revealing five individuals standing before them. They bowed respectfully, then straightened up, their smiles wide and welcoming. He turned to Cathlin, his curiosity piqued. "Fate brought us here, and I believe it's time for you to reunite with your court," she whispered, her words meant only for him and Cathlin.
Overwhelmed with emotion, He took a step forward and embraced the first person he saw. Soon, the others joined in, and they all separated, wearing smiles of pure joy.
The presence of Selas, the embodiment of education;
A, the symbol of art;
Lana, representing animals;
Sha, who epitomized love and life;
and Shelia, the embodiment of the military.
This meant that this court was now complete. He vowed to ensure that they would stay together and thrive.
Stepping back, He looked at his reunited court with a sense of pride. "Welcome home, My Shadow Court!" he announced, his voice filled with determination. Their eyes turned towards him, united, and spoke in perfect unison. "FOR THE LOVE OF SYCAMORE!" they declared passionately. These individuals were the guardians of light in every field they represented. They were the ones who would keep the darkness at bay, using their abilities to control and vanquish the shadows that threatened their beloved Sycamore. In that moment, they were no longer just individuals – they were the Sycamorain Fleet leaders, ready to conquer the challenges ahead.
note: (all names have been coded)
Cosl: Co name, sl School Leader
Jnass: Jn name, ass American social studies, J is silent
Selas: s first name, ELA English language arts, s last name
ecic: Ec name, ic internship coordinator. the last c is silent
dmb: D first name, M math, B last name, read dumb
The atmosphere of the room was both tranquil and eerie, as darkness blanketed everything except for a pale tube located at the center. Within, a translucent gel enveloped the fragile form of a beautiful, fair-skinned woman, with only the light of the viscous, sickly yellow fluid providing illumination. Glimmering from beneath the surface of the gel, three piercing, glowing eyes could be seen from outside the tube.
Suddenly, a bony, elongated hand reached out to touch the tank, causing it to quiver before gently injecting a luminous green liquid into the gel, aimed at the sleeping woman. As the fluid soaked through her skin, she stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. An overhead light flickered, sending an eerie glow across the tank.
The surrounding darkness was deafening as two voices echoed throughout the room, emanating from an unknown source. The girl was left disoriented, trying to comprehend her strange surroundings.
"Welcome to the realm of the living, the date is sol 5th of the year 2134." A mysterious figure stepped forward, revealing a shrouded cloak that concealed a striking skeletal visage. As the eerie presence addressed her, a disembodied voice compelled her to move within a gelatinous substance.
"Behold the mighty trinity of the Imperium - we are the guardians of the B.L.A.C.K. vessel, and we are honored to welcome you into our fold. Your former identity as Yi Su, a notorious cartel leader, is of no consequence. You belong to us now, and we are your new family."
As he gradually lowered his hood, she was confronted with a startling sight - a bizarre, exoskeleton-like creature with two sharp pincers protruding from its mouth and dark, beady eyes arranged in a black skull-like formation. It was a demon.
The first to speak was the one called Distain, its voice husky and ominous.
"I am Distain," it growled, its black chitinous armor gleaming in the dim light.
The other creature spoke next, its tone confident and commanding.
"I am Power," it declared, its pincers snapping together menacingly.
The two demons addressed her in unison, their voices blending together in a creepy harmony. "And you are lust," they intoned, their eyes locking onto hers.
"Together, we three are the protectors of the imperium royal family. We are their life givers and their life takers, their friends and their executioners. Above all, we are members of the prestigious high court of the Yamato."
As they spoke, their ominous presence seemed to fill the room, instilling a sense of unease in the onlooker. The significance of their words was not lost on her - these creatures were not to be trifled with. They possessed immense power and were sworn to serve the royals with unwavering loyalty. The weight of their responsibility was palpable, casting a dark shadow over the entire meeting.
As the room enveloped in darkness, a chilling voice penetrated the silence. The Two figures sprang to attention, their gazes locking onto the young girl encased in the tank. Her eyes widened in terror when she saw the face of her captor who appeared behind the 2 demons. Despite his youthful appearance, his demeanor revealed a dark and dangerous depth, and she knew she was in grave danger.
"Welcome back, my little experiment," he said, smiling calmly to her. "You shall spend an eternity atoning for the life of my beloved daughter. You will serve me, the Lord Imperium, faithfully and without fail."
The girl's screams were stifled by a gel-like substance, which entered and started coursing through her body. The 2 creatures watched with hope and awe as her limbs and features contorted, transforming into the very creatures in front of her.
Her captor's voice echoed through the chamber once more. "Welcome to the land of the living, Lust."
a prequel to 3 new stories that follow the creation of Extintion.
speech of rebirth
this speech is spoken before the Asssorven fleet leave planet side for the first time to travel the stars.
A landscape drenched in darkness, the darkness blinding, the darkness deadly, the darkness forever. Off in the distance was a light. The light became a torch, that torch that torch a flame, that flame a fire, that fire, life. If life can be describes this would be it. Life existed because one died to give life to the flame.
Well, it is true that life came from death, and that holds true for anything, including our universe, or Cosmo's in the end before the big bang there was half a second of darkness as the place before ended, and ours was born, the life before was just like this one, only with slight differences, in that universe time was shorter, our universe will live longer, than the last, but it will still end. to travel past and make your way to the new, you have to be quick and live till the end. This has never happened.
From that flame, the alternative universe is born and from the universe the truth come free. We decide our fates; we have the power to expand our minds; we have the power to unlock our minds; we have the power to do anything. Nothing is stopping us.
Speech by emperor Klexxion the 998th
Extinction Part 2
(Due to complications here is part 2 of Extinction. I recommend reading part one first.)
As the minutes ticked by, H. stood at the deck of his ship, Bloodfallen, eyes fixed on the incoming choppers and ships that were docking with the fleet. The atmosphere was tense and electric, as though everyone had been holding their breath for this very moment. H. surveyed the area and spotted the two leaders of the biggest drug cartel in the hemisphere – their presence adding fuel to the fire of his determination.
With steely resolve, H. brought the communication channel to life and gave the order in a clear, unwavering voice, “Start operation: Channel of Drugs.” Like a switch had been flipped, every crew member and soldier standing on the deck of the ships snapped into action, masking their emotions with a stony, unflappable facade. This mission was no ordinary feat, and they knew it. They were about to embark on a journey that was reserved only for the brave and the reckless.
As the crew took their positions, soldiers lined the decks, ready and waiting for deployment orders. But H. had no intention of giving them that signal anytime soon. With an unwavering determination in his eyes, he knew that success in this operation all boiled down to one thing–the arrival of the weapon.
As H. patiently waited, his trusted scribe, Darklen, approached him alongside Mr. Zecfreyer. However, H.'s emotionless mask gave no indication of his inner thoughts. Observing H.'s left arm as it poised over the weapons button, Zecfreyer placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, signaling his approval. H. and Zecfreyer locked eyes before H. decisively pressed down on the button.
The resulting chaos was immediate. The entire fleet shuddered, as cannon after cannon emerged from their hidden storage bays. Each sleek, black design was preloaded with ballistae capable of inflicting serious damage. With expert precision, the guns were positioned at an 85% angle, all facing mid-point at the land. It was clear that H.'s intention was to unleash an all-out assault.
The gravity of the situation became clear as an evident worry crept into Darklen's voice.
"Are you going to be okay sir?"
But H., taking a deep breath, gazed at his two companions, their smirking faces giving him the resolve he needed.
"Yes," he replied, before bellowing into the comms. His voice carried across the 50-ship fleet,
In a deafening display, all 536 guns discharged their deadly power, unleashing a staggering 11,200 tons of destruction. The projectiles, each crafted from a combination of tungsten and uranium, were meticulously designed to ensure maximum impact. Some were even adorned with clinging bacteria, affording them an added level of deadly potency.
As each missile whistled through the air with incredible speed, it left a trail of cold air and ice in its wake. The projectiles soared higher and higher, gaining momentum with each passing moment until they reached their apex. In the moonlight, they shone briefly before plummeting down to earth.
The impact of each projectile was felt by those nearby, causing widespread chaos and devastation. Shrieks of terror and pain echoed through the air as each missile landed with incredible force, annihilating everything in its path. Houses and communities were destroyed, and the ground was transformed into a barren wasteland stained with death.
With each devastating impact, the reality of the situation set in, and people were forced to confront their own mortality. Each projectile was a harbinger of death, carrying with it the terrible power to end lives, destroy homes, and forever alter the landscape. The weight of this destructive force was felt across the nation, a stark reminder of the devastating power of technological advancement.
As the shields held strong, no sounds of destruction or death permeated through the barrier. The only noises audible were the soft flapping of bird wings and the dwindling gasps of each individual present. Despite their nerves, the two leaders of the cartel remained uncertain of what was happening around them.
Zecfreyer asked hesitantly, "Are we sure it worked?"
Scribe Darklen responded, his face betraying slight doubt, "It's difficult to discern anything without sound or any visibility through the darkness. However..."
H. raised a small device, its green strobe blinking so rapidly it appeared as a solid beam of light. "This is a code I programmed into one of the projectiles–it alerts me as to–"
The blink suddenly changed to blue, then ceased entirely.
"So...?" Zecfreyer prodded for more information.
"As I was saying, this signifies that the projectiles hit their intended targets and the blue signals the beginning of phase 2," H. interjected.
Moving across the deck, H. picked up an earpiece from one of the communication officers and held it to his ear. With a clear voice, he began, "This is H."
"MEX, you are cleared for entrance. I repeat, MEX, you are cleared for entrance," rang H.’s voice through the earpiece. H. removed it from his ear, handed it back and switched on the broadcast to the fleet switch. He spoke into it with calm authority,
"All ships, ensure your anchors are secured to something powerful, and move as far away from the shield as possible. And as soon as you're clear, run your engines in full reverse."
With the instructions delivered, he switched the broadcast off and made his way to the main bridge.
Taking his seat in the captain's chair, H. didn't allow himself to relax. He knew what was at stake. As he began to read his book, 1001 Möglichkeiten, eine elende Seele zu töten by Shevit Maclores, chapter 398 caught his attention. The chapter was about an ancient ritual called Vascrat Korvenshut. As he read, he discovered that small knives were used to carve symbols on the organs to enhance the power of the ritual. However, the heart was left untouched as the victim needed to be alive during the process.
As H. immersed himself in his book, he was abruptly interrupted by a sudden commotion occurring on the deck. With swift and purposeful movements, H. rose from his seat and left his novel on the chair to investigate the source of the disturbance. A sense of excitement began to set in as he observed two prisoners being guarded on the deck. His attention then shifted to the water which was stirring and bubbling with an ominous energy.
"It's here," H.'s voice barely above a whisper, as he gazed intently at the water. Suddenly, the first part of a massive ship appeared, a single metal pole rising from the depths. And from the pole emerged a surreal sight - a colossal ship mostly made out of ice, resembling a formidable dreadnought. The ship surfaced in all its icy glory with the bow hovering 200 feet in the air. As it descended, water gushed around it, its ice glittering in the moonlight. The ship seemed to be moving around in the water, leaving small ice crystals in its wake.
On the deck of the ice ship, a man leaped out, landing a few feet from H. He towered at 6.1 feet with distinct features including three parallel scars cutting across his face. His red eyes, unsettling at first glance, were a result of a medical condition that causes blood to circulate in his eyes disrupting his vision. The man greeted H. with a joyful giggle, which ended maniacally as if he had a few screws loose in his head.
"Reporting for duty, Sir, Lord Avix is here to serve, HA!" The man looked ecstatic to be there, ready to engage in battle.
H. took a deep breath and turned to face Avix. "Avix, welcome to the front line with the Eisschiff-Materiezerstörer”
"Yes, sir. I have the remote control. Do you want me to send it in?" Avix asked, eagerly fulfilling his duties.
"Affirmative," H. said with a steely resolve. The moment had arrived, and it was time to face what happened next.
Swiftly making his way through the ship, with Avix closely following him as they journeyed towards the bridge. As they arrived, Avix hastily opened a case to reveal a remote control with only two settings - one was ominously labeled 'DESTROY' in bold, capital letters, and the other was 'EXTERMINATE'. After examining the remote, H. realized that there was no 'abort' button, leaving him with an overwhelming sense of pride. this may have been the first time Avix had listened to all of his orders and requests without going out on a tangent.
As the ice ship drew nearer to the shield, the power supply began to drop, soon waiting for the vessel to pass through. Once the ship penetrated the barrier, the shield flickered, causing rocks and boulders to move chaotically, a devastating sight if there ever was one. But nothing could compare to what was about to take place. The 400-foot ship finally managed to pass through the shield, and it immediately solidified again, making it nearly impossible to see inside, unless you were looking at the camera system situated on the bridge of the ice ship.
Avix could observe everything that was happening from his vantage point, as the ship beached itself and began to prepare to charge its massive antimatter core.
"We will be ready in 5 minutes, sir," Avix reported dutifully.
Avix observed H. though the bridges glass. As H. was standing in front of the two prisoners, a man and a woman. The man's piercing, dark green eyes stood out against his clean-shaven face, while his nose lacked symmetry due to a previous injury. In contrast, the woman was delicate and beautiful, with piercing golden eyes and a fair complexion devoid of any blemishes. H. felt a tinge of regret as he appraised her decent body, thinking it was such a waste that she wasn't in a different line of work.
The prisoners looked at H. expectantly, so he launched into a conversation.
“Shame, just a shame.”
The man dared to ask what H. was referring to when he mentioned "shame," to which H. replied with a scoff.
“Well you sir are nothing special, disposable even.”
However, the girl's fate was different; she had the potential for a better life with proper guidance and support. H. regretfully acknowledged that it was too late for her, and he could not spare her life.
As H. was observing the girl, he noticed a letter protruding from her dress. He quickly grabbed it, but the girl tried to stop him, to no avail. H. opened the letter and read it aloud to anyone present in the vicinity, including droids and Darklen.
The contents of the letter stated that the dead had been taken care of, with only one person escaping. The next objective on the agenda was to target the medical frigate mercilessly, causing the same amount of destruction as had been meted out to A poor girl located on said ship.
“What's the girl's name?”
H. glared at the girl through frustrated eyes, his impatience boiling over at her reluctance to reveal the name.
"Who's this girl that's been such a nuisance?" he growled, baring his teeth. The girl, her hair now clenched tightly between his fingers, hesitated.
"A…A bitch on my side, a no named girl." she stammered. H.'s grip on her hair tightened as he felt his temper flare. With a sudden, violent movement, he yanked her up onto her knees, pressing her face against the rough wooden planks beneath her. She screeched in pain as the impact rattled her teeth.
"Tell me the name! Now!" H. roared, his voice ringing out across the empty deck. His eyes were wild, and a wild grin appeared on his face as he saw the fear in the girl's eyes. She hesitated for a moment, then spat a glob of spittle directly at his face. It landed just under his left eye, and he growled with fury. But he still held onto her hair, his knuckles white with the effort.
Suddenly, H. produced a dagger from somewhere on his person and plunged it into her leg with a sickening squelch. she watched in horror as H. hit a button on the hilt of the blade, and a deafening crackle filled the air as electricity surged into the girl's body. She cried out in agony as the electric current burned through her nerves, and H. felt the charge transfer through her body and into his own.
"Oh, shut it," he spat as the girl continued to scream. "It's only 150 volts. And I'm making sure you're still alive, you little bitch."
H. waited for a moment for the girl's cries to subside back into whimpering sobs before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. "Now," he snarled at her, his eyes blazing with fury. "Tell me who it was, or I'll double the voltage."
The girl gasped in pain, but before she could even open her mouth, H. had moved his powerful hands to her throat and squeezed. She struggled for a moment, her face turning a deep shade of red, before he released her and took a step back.
“Her name… was… Y…Yui Ster…Sterzen.”
With a final, furious look at the girl, H. let out a blood-curdling screech. "AVIX, EXTERMINATE" he cried out.
As the group looked around, puzzled by the lack of any action, the woman began to giggle. Her laughter was loud and mocking, and it worried many who were up on the deck. Suddenly, she looked up to see the man and his shield, which was pure white. As she gazed at it, her expression shifted, trying to take in every detail.
Without warning, the man let out a deep, terrifying laugh that echoed through the room. Even the droids took a step back, as if sensing his intense power. His voice was cold and unwavering, and when he spoke, there was a sense of absolute conviction in his words.
"You've discovered my commitment to protecting my family and my people. There is nothing I wouldn't do to maintain their safety. When the Brazilian Catrops killed members of my Schech battalion, I knew I had to act decisively. I decimated all 500 of the Catrops, burning their fields and mercilessly slaughtering them. When the Turkish military turned on its own nation and took out several members of the Imperium, I was quick to exact revenge. All those in command fell at my feet. I'll keep killing until only my people remain; the life of the Imperium is infinitely more important than your pitiful existence, and if I had taken your life earlier, my Yui would still be here. I'll do whatever it takes and ensure your blood covers my deck. I'll make sure the Imperium survives, even if it means watching feeble people burn. But let me make this clear: I'm not heartless. I allowed the Mexican civilians to escape unscathed. But that's where my mercy ends. You will die, but first, the entire fleet must witness the consequence of those who kill my people."
The man's message was clear: he was willing to do whatever it takes to keep his people and family, even if it meant killing off entire populations. He had no remorse for his actions and saw them as a necessary sacrifice for the greater good.
Behind the man suddenly the shield generators behind him failed, and the shield collapsed into nothingness. A massive shockwave erupted from the source, impacting everything in its path. Everyone knew that this man was not to be trifled with and that his power knew no bounds.
H. turned his back to the girl, his voice dripping with contempt. "Look, look at what is left of your cartel." The girl's eyes widened as she gazed out at the wreckage before her. The ocean seemed to take a few seconds to comprehend what was happening before it crashed into the gaping hole as it realized there was no land mass there. The ships pitched forward, tilting precariously as they fought to stay in their anchored spots.
As the waves tossed about, one of the smaller frigates suffered with its propeller completely out of the water. The ship bobbed helplessly, and the girl watched in horror as she realized that nothing had survived the destruction. She looked down in fear only to see blood flowing on the deck in front of her, prompting her to turn and face the gruesome scene. Her friend lay next to her, now little more than a skeleton, with a blood-soaked hand protruding from his neck and thick fingers still holding on to the bone. The girl's eyes followed the origin of the hand, eventually landing on a droid that stood nearby.
The girl's screams echoed across the water and the land, a primal cry of grief and terror. She turned back to H. thinking there was nothing left of her cartel, her friends, or her life. She was thinking this for a moment longer before everything went black.
After several hours, H. traverses through the colossal vessel known as The Distain, Lust & Power. Observing the fading presence of both the Sycamore and Imperium fleets, he feels a somber weight bearing down on him. However, there is little time to mourn their absence as he watches as the city ships bridge the vast expanse that separates the now 2 halves of Mexico.
With that H. retires to his sleeping quarters, trusting his wife with the enormous responsibility of bringing the United Nations to order, a daunting, yet essential task for the aftermath if this operation. As he lays in his bed, H.'s mind races with thoughts and emotions, he feels both pride for his wife's strength and abilities and a strange feeling about the outcome of the meeting. The only thing he can do now is get ready to head to the arctic with the ship.
4 days later
Lady Cee found herself in a precarious situation as she walked down the seemingly endless corridor of the private ILMDPUN, also known as the Imperiums Land Mass Defense Platform for the United Nations. This facility was donated to the UN, so that they could carry out meetings and negotiations in neutral territory, without having to give preference to any particular nation. However, in the wake of her husband's recent operation, Lady Cee was here as a representative of her country, determined to put an end to the long-winded arguments and debates that had engulfed the United Nations for several days.
As Lady Cee swiftly traversed the busy main gardens of the well-guarded palace complex, she was followed closely by four droids - two HPD's and two FDD's - ensuring her safety, while also communicating with the various other droids stationed on the platform. Her colleagues and guards were also on high alert, watching out for any potential threats that might arise. However, as she approached the imposing doors of the meeting hall, it was clear that the real danger was already inside.
Upon entering the meeting hall, Lady Cee was greeted with chaos. All the representatives from different nations were shouting over each other, trying to make their voices heard. It was obvious that there was little chance of any meaningful discussion taking place in this atmosphere.
Determined to take charge of the situation, Lady Cee signaled to her security detail, who immediately drew their weapons. The droids, circling the room, did the same - their heated plasma shots striking the roof with a deafening boom and sending sparks flying in every direction. The occupants of the hall turned towards the doors, watching as Lady Cee calmly descended the staircase and made her way to her seat in the UNDF section, under the watchful gaze of the UN Director.
The room immediately fell silent, as all eyes turned to Lady Cee. She pulled out a stack of documents and letters addressed to the whole of the United nation council, with a clear intention of putting the issue of the operation that transpired a few days ago in. It was clear that she meant business, and that she would not allow the pettiness and bickering of the other representatives to stand in the way of progress.
With Lady Cee in control of the situation, the meeting was finally able to proceed in a meaningful and constructive manner.
The droids stood poised and attentive, their guns holstered and their metallic forms gleaming in the dim light. The droid on the left remained upright, while his partner leaned down to whisper to the lady before rising to stand beside him again. Without a word, they signaled to the other droids stationed around the room, and the atmosphere quieted down.
Clearing his throat, the droid on the left began to speak, his voice a deep and commanding monotone that filled the room.
"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. The United Nations Defence Forces have dispatched their secondary commander to address you today regarding the recent operation that took place a few days ago."
The members of the audience quickly fixed their eyes on the droid as he introduced himself and his companions.
"I am FDD no.1, also known as DR. Bloodkeeper. To my immediate left is Lady Cathlin Imperium, the illustrious Dragonus Empress herself. Beside her stands Lord Darklen the, the scribe to our lord H. Imperium. Next to him is Lady EWIX of the ICCD, and finally, our last human companion – Lord Axivx, brother of the renowned Lord Avix. And last but not least, we have HPD No.1, Alaniaa."
With each introduction, the droid indicated his companions with precision, his metallic frame reflecting the light cast by the room's natural glow. It was clear that these were not just any droids – they were a part of a high-level group of individuals who had come to address the gathering. The room grew quiet once again.
After the droid concluded their speech, Lady Cee rose from her seat and addressed the assembly of the United Nations. She began by drawing attention to a distress call that had been neglected by member states, prompting the Imperium Corporation to extend aid to the affected member nation. With the deployment of both the Imperium Fleet and the Sycamore Fleet, the threat was neutralized, not just for the nation in question but for the entire world.
Lady Cee then announced that she had received several letters from her team, attesting to the legitimacy and urgency of their intervention, as well as a series of requests for improvements to be made to specific sectors that needed attention. Her remarks were met with keen interest, as member nations leaned forward to receive the forthcoming revelations.
The first letter read was from Lady Cee herself, and it initially made many people in the audience uncomfortable. The name itself implied a controversial stance, and there were even attempts by some to prevent its reading. However, the urgency of the matter was palpable, and even the droids who stood sentinel around the hall had to intervene when their presence was required.
Lady EWIX began reading the stirring document, which described an appalling act of genocide that had been committed. But what worries them was the fact that it was already reviewed by the UN director.
The justification of wiping out 200,000 lives
Dear esteemed members of the Central UN Council,
I am writing to provide a comprehensive justification for the decision to wipe out almost 200,000 cartel lives from the face of the planet. Let me begin by stating that this decision was not taken lightly and was a result of a few people speaking in general about keeping our world clean and continuing to turn.
The cartels are notorious for their involvement in drug trafficking, organized crime, human trafficking, and violence. They operate in a highly secretive and sophisticated environment, using their vast network of resources to undermine the rule of law, destabilize governments, and perpetrate unimaginable atrocities.
Their activities are not only detrimental to the safety and security of the citizens of the countries they operate in but also to the international community at large. The drugs they trafic fuel addiction, overdose, and the spread of deadly diseases, while their involvement in human trafficking leaves countless individuals vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, and even death.
The violence they perpetrate is often indiscriminate and brutal, leaving entire communities devastated and traumatized. The cartels also pose a significant threat to the stability and security of the countries they operate in, and their activities can have a ripple effect throughout the region, leading to political unrest, increased crime, and economic collapse.
Given the severe threat posed by the cartels, it is incumbent upon us to take decisive action to protect the safety and security of our citizens and partners. Wiping out almost 200,000 cartel lives is an important step towards achieving this objective.
By dismantling the cartels, we will be removing a significant source of instability and violence from the region, thereby allowing for the establishment of the rule of law, the promotion of economic growth, and the protection of human rights.
We are convinced that this decision will make the world a safer and more secure place for all, and we urge our international partners to support us in this critical endeavor.
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to promote peace, security, and stability across the globe.
[Lady Cathlin Imperium]
[The Dragonus Empress]
[read by the UN Director prior to meeting]
Upon initial review of the first letter, many nations found justification for the decision made, yet the fact that Mexico also approved of it raised concerns over its implementation. Despite attempts to rationalize the decision, the reality is that nearly if not more than 200,000 people were killed. Lady Cee brought to light that in the grand scheme of wars, this number is a small price compared to the millions of lives lost. This realization left the members with little to argue and they proceeded with the next speaker, Scribe Darklen.
Being present at the initial planning meeting, Scribe Darklen, head scribe for the lord imperium, summarized the key points discussed. He had a comprehensive report of over 5,000 pages with detailed clauses which anyone could read later, but he would provide a digest.
"To put it simply, we talked about what we were going to do before we attacked. The plan was thought out and made with a purpose. Now here is the shortest summary for that document" Mr. Darklen began his reading.
The meeting discussed the joint capabilities of the Imperium and Sycamore fleets in an operation to reflect the findings of their research. This included plans to rebuild vehicle production yards, relocate electronics production factories and oil plants, update medical instruments, and extract valuable gems and precious metals. The corporation also plans to clear land for other companies, giving priority to those with larger landholdings and potentially forcing those without to relocate. However, the corporation has pledged to continue paying employees during any disruptions caused by these changes.
After completing his task, he sat down and fell asleep almost immediately. Lady EWIX spoke on his behalf and apologized for his behavior, explaining that he had not slept in the past 7 days since the operation began. The member nations then spent the following 40 minutes discussing various summaries and sections of the meeting. In addition, they remarked on the document being lengthy and thick, consisting of 5,000 pages. Such dedication and effort demonstrated their commitment to resolving the issues at hand.
Shortly after, Lady Cee took the floor and discussed further points related to evacuation and medical assistance. The medical teams consisted of UN members who had willingly volunteered to put their lives on the line, rising to the occasion to save not only humans but also animals and plants.
A unanimous vote was taken to retain all those who had bravely taken part, refusing to fire anyone who had risked their lives for this cause. With only 5 nays, the vote passed overwhelmingly. The next topic of discussion was an old document but was reread for the sake of reminding everyone of the contents. Lord Axivx was tasked with reading it aloud.
city Chips: Revolutionizing the Future of Living on Water
With the world's population constantly increasing and the land becoming scarcer, the idea of living on water has become more promising. City chips, also known as floating cities, have emerged as a solution to this problem. A city chip is essentially a massive ship that can house millions of people at once and moves on water using renewable energy. In this document, we will discuss the uses of city chips and how they can be a sustainable solution for the future.
Features of City Chips:
A city chip is a self-sustaining ship that has a unique set of characteristics. These are:
High Capacity: City chips can accommodate about 500,000 to 1 million people on average. They have everything that a regular city would have, including hospitals, schools, parks, shopping centers, and offices.
Renewable Energy: The massive engine that powers the city chip runs on renewable water energy. This sustainable energy source reduces the carbon emissions released into the atmosphere, making the city chip environmentally friendly.
Floating Structure: City chips are designed to float on the sea, and their construction follows strict marine guidelines to ensure their safety in harsh weather conditions.
Top-Deck City: The city is located on the top deck so that residents can enjoy a constant view of the sea. It's designed to be a self-sufficient city, where everything is available, and the residents can live and work without leaving the ship.
Uses of City Chips:
City Chips can be used for various purposes, including but not limited to the following:
Providing Affordable Housing: City chips can provide affordable housing options to people who are unable to afford apartments or houses on land. It can also provide temporary housing solutions to people who have lost their homes due to natural disasters or wars.
Promoting Tourism: City chips can be used as a tourist destination, providing unique experiences to travelers who want to explore the seas.
Offering a Sustainable Solution: City chips can serve as a sustainable solution to the land scarcity issue, providing a platform for people to live and work on the water.
Disaster Relief: City chips can also be used to provide disaster relief during natural calamities or severe weather conditions.
City chips are a new and innovative way to deal with the land scarcity issue while providing sustainable living options to people. The features of city chips make them an attractive and practical solution for the future. With proper planning and execution, city chips can change the way we live and work, and provide us with an exciting and sustainable lifestyle.
[Lady Lisiterin Stervinix Imperium]
[madam secretary to the IMB]
After Lord Axivx had finished his task, he promptly sat down and retrieved another document to peruse. He cleared his throat before announcing.
"The upcoming document concerns compensation towards the nation in question."
His voice commanded the attention of those present.
City ships are massive floating structures that can sustain populations of up to half a million or even a million people. They are designed to be entirely self-sufficient, boasting a water engine that converts the ocean's currents and waves into clean energy. Additionally, they recycle waste and use vertical farms and greenhouses to provide fresh produce. City ships have distinct advantages over traditional urban communities since they require no land and put less pressure on natural resources. It's worth mentioning that six city ships were loaned to Mexico after the destruction of about 40% of there nation to be used at their discretion.
[Head Researcher. Zecfreyer Armonia Lenfield]
[Reasercher for the IAAPS]
[Imperium Australian Aquadic Private Shipyards]
After the reading, two representatives from different nations stood up simultaneously and voiced their concern. "Why are you giving them six ships for free, when we have to pay $5 billion for each ship we acquire?" The group's looks towards the two individuals made it clear that their question was not appreciated.
Lady Cee, taking charge of the situation, addressed the two representatives firmly. "When your nation loses more than 30% of its landmass due to an accident or operation, we will provide you with a ship. Until then, you must purchase them yourselves. Do not argue with me on this matter."
She then went on to explain that the recent disaster had led to a new policy. The group desired the approval and commands of those present to place safety measures aboard all ships, including those owned by private fleets. The aim is to prevent the catalyst that started this operation from happening again and ensure that measures are in place to safeguard against them in the future.
The United Nations representative members nodded in agreement. The group continued with the remaining portion of the agenda and read through a letter proposing a plan to improve the flow of cargo and provide better protection of transported goods. At the same time, this plan aims to minimize the involvement of military forces.
Lord Darklen, standing up, addressed the representatives behind and in front of him. He stretched his back, causing it to pop and crack. His voice, though old and creaky, still carried an intense power. He spoke passionately about the importance of the proposal and how it would benefit the entire community in numerous ways.
Warship Cannons on Cargo Ship: Strategic Reasoning
The use of battleship class cannons on a cargo ship may seem unconventional, but it has potential benefits. In this document, we will explore the advantages and logistics of utilizing these cannons on cargo ships. Additionally, we will also discuss how a convoy of cargo and medical ships would be better protected with a cargo ship armed with battleship class cannons than with a fleet of traditional war ships.
Benefits of Battleship Class Cannons on Cargo Ships:
The primary advantage of arming cargo ships with battleship class cannons is the increased firepower it brings to the convoy. This makes it less vulnerable to attacks from sea or air by both conventional military and pirates. Additionally, it provides a layer of defense that traditional warships may not be able to provide.
Utilizing battleship class cannons on cargo ships also ensures that a convoy can protect itself without relying on outside resources, such as naval support. Warships are often preoccupied with protecting larger areas and may not be available to protect convoys.
Furthermore, since cargo ships are slower than warships, the firepower from battleship class cannons allows them to defend themselves without engaging in a chase or escaping an attack. This makes the convoy less predictable and harder to target.
Logistics of Battleship Class Cannons on Cargo Ships:
One of the primary challenges in bringing battleship class cannons on cargo ships is the size and weight of the cannons. These cannons can weigh several tons and require a significant amount of space to be installed. The size and weight make it important to balance the added firepower with the added weight and space requirements.
Additionally, cargo ships carrying battleship class cannons would require specialized crews to operate and maintain them. These crews would need proper training and equipment to ensure safe operation and maintenance of the cannons.
Furthermore, arming cargo ships with battleship class cannons would require a significant investment in infrastructure and equipment to retrofit these ships. It may take months or even years to complete the necessary modifications to ensure that these weapons can be safely and efficiently utilized on cargo ships.
Protection of Cargo and Medical Ships:
Arming cargo ships with battleship class cannons would provide a layer of defense that traditional warships alone cannot provide. Cargo ships can be equipped with more extensive and more advanced anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defenses, and they would also have the firepower to deter potential attackers.
Furthermore, the battleship class cannons give cargo ships the ability to take on a variety of roles in a convoy. For example, the cargo ship equipped with a battleship class cannon could act as a central command unit and provide radar coverage for the convoy. It could also monitor the movement of other vessels and provide supplementary air and sea sensors.
Overall, a convoy with cargo ships armed with battleship class cannons would be more efficient and better protected than a fleet of traditional warships alone. These armed cargo ships could provide the necessary firepower and act as the backbone of a convoy's protection.
In conclusion, while the use of battleship class cannons on cargo ships is unconventional, it has significant potential advantages. Arming cargo ships with these powerful weapons can add an extra layer of protection to a convoy and improve its efficiency. Additionally, it can allow convoys to operate without relying on outside support from traditional warships.
While there are challenges to retrofitting cargo ships with battleship class cannons, the benefits they provide make it a worthwhile investment. By having an armed cargo ship as the backbone of a convoy's protection, a convoy can navigate rough seas and potential attackers with the necessary defenses.
[Head Weapons crasftsmen: Avix Crastoben of IWPF W-BWD]
[Imperium Wepons Production Factory, Water-Based Wepons Department]
Once Darklen had finished speaking, the room erupted into a cacophony of noise and arguments. Each person was expressing their displeasure with the idea presented, as well as their disdain for the person who had written the letter.
"You fools don't you know…" one person started, interrupted by another voice yelling, "Are you all fools?"
"Why would you ask that… monster to write a letter?" another person questioned.
"Now, now, Poland calling him a monster is a little… What's the word?" someone else chimed in.
"Heavy," a final voice added.
The former added. "Too Light of a word. He should be dead, you know…"
But just as the arguments were reaching a fever pitch, the Lady's hand struck the podium in front of her, shattering the wood to splinters. She screamed at the top of her lungs, "SHUT THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL UP YOU BASTARDS!"
The room grew deadly quiet as the Lady continued to rant and yell at the people, hurling deplorable names and vulgar words. She turned redder and redder by the second, her eyes filled with murderous rage. After almost fifteen minutes, her rant finally came to a halt, leaving her absolutely livid.
"You will listen to me, you fucks. We gave Avix a second chance, and it was not his choice to work for those scientists. Now, not only is he using his mind for good, but he is trying to improve. We even put him in charge of the IWPF W-BWD; that's how much he has shown trust in our people. So who do you think is better? Us or you… you deplorable shitstains?"
After completing talking, she sat down, breathing heavily. As a representative of her nation, she began to converse with her colleagues, all of them undoubtedly surprised by her outburst.
As Germany looked around, taking in each of their faces, he realized that action needed to be taken. So Germany stood up, determined to end the debacle. As he approached the Imperium representatives, their eyes flashed with anger and hostility. However, he pulled out a small dagger from his pocket that acted both as a key and had multiple purposes. Each individual had to perform a ritual to show they forgave any insults which had been made towards their fellow colleagues. This law was placed in during a almost breakage of the U.N. that could have begun WWIII back in 2034.
Germany lifted the sharp blade to his thumb and with a deft and precise cut, severed it from his hand. He placed the detached digit on the smooth surface of the nearby table. The painful sacrifice was necessary to show he was truly sorry on behalf of the representatives. He then shifted the blade into his other hand before dragging it across his arm in a deep and deliberate slice. The sharp pain of the blade quickly gave way to a dull burn as he used the point to carve a word into his skin, cementing his apology.
Lady Cee quickly intervened, grabbing the dagger from Germany and tossing it away. The room fell eerily silent as Germany panted and gasped in excruciating pain. He turned to Lady Cee and begged for her forgiveness, not only for himself, but for all of the representatives in the room.
Suddenly, Lady Cee’s expression transformed into horror as she stared past Germany. Poland followed in his footsteps, gripping the dagger tightly and severing his thumb as well. The other representatives were quick to follow suit, each cutting off their own thumbs and calling for forgiveness. The Imperium representatives could only look on in confusion as the bizarre spectacle unfolded before them.
The Director in Chief for the U.N. finally stood up and made his way towards Germany.
As he began to speak, his voice echoed with both pain and pride, but also with a glimmer of happiness. "I know that this was unnecessary," he said, addressing the audience. "But I don't believe that you did this just for Avix. I think that you were afraid that when moving forward in reading the letters it would trigger your anger, and so this is just a precaution."
He paused for a moment, surveying the room. Representatives from various nations nodded in agreement. "I must say that in all my years of attending United Nations meetings, which total 32 years, of the total 106 years, I have never seen anyone show as much devotion to such a massive change as I see now."
The Chief and the Imperium representatives were left stunned by the statement that Germany gave next.
"We wish to prevent another world war."
Germany then turned to the rest of the audience who nodded in agreement.
For a moment, the room remained silent. Then, unexpectedly, Russia spoke up, "After the coup d'état in Russia, back in 2025, we regained our freedom. But above all, we saw how our war changed not just our own country, but also the surrounding countries. In terms of who we would fight, it would be those above versus those below - those who follow the law versus the criminals. We wish to prevent this war."
Lady Cee, standing up with two papers in her hand, added to the conversation. "I would like Germany to read one of these papers and Russia to read the other. Both of them talk about the same thing, from two different perspectives, and they tie in with Avix's letter. Please read them to the people here."
The UN representative handed the first paper to Russia, who began skimming it before looking over at Germany. After a nod of agreement, Russia began to read.
To the esteemed members of the United Nations,
I write to you as an independent force, recommending the Imperium Sycamore Fleet to be used as a Keeper Fleet to keep the criminal underworld in check.
The Imperium Sycamore Fleet is an exemplary fleet that has shown great discipline, organization and skill in keeping the peace in various parts of the planet. They are a force to be reckoned with and can handle any challenge thrown their way.
The criminal underworld is a major issue that affects every corner of the globe. It is a breeding ground for violence, drugs, and human trafficking, among other crimes. If left unchecked, it can destabilize entire regions and cause great harm to innocent people. It is, therefore, imperative that an effective solution is found to keep this threat under control.
The Imperium Sycamore Fleet is well-equipped with the latest technology and weapons to handle any threat. They are also trained to operate in areas of extreme danger and can take swift action when necessary. Their presence alone will act as a deterrent to would-be criminals, making it more difficult for them to carry out their nefarious activities.
Furthermore, the Imperium Sycamore Fleet has a proven track record of working hand in hand with local law enforcement agencies. They have established relationships with various governments and have been instrumental in bringing down various criminal organizations. Their experience and expertise will be invaluable in supporting local efforts to curb the criminal underworld.
In conclusion, I urge the United Nations to seriously consider using the Imperium Sycamore Fleet as a Keeper Fleet to keep the criminal underworld in check. Their presence will go a long way in promoting peace and security in areas that are plagued by crime. Thank you for your consideration.
[Sifen Len Sermein leader of the Port Sycamore]
Then Germany took to reading his.
Dear United Nations,
I am writing this letter as a proposal on behalf of the private force of the Sycamore Fleet. We propose to take control of all criminal underworld-related matters and establish our own government to ensure that law and order prevail in society.
We understand that criminal activities have been a persistent issue worldwide, and despite various measures, it is still a significant concern. The criminals operate with impunity, and their actions affect the general public, resulting in loss of life, property, and other assets.
To address this issue, we propose to establish a new law enforcement agency that will be responsible for identifying, tracking, and neutralizing criminal activities. We believe that a dedicated private force with the skills and expertise necessary to combat criminal activities is better suited to handle this matter.
Our team consists of highly trained personnel with military and law enforcement backgrounds and years of experience in handling complex and high-pressure situations. We are willing to offer our services to the United Nations and work in collaboration with other agencies to eradicate criminal activities.
Our proposed government will have strict rules and regulations that the criminal underworld must follow. Failure to comply with these rules will result in severe consequences, including the death penalty. We understand that our approach may seem harsh, but we believe that it is necessary to maintain a crime-free society.
We hope that the United Nations will consider our proposal seriously and work with us towards bringing an end to criminal activities worldwide. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.
[Gutwringer, the bloodied]
[commander of Port Sycamore security]
Once Germany had finished reading the letter, the chief called for a vote from all countries. Unanimously, all three proposals were accepted, but with minor modifications. Germany suggested that each seaside country would be able to give use of one port to Sycamore for control of their fleets to rest and trade their cargo at half price. This proposal had everyone's approval, and they started planning.
Russia proposed that anyone with shipbuilding capabilities should send their people to the Imperium to be trained, and no longer build ships in their ports. Although everyone agreed except for China, who stood up to explain that they were already exempt because the Imperium loved quality above anything else. They bought many city ships that docked in their harbors or lakes, and they used them as housing for factory workers. This helped maintain quality control, and their shipped-out products were better than those of the USA. China also proposed that each nation should consider buying a city ship. If they lack funds then triad time and manpower as a type of lease like they did.
All of the proposals were accepted, and the previous argument was forgotten. Thumbs were thrown away, and their injuries were wrapped. The representatives of Ukraine, Russia, and Germany left with the Imperium’s representatives on a chopper heading for the flagship of the Sycamore fleet. Rumor had it that the Imperium fleet would rendezvous with them there afterwards.
The cold Arctic air cut through H. despite the warmth emanating from vibrations of the ship beneath his feet. While a lively party was taking place in the safety of the hangar bay behind him, H. was still frozen in his tracks. Hundreds of people were celebrating the success of recent operations, particularly the Channel of Drugs raid that took place two weeks earlier, and the U.N. meeting that followed just days later. The latter meeting resulted in H.'s second fleet, the Sycamore fleet, being placed in charge of the criminal underworld. After six days in the Arctic working tirelessly to hammer out details, H. had established a new government for the criminal underworld, with the proud Port of Sycamore serving as its headquarters.
The port was already a training ground for Imperium members, including future assassins, but it was also uniquely positioned on a massive coral reef, making it an ideal hideout for criminals. As such, the port was designed to be intentionally confusing, with hiding spots and minimal electronics. The most advanced equipment in the port was the underwater guard droids and the massive leviathan production yard situated underneath. Nevertheless, H. had no worries about the plans being set in motion; his job at the moment was to find some much-needed relaxation, though he found it difficult with his tense muscles. But as he stood corrected.
As H. felt the soothing touch of two hands working their way up his back, he surrendered the tense muscles, allowing the knots to release. Although his gaze couldn't penetrate behind him, the familiar sensation of delicate fingers told him who was behind him; someone who had performed this act of kindness countless times before. "That feels good, my dear," he remarked.
"Glad you like it," she replied, punctuating her statement with grunts as she attempted to work out the tough knots in his back. "You think it's worth it?" he asked.
"Worth what?" she inquired, confused.
"Our mission, my dear. The death, the destruction, the advancement. Do you believe that the human race deserves it? Or are they all just filth?" he elaborated.
"I believe that I don't care. All I care about is you. And since my opinions always matter to you, then no, the filthy human race doesn't deserve our gifts, and they only deserve our mercy as we crush their fragile bodies under our feet like pests," she ranted on without missing a beat while she continued to massage his back.
Amidst the soothing relief, H. posed another question, this one more thoughtful. "Do they all deserve it, all humans?"
She paused for a brief moment, still working at the same knot, before shifting her attention, working closer to his shoulders. "No, if anything, our people are more deserving than the rest of the human filth. Countries like Japan, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and a few other smaller nations, all of them should deserve a second chance," she declared, clear and concise.
"Good, good," he affirmed. Before she could stop, he turned around and hugged her tightly, whispering in her ear, "I like that too."
With a wide smile, she hugged him back, happy knowing that she was able to provide him with comfort.
They stood embracing each other, taking comfort in the warmth of their bodies. Suddenly, H. noticed a group of people approaching. He reluctantly broke away from the embrace, turning his wife Cathlin to face the group. As they approached, he recognized each of them by name. First was Lord Shadow, followed by their son Dragon, who stood proudly next to his future wife Lady EWIX. Xailia was next in line, her eyes filled with excitement. H. noticed Russia with his arm wrapped around Ukraine, and felt a sense of happiness as they stood together. Germany and Japan completed the group, united in their purpose. Finally, H. noticed one of the HPD's droids, Alaniaa, accompanying them. The group of nine walked over to H. and Cathlin, each one holding an air of excitement and joy. H. couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support shown by his friends and family.
As the group of nine joined H. and Cathlin at the decks edge they formed a circle. Each one held and arm or threw there arms over each others shoulders each one looked out across the frozen landscape. EWIX was the first to break the silence.
“So, what now boss?”
H. looked at her and smiled.
“The future is just beginning, this world is here, but our place is in the stars. The Imperium will leave this planet and travel out of our own system.”
Lord shadow continued from there.
“My guess is this is where the 5 underships come into play.”
Lady EWIX smiled or atleast here eyes did her mask covedered her face.
“To prep we need to learn how to breathe in both the vacuum of space and in atmospheric conditions?”
“Yes my little parasite.”
As they were all talking about the future Cathlin, Xailia, and Alaniaa moved out of there way and more over to the edge all thee took a seat on the edge there feet dangling down off the edge of the massive deck. The fridge air is blowing around them.
Alaniaa was the first to speak, her voice echoing through the silent arctic. "My lady, what do we do now? Where do we go with this?" With a gentle hum, the towering droid swiveled her mechanical head to survey the frigid wasteland before them.
"Soon, old friend, soon. But for now, we must focus on the birth of a child - the first in this new order. We must rush to get everything ready."
As Xailia listened in, trying to follow their conversation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming awe. And when Cathlin turned to smile at her, Alaniaa followed - or, at least, tried to s a droid it was hard to smile. She was struck with a sudden realization of the immense responsibility that lay ahead.
"So what's going to happen now..." Xailia trailed off, her voice suddenly uncertain.
The two figures beside her interwoven their words, describing plans for the coming months. "We must start with the new UN meeting," Cathlin explained, "director and myself want to form a sub-meeting - one where the nations here will be in one building, and the imperium members in another. Each will never see each other again."
"The imperium needs to talk more about the future," Alaniaa added. "This means that operations for the planning of underships will be created."
Xailia listened with rapt attention, feeling both a sense of excitement and a mounting sense of dread. "What exactly are underships?" she ventured.
"Underships," Cathlin replied, "are the key to our survival. They're designed to lift entire nations out of the world - taking them far beyond the reach of any impending threats. The fleet is already completed, and now the four nations will create their own ships. The process starts with the creation of nanites, similar to those designed by Yui - they take their time and seal the shell of the ship. This shell is a massive area that covers not only the nation, but a generous amount of water as well."
"Underneath the ship," Alaniaa continued, "is where the magic happens. There, bacteria created by EWIX eats away at the rock, producing metal that's used to build the outer hull and corridors of the ship. Once the ship is done, engines are added by the nanites."
"And when all is said and done," Cathlin concluded, "the ship will launch into the night - leaving a massive gap in the land. It will bring the water level down, but it will be worth it. This is the future of our people, Xailia. And we need your child to be a part of it."
As Xailia and Cathlin were discussing the nanites, their conversation was momentarily interrupted by the arrival of H. He sat on the other side of Xailia and immediately curled his arm around her shoulders, drawing her in closer.
"Don't delve too deep into it just yet," he cautioned. "We still need to learn to control the nanites before we can make any big moves."
Though he acknowledged the end goal, H. was realistic about the process.
"The nations we will be building around include Ukraine, Russia, Japan, Germany, and a few other smaller ones," H. continued, calming the unease that Xailia felt about the massive scale of the project.
"This place, the arctic, is being built into an undership." H. was confident in the plan and the scope of its ambitions, but Cathlin added a bit of levity to the conversation by clarifying that only half of the Imperium's hangers were located in the Arctic, while the other half were located in Australia.
Despite the potential unknowns and challenges that lay ahead, H. remained determined and optimistic. He took Xailia and Cathlin in closer and spoke soothingly.
"The future may be uncertain, especially with everything going on now. This is the start of something big, a shift in the world. People have tried and failed to bring us to the stars, but we of the Imperium will succeed. We have what they do not, we have the stars at our fingertips. All we need to do is let them go and let them grow and expand so that we may sail through them."
With his words ringing in their ears, Xailia felt invigorated and excited about the future.
Xailia inclined her head in agreement, and a movement behind H. caught her attention. Turning her gaze towards the sea, she spotted an unusual object peeking out of the water. From a distance, it appeared to be a dragon with red and purple spikes, resembling the legendary creature that Yui was fond of. As she observed it closely, she dismissed the possibility of such a mythical creature's existence.
Interrupting her thoughts, Cathlin filled the air with a soft, sweet melody that rendered H. to join her with his melodious voice. They both sang the verses.
"Long may we wait, for life may live. Long may we sail, for we are here. Come, come seek us all, for we are here for you. Come, seek us, for I am waiting. Come to me, my lovely daughter, I will always hold you true as the sea. Love of the day, we will always see you in the night. Our love is ours, we are here, I am yours, and you are mine.”
As the song ended, Xailia felt her eyelids droop, and tranquility enveloped her, lulling her to sleep.
The atmosphere of the room was both tranquil and eerie, as darkness blanketed everything except for a pale tube located at the center. Within, a translucent gel enveloped the fragile form of a beautiful, fair-skinned woman, with only the light of the viscous, sickly yellow fluid providing illumination. Glimmering from beneath the surface of the gel, three piercing, glowing eyes could be seen from outside the tube.
Suddenly, a bony, elongated hand reached out to touch the tank, causing it to quiver before gently injecting a luminous green liquid into the gel, aimed at the sleeping woman. As the fluid soaked through her skin, she stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. An overhead light flickered, sending an eerie glow across the tank.
The surrounding darkness was deafening as two voices echoed throughout the room, emanating from an unknown source. The girl was left disoriented, trying to comprehend her strange surroundings.
"Welcome to the realm of the living, the date is sol 5th of the year 2134." A mysterious figure stepped forward, revealing a shrouded cloak that concealed a striking skeletal visage. As the eerie presence addressed her, a disembodied voice compelled her to move within a gelatinous substance.
"Behold the mighty trinity of the Imperium - we are the guardians of the B.L.A.C.K. vessel, and we are honored to welcome you into our fold. Your former identity as Yi Su, a notorious cartel leader, is of no consequence. You belong to us now, and we are your new family."
As he gradually lowered his hood, she was confronted with a startling sight - a bizarre, exoskeleton-like creature with two sharp pincers protruding from its mouth and dark, beady eyes arranged in a black skull-like formation. It was a demon.
The first to speak was the one called Distain, its voice husky and ominous. "I am Distain," it growled, its black chitinous armor gleaming in the dim light.
The other creature spoke next, its tone confident and commanding. "I am Power," it declared, its pincers snapping together menacingly.
The two demons addressed her in unison, their voices blending together in a creepy harmony. "And you are lust," they intoned, their eyes locking onto hers. "Together, we three are the protectors of the imperium royal family. We are their life givers and their life takers, their friends and their executioners. Above all, we are members of the prestigious high court of the Yamato."
As they spoke, their ominous presence seemed to fill the room, instilling a sense of unease in the onlooker. The significance of their words was not lost on her - these creatures were not to be trifled with. They possessed immense power and were sworn to serve the royals with unwavering loyalty. The weight of their responsibility was palpable, casting a dark shadow over the entire meeting.
As the room enveloped in darkness, a chilling voice penetrated the silence. The Two figures sprang to attention, their gazes locking onto the young girl encased in the tank. Her eyes widened in terror when she saw the face of her captor who appeared behind the 2 demons. Despite his youthful appearance, his demeanor revealed a dark and dangerous depth, and she knew she was in grave danger.
"Welcome back, my little experiment," he said, smiling calmly to her. "You shall spend an eternity atoning for the life of my beloved daughter. You will serve me, the Lord Imperium, faithfully and without fail."
The girl's screams were stifled by a gel-like substance, which entered and started coursing through her body. The 2 creatures watched with hope and awe as her limbs and features contorted, transforming into the very creatures in front of her.
Her captor's voice echoed through the chamber once more. "Welcome to the land of the living, Lust."
Extinction part 1
(This story is long and is a continuation from The Past Defines The Future also one of my best ones I've done yet.)(20,000 words)
As dusk fell, the moon emerged from behind a scattering of clouds, illuminating the vast expanse of the sea. H. gazed out at the breathtaking scene before him, watching as the waves crashed against the ship's hull and broke to reveal the dagger-like shapes of the sea. Memories of Yui flooded his mind, and he clutched the railing, wishing for the days past when they would travel together.
But, things were different. As he rotated on his feet and whispered, "to war," H. felt a sense of unease rippling through him. As he made his way along the deck, the waves grew more aggressive, splashing water onto the slick surface beneath his feet. Dressed in black uniforms and heavy armor, the other sailors moved purposefully around him.
As H. ascended the stairs, the deck grew drier, and he felt a moment of relief. However, the ship suddenly shifted, causing him to stumble. Acting on instinct, he grabbed the closest officer for support, and they steadied each other as the ship continued to accelerate. Finally, the shaking subsided, and H. moved on to the next set of stairs.
Entering the bridge, H. couldn't help but marvel at its futuristic appearance, reminiscent of a sci-fi spaceship. Though the windows were tinted black, displays inside provided information on the ship's status and communications with the rest of the fleet. Suddenly, a voice echoed through the room, "6 hours till arrival." H. took a deep breath and braced himself for the battle to come.
As H. moves towards the command table behind the captain's chair, he pats the man occupying the chair on his shoulder, prompting him to stand and follow him to the table where he places his hand down. The table then displays the ETA and fleet formation. H. addresses the bridge staff, requesting the slowing down of their speed and for the shield ships to arrive a few hours before them. He ensures their arrival is scheduled for slightly after sundown the next day. The crew quickly follows the order, shifting speeds and sending out necessary commands. H. turns to the table, watching as the ETA time updates to 6:03 PM Pacific time, before making his way to the bulkhead.
As he exits, he notices the fleet slowing down, and a soldier standing by the bulkhead about to take a nap for the night shift. H. reached out and grabed the soldier's arm, only to realize it's not a male but a tall, flat-chested woman soldier. Unperturbed, he gives her orders to prep the men for the ground assault, insisting on readiness in 20 hours with no exceptions, while canceling the guard posts. She salutes and runs to deliver his orders.
H stays by the railing, in the pitch-black darkness, taking the lights on the ships as he leans against the railing before speaking to the crew via the ship's speakers, reminding them to be prepared. He is determined to make the sea red with their enemy's blood. He proceeds downstairs to an empty room and starts up the data information and routes about a particular country, waiting for the arrival of his council, even if that means getting online to the computers hovering overhead.
After a few moments, he calls out to all senior officers, requesting their presence in the war room in ten minutes. As he waits for his council to assemble, he sits back in his chair, anticipating the upcoming mission.
The room was dimly lit, with several screens lining the walls. H. patiently awaited the arrival of his fellow members. His wait was brief, as more than 20 people entered the room, each carrying books, paper, and delicately crafted quills engraved with their name and representing the ships they belonged to. The scribes' faces were concealed with advanced devices that provided them with invaluable information while keeping them up-to-date in real-time. Except for one old man in his 80s who was H.'s personal scribe, trusted, and indispensable. Covered in wrinkles, he didn't have a device, but he had a quill and a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom. As the last member arrived, H. signaled to the room, and the lights went off, leaving only the table's luminance. Suddenly, multiple screens behind the heads of the scribes' flickered to life, revealing all the captains and commanders of the fleet, each one characterized by a black screen with a name and other essential details scrolling down it.
Once everyone settled comfortably, H. raised his hand, and the table's screen illuminated, transforming into a map of the sea, which promptly expanded to reveal their destination. This was the moment of truth, as the battle plan was ready, but none of the captains knew of the top-secret strategy until now. It was a risk that H. needed to take, even though he knew some of his fleet's personnel would object since they hailed from the country they were targeting.
However, he remained composed and expressionless as he addressed the assemblage before him, ready to reveal the plan that would undoubtedly secure their victory.
H. takes a deep breath and looks directly at the shadowy figure of Captain Silone. "Our focus is on Mexico," he declares. The response he receives is a volatile one, a frenzy of objections, hurling insults and questioning the feasibility of such a plan. Despite H's attempts to calm the chaos, H.’s words fell on deaf ears.
Suddenly, a loud BANG emanates from his right, silencing the room. All eyes turned to H's scribe, who was now holding a 45 colt in his hand with a magnum gun lying on the table. The man set the gun down but kept his hand on it as a precautionary measure. He signaled for H. to continue.
H shifted in his chair before speaking, aware of the delicate nature of the situation.
"As someone of Hispanic descent, I understand your anger. However, let us be clear that our target is not the people, but the cartels."
The moment the word "cartel" left his lips, the tension in the room dissipated.
Suddenly, a small furry creature scurries up to him, carrying two steaming cups of tea.
"We have a lot to take care of, and this will not be a quick or easy task. Thank you, Minni,”
As he took a sip, he immediately regretted it and examined the cup before handing it to his scribe. He then accepted the other cup from the creature's paws, eagerly gulping it down with renewed vigor.
The scribe takes a sip from the former cup before setting it down and dismissing the animal with a wave of their hand. H. takes a deep breath and prepares to dive headfirst into the difficult task ahead.
"Alright, everyone. Let's begin by discussing the impact of reduced supplies coming out of Mexico and brainstorming solutions to help alleviate this issue. Over the next hour and a half, we will be engaging in productive conversations, taking notes, and sharing ideas. To ensure that we are on track, H. has requested that one of the scribes reads out the report that was written earlier. Glammity, could you please summarize the key points for us while keeping it simple and concise?"
After speaking, H.’s scribe worked with the others for the next hour and a half. To compile everything. When everyone was ready, they shifted their seats to look at Glammity. After a moment to gather herself, she addressed the group.
Sections lb-j67 and 76-gh outline the joint capabilities of the Imperium and Sycamore fleets in this operation to reflect the findings of our research. This section highlights our strategy for compensating for resources lost in affected areas. The resources in question are as follows:
Vehicle production yards will be rebuilt closer to the US border, causing disruption for almost a year. Troubled employees will still be paid. The stipulations will affect farming regions, and the corporation will clear most of the land, making it available for companies like and such to claim. Those with more land get top priority. Those left over may be forced to move to a different country.
The auto parts/equipment industry is set to undergo significant changes with vehicle production yards being rebuilt near the US border in the Chohaliu State. This move is likely to cause disruption for approximately a year, but the corporation has pledged to continue paying their troubled employees. The stipulations will affect farming regions, and the corporation plans to clear much of the land, making it available for other companies to claim. Priority will be given to companies with larger landholdings, leaving others at risk of being forced to relocate to a different country. These changes are expected to have a lasting impact on the industry and its stakeholders.
Electronics production factories will be relocated to areas closer to shipping ports, resulting in a potential year-long transition period. Employees affected by the move will still receive compensation during this period. The move may have an impact on nearby residential areas, particularly those involved in farming and agriculture. The corporation intends to clear most of the land, leaving it available for companies seeking new manufacturing sites. The priority will be given to those with larger land holdings, leaving those without scrambling to find new opportunities or potentially forced to move elsewhere.
During this point, miss. Glammity decided to sit down and regain her breath, and quench her parched throat, meaning across from her another secretary a male. Named Corpre took up speaking the next few points.
The oil plants located in the disaster area will be shut down, and all companies, along with their resources and assets, will be distributed to another part of the mining field. All plants will be closed and removed to reduce pollution, and also due to the minimal need for fuel in the world. Any workers will be given a payment that will last until their retirement, before being given the option to join a different job location.
The vehicle production yards, along with the medical instruments production company, will be moving hand in hand to locations on the lower part of the nation, closer to the South American border. As such, the land for these factories will be cleared, and an old mining facility will be used for the largest factory, with one half for medical production and the other for vehicle production. The corporation will pay for the plants' new building and housing for the workers/families. With this being done, the plan is for the cooperation to pay for people to move in and cut taxes until the factory is built.
The beer industry is set to undergo significant changes as production and distribution will be relocated nearer to the US border. This will result in a disturbance that could last for almost a year, but the company has promised to continue paying its employees. Unfortunately, the new arrangements will have an impact on farming communities as the corporation plans to clear much of the land, creating opportunities for other companies. Priority will be given to those with more land, leaving others with the potential need to relocate to another country.
However, with the last two critical points delegated to another member of the team, Mr. Zecfreyer found himself on a conference call, the sound of the thundering ocean waves and the loud background chatter adding a degree of difficulty to communication. He had been assigned the task of overseeing the preparations of the Shield ships, currently anchored along the picturesque shore of Mexico. With a keen eye for detail, Mr. Zecfreyer was on hand to assist in the final stages of setup, ensuring that everything was in place for the imminent deployment of the fleet. From positioning weapons to securing supplies, Mr. Zecfreyer was responsible for ensuring the ships were combat-ready and equipped for any eventuality. Despite the challenges posed by the remote communication and noise pollution, Mr. Zecfreyer remained laser-focused, determined to see the fleet off to a successful start
In Mexico, a large-scale mining operation is underway to strip many valuable gems and precious metals from various locations. These include gems such as diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and rubies, as well as precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. With the removal of all product, the following and former will no longer be mined in the affected area and instead productions will be given a cut of the previously mined resources in their unaffected mines the remainder will be placed with the international Gem and mineral archive unit. For protection and preservation.
The food and farming lands in the affected areas will be unable to continue there years as such the only Mexican States that will be allowed to farm anymore will be Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. If the other states are seen with any farm that is not local produce will be fined and removed with force. All people working at farms will be relocated if they wish to continue working; they may do so at the farms. If they wish not to, they will be given a chance to work at any of the former places mentioned above. There may not be enough room for them.
H. looked around and looked down at his tablet before speaking.
“I will be giving a summary about the next 2 topics and what we are using and doing. As such, I want just the captains to talk about the oil rigs. And the shipping routes. And anything else we missed. I have a meeting with the science team, so let's eat after I'm done. As soon as the scribes are done writing down what I say, log off.”
With that said, he moved and scrolled his eyes moving unnaturally fast over the screen scanning before looking back up.
“Ok, here goes nothing.”
Massive shield generators on tank treads are cutting-edge technology designed to protect areas from harm. They consist of a shield generator encased in a mobile tank tread unit, which allows the generator to be moved quickly and easily from one location to another.
After giving a short pause, he continued with what they did.
The shield generator itself is typically a large dome-like structure that emits a powerful electromagnetic force field capable of containing anything inside its radius. This force field can be adjusted to provide varying levels of protection, depending on the threat level and the requirements of the specific situation. These shield generators also have the unique ability to absorb sound waves within the shielded area. This is particularly useful in urban environments where loud noises can disrupt, disturb, or even harm local wildlife.
“However, I should point out we are using this to show that the internal parts will be destroyed and the shield will also protect the outside from what happens inside.”
Another important feature of these shield generators is their ability to disrupt communications. By emitting powerful electromagnetic waves, these generators can interfere with radio signals, cellular networks, and other forms of communication, effectively cutting off all external communication within the shielded area. This can be a highly effective way of preventing outside interference or infiltration during sensitive operations or other high-risk situations. “Which is what we are doing!”
“Overall, the generators from I.C.C or Imperium Craftsmen Corp, let me know that this will be providing unparalleled protection, noise reduction, and communication disruption capabilities for a wide range of applications.”
The scribes had stopped and were looking at H. like he was crazy. He looked up and over at them.
One of the scribes looked down, then up at him.
“Well, we just want to know what your actual plan is for this. I mean really why are you doing it? What if the shield fails? This is the first test right, why are…”
H. waved his hand.
“I should also point out this is just a larger version of the mini generators that protect the cargo cannons.”
That still left some people gaping; the blatant disregard at this point was somewhat terrifying. For one thing, when did he make these things? And for another, why was he so unconcerned with the aftermath? It scared them but then as they looked down their pads read a message from the head scribe, dictating that until the cartels are gone, the lord may be a little off due to his daughter's death 3 days ago. They took it as just that he's concerned and wants revenge, but still. I mean the disregard of life is horrible.
However, as they motioned for him to continue they started to realize with this last part things were throughout a little better than they thought. Because for one thing evacuation of this caliber was thought out in advance, meaning, this is not as bad as they thought, but still. Hard.
“The evacuation of civilians, animals, and plants has been a highly coordinated process that required careful planning and execution.
The first step was to identify the individuals and groups that needed to be evacuated, including people with medical conditions or disabilities, children, and the elderly. However, certain elderly individuals wished to stay behind to die in their homes. This was only taken into consideration for people 80 and above.
Once the list was compiled, a team of professionals from the U.N. Rescue and recovery department were sent in and started. They were told the truth; they are volunteer workers willing to risk their jobs over this evacuation. This team included doctors and nurses to provide medical assistance, as well as animal specialists who could identify and care for the various species that needed to be evacuated.
In order to ensure that the evacuation remained secret, the operation was carried out under the cover of darkness, during the past weeks' time. With the assistance of trusted members of the local community who could help with logistics. The evacuees were transported to a safe location, where they would be provided with shelter, food, and medical care as needed.
Meanwhile, any plants that needed to be evacuated were carefully uprooted and transported to a secure location where they could be cared for until a ship can be converted under atmospheric weather conditions so that these plants can survive and adjust to new relocation habitats.”
He paused, taking a sip of tea before finishing up. “We have set aside 5 billion dollars for medical requirements”
As the meeting drew to a close, the members rose from their seats. The bulkhead creaked open, signaling the end of the meeting and prompting the scribes to leave. The screens that surrounded them were shut down, leaving only H. and his scribe behind.
"We still have three outstanding items to cover, H.," his scribe reminded him. H. nodded in agreement, and before he could respond, a servant entered the room, interrupting their conversation. He presented them each with a menu and refreshed their tea before taking their orders and leaving.
H. turned back to his scribe, answering his previous question. "I understand that, but Avix has approved the use of The Matter Extinguisher."
His scribe's mouth fell agape in shock. "The Matter Extinguisher? Are you serious?" he exclaimed.
H. chuckled before taking a few bites of his hamburger steak, which had been brought to him by the server. The scribe's eyes wandered to the device that had been left behind by the server. Without a word, H. placed his hand over the device and promptly activated it, revealing two faces on the screen. The one on the right beamed at them, while the scribe's jaw once again dropped. "Lady Cee and Lord Shadow!"
The scribe's attention was drawn to H. who was closely watching the activity of the three individuals.
"My dear, how are you?"
H. greeted the Lady with a polite tone. She replied that she had just read the report that she had sent back and approved. The report was currently on its way to the U.N Headquarters. Suddenly, the scribe's voice broke through with an expression of shock,
"WAIT… WHAT!" he exclaimed. The Lady tried to speak, but the scribe continued.
"You approved this plan? It's a harebrained plan, and it even involves the corporation's illegal project, the Matter Extinguisher. Why would you do such a thing?"
Cee, the Lady, raised her hand calmly and waited for H. to finish eating before she spoke up.
"I know I am usually composed, however just 4 days ago, my daughter's remains were buried six feet under, and my husband left me just 2 days later. The cartels have been breathing down our necks, and to put an end to their tyranny, I had to take action. I sent word to Avix, and he sent the weapon for me."
The scribe was shocked beyond words as he dropped his fork. At that moment, a commotion broke out, and everyone's attention was drawn to the bulkhead. One of the female guards appeared, looking disheveled and agitated.
“Sir, we have a problem. The oil rigs are raising the mainland.”
H. moved his hand and hailed the bridge.
“Turn on long cast jammers now, captain. If even a single signal gets out, we are done. If they try something else, wipe that rig off the map.”
A reply of “Yes, sir.” responded.
He motioned, and the guard left, sealing the bulkhead again .
“Right. Well, I think we need a thing to discuss,” asked Shadow.
H. nodded and finished his steak. Before setting it aside, the same was done for his scribe. H. spoke.
“What is said next does not leave the 4 of us until the completion of this operation. Understood.”
They nodded. He continued.
The aged scribe exited the room almost an hour later. He was tired and sore, but his work was far from done. He moved through the ship, heading to the bridge.
The captain turned around and looked at the scribe. He did not speak, but waited silently.
“Have the scientists transported to the ship. The meeting will begin in a few hours.”
With a firm nod in agreement, the captain swiftly carried out his given orders.
The elderly scribe, his bones creaking with every step, shambled back into the meeting room only to discover that the lord had vanished without a trace. Perplexed, he took a seat, trying to make sense of the situation. As he sat in silent contemplation, several long hours passed by uneventfully.
Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by a thunderous cannon blast that rocked the ship's walls. Jumping to his feet, the scribe's heart raced with terror as he struggled to comprehend the source of the explosive sound that had echoed through the halls. "What the..." he muttered breathlessly, his mind racing with confusion.
H. observed as his scribe cautiously exited the chamber, relaying the orders to the captain with precise detail. Soon after, H. rose from his seat and exited the room through a separate doorway that led him into a dimly lit hallway. The path glowed with the amber hues of flickering lanterns as he made his way to the left, down a seemingly unending corridor.
Suddenly, H. arrived at a metal bulkhead that he effortlessly passed through. Upon entering the room, his view was greeted by a sturdily constructed walkway, commanding a bird's-eye view of the cavernous chamber below. The massive cannon, positioned at the center of the room, was aimed towards the rear, its power held in check for the inevitable fury of battle.
As he was about to spin on his heel and retrace his steps, H. detected a sudden sparkle in the corner of his eye. His attention snapped towards the glimmer, his eyes narrowing in an attempt to fathom precisely what it might be.
With purposeful strides, H. approached the woman and sat down next to her on the walkway. The person looked at him and then looked back at the formidable cannon in front of her. As they sat in a contemplative silence.
Suddenly, the woman turned to H. and spoke in a hushed tone, "The bridge wants you, sir. There's another oil rig, but this one is armed."
H. nodded, understanding the severity of the situation. He rose to his feet and extended his hand to the woman to help her up, but she hesitated, fixated on the cannon before them.
Impatient with her hesitation, H. took matters into his own hands and forcefully raised her by the arm. "Walk with me," he commanded in a stern voice.
Determined to take swift action, H. strode up a nearby staircase, pulling the woman along with him. She stopped prompting him to do the same; he turned to her, speaking in a commanding voice.
"You will follow my lead," he stated firmly, emphasizing each word. "You will listen to my instructions and you will stay by my side at all times. Do you understand?"
The woman gave only a hesitant affirmation, clearly not fully convinced she should listen. Nonetheless, H. nodded brusquely and led the way across the deck, his eyes darting back to ensure that she was complying with his orders.
Upon arriving at the bridge, H. adopted a composed demeanor and meticulously observed his surroundings with a discerning eye. He maintained an air of calm authority as he made his way towards the forefront of the ship, leading his companion behind him. With an acute perceptiveness, he took in every nuance of the bustling scene around him. His razor-sharp focus enabled him to perceive minute details that others would have overlooked.
Despite the flurry of activity that surrounded him on the bridge, H. remained unwavering in his purpose, fully attuned to his responsibilities. With a resolute determination, he efficiently executed the task at hand, unfazed by the chaotic environment. His indefatigable commitment to getting the job done was evident in every action he carried out.
With all the force of his lungs, he yelled out his next command, his grip on the woman tightening. "EVAC now! Everyone off this bridge!" There was no hesitation in his tone, only the raw power of a man used to being obeyed. As the crew scrambled to follow his orders, H. guided the woman towards the holo table in the rear of the bridge, depositing her there before moving to the forefront of the bridge. He was determined to get this task right.
H. strode purposefully towards the front console, his eyes glinting with a fierce determination. As he placed his hand upon the surface, the console sprang to life, emitting a series of beeps that signaled the recognition of his DNA. Seconds later, a disembodied voice echoed through the bridge, patiently awaiting H.'s verbal commands.
“DNA registered and recognized, awaiting verbal orders.”
Turning to face the woman who was watching him closely, H. barked out his first order: "Clear the screens and zoom in on the main holo table to show the oil rig."
Silently complying, the bridge's windows cleared, revealing a vast fleet that lay before them. At the same time, the holo table zeroed in on an abandoned oil rig, its rusted metal structure looming in the distance.
As the woman stared at the holographic image, H. calmly instructed the computer to identify the owners of the rig. The computer quickly replied.
“Identifying, identifying owners of abandoned oil rig now in the hands of the cartel. An outreach po…”
Prompting H. to issue his next command.
"Raise the front cannon and arm all three turrets," he ordered with an iron tone.
The floor shuddered beneath their feet as a massive cannon emerged from the deck right in front of them. The sight was ominous, with its sleek and menacing form drawing their attention as the computer confirmed that the cannon was locked and loaded, waiting for H.'s next directive.
Without pause, H. uttered the code "Bloodfallen C1, C2, and C3. FIRE" in a voice that brooked no dissent. The bridge was momentarily engulfed in silence before a catastrophic explosion rocked the ship, accompanied by the sound of three projectiles hurtling through the air.
As the cannons streamed toward their destination, two of them successfully destroyed the rig, tearing it apart in a series of massive explosions. The heavy, deafening sounds ripped through the air, throwing terrified crew members overboard into the churning waters, where they flailed helplessly amidst the rubble.
Even as debris rained down around them, H. remained stoic. He grimly noted that the rig had only been manned by a skeleton crew, his voice devoid of any emotional inflection that might have conveyed his true feelings.
Abruptly, another explosion rocked the ship, causing the woman to gasp in fright. She turned to face H., hoping for some measure of comfort or reassurance. Instead, she saw that his expression remained fixed, impassive, and utterly devoid of emotion.
Peering back at the holo screen, she saw that a pirate ship had just blown apart, its wreckage strewn haphazardly behind the rig. She realized that H. had seen it all, processing the situation calmly and dispassionately, hovering over the abyss of destruction he had wrought.
As the holographic display vanished from view, the bridge reverted to manual control, throwing a heavy blanket of silence over the area. The cannon slowly sank back into the deck, relaxing its rigid stance and disappearing from sight.
As the crew resumed their duties, H. approached the woman and calmly whispered, "Please follow me, no arguments." The woman silently complied, and together they retreated to the back of the ship. H. stood gazing out at the sea while the woman glared at him with seething anger. "You hate me," he accused.
She replied with a hostile affirmative. H. acknowledged her statement with a nod, unfazed by her hostility. Suddenly, the woman's attention was drawn to a rustling noise coming from a nearby cargo crate. H's voice brought her back to the task at hand, as he handed her a unique gun that she had never seen before. Its short, glossy, pitch-black body crackled with energy and lacked any scope or sights.
"Use all your hatred and strength," H. instructed earnestly, urging her to point the weapon at his chest. As she held the gun, he supported her wrist and then let go, standing tall before her. "After what you've witnessed, after all you've seen, how do you feel?"
The woman's eyes blazed with fury as she angrily recounted her emotions: "I'm angry, mad, pissed off! How can you be in charge? How can you give orders without feeling anything? You're..."
In the fleeting seconds that followed, H's facial expression revealed a gamut of emotions, starting with anger, then hurt and sorrow, followed closely by a sense of loss and foreboding. But as their eyes met, hope flickered in his gaze. "How indeed?" he said softly.
"Then kill me," he proposed, putting his trust in her hands.
As her finger gently applied pressure on the trigger, she couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. Who was standing before her? All she could see was the silhouette of a man, her lord, who she had been hiding from. She hesitantly lowered her gun, her mind racing with questions. Suddenly, she saw a blur of movement in the corner of her eyes, and the surrounding shadows receded. And then, the impossible happened - he hugged her.
She couldn't believe what was happening. She had been sneaking onto his ship, hiding from everyone, but somehow he had found her. She clutched her gun tightly, still shaking with apprehension. And then, in a soft voice, he said, "Hello, Xailia."
Her lord slid down the railing, pulling her with him. But Xailia couldn't let her guard down just yet. "How did you find me?" she asked, her eyes still fixed on him.
He didn't keep her in suspense for long. "I saw a picture of you and... her," he said, handing her a photograph. Xailia stared at it, feeling a lump forming in her throat. It was a little girl, and an emotionless man was holding her. But upon closer inspection, Xailia could see the faint flicker of a smile in his eyes. And in the second picture, she and Yui were holding hands, as Yui took the photo. Xailia remembered that picture - Yui always carried it with her.
Her lord continued speaking, and it slowly dawned on her what was happening. "You may not be related to her or us, but that child you carry is hers as much as it is yours. I know your parents died serving on one of my ships. But you will not - you will return to Japan and stay with my wife. The shadows will see you home."
Xailia listened to the man's words, the distinct sound of helicopter blades starting up could be heard in the background. Despite the noise, his voice remained steady as he emphasized the importance of keeping her and the baby safe.
"You and that baby are all that I have left of my baby girl," he declared.
"I refuse to lose any more family."
As he spoke, a group of people dressed in full black suits stepped forward from the shadows. Xailia couldn't help but feel protected by their presence. The soldiers escorted her to the helicopter and before she knew it, they were soaring through the skies above.
As they flew, Xailia couldn't help but feel curious about the man's motives. She turned to one of the soldiers and asked.
"Why does he do this?"
The man's response shocked her as he and a woman beside him proceeded to remove their masks.
With caring eyes, the woman spoke up.
“Because he cares and loves his people he would do this for not only family but for his people. He would wipe this planet clean just to keep the Imperium and Sycamore safe. Young one.” Xailia couldn't help but feel admiration for the man's selflessness.
"Yes, he would," the man spoke after a moment of silence. It was only then that Xailia recognized the two individuals standing before her. Her eyes widened as she pointed to the man.
“Lord Shadow?” who simply nodded in response.this was a man who held a reputation for being both powerful and elusive.
“Lady Cee?” she nodded. Who took off her vest and then moved next to Xailia.
The lady proceed to introduced herself.
"My name is cee or as I am known to others as Cathlin Imperium wife of the lord H. Imperium. I am the mother of Yui Sterzen-Imperium and Dragon Sterzen-Imperium."
Lady Cee announced with confidence, looking at Xailia. The intensity of the moment was not lost on her, and she felt a sense of responsibility to make a lasting impression on her mother-in-law.
Xailia was still trying to process the fact that she carried a part of Yui within her, despite not being married to her they still saw her as such. However, Lord Shadow had an announcement that surprised her even more. He declared that Xailia was now officially family legally, and her last name would change to Xailia Sterzen-Imperium or Xailia Imperium, marking her as one of the few blessed with the importance of the High Family. The weight of this honor brought tears to Xailia's eyes, and she realized she was not alone anymore. She had a family, and Lady Imperium was a part of it.
Xailia's grip loosened on the gun that H. had given her earlier, and she threw it aside. Lord Shadow caught it and pocketed it. Amidst the emotional upheaval, Cee asked a question that had been weighing on Xailia's mind. “Why couldn't you bring herself to kill my husband?”
Xailia looked at both of them, and the answer escaped her. However, Cee's words about her husband's dedication to his family struck a chord with Xailia. He cared for them more than anything, and his actions spoke for it.
The realization that she had seen him at his most vulnerable shook Xailia to the core. She broke down, falling into Lady Imperium's waiting arms, sobbing uncontrollably. The weight of everything had finally caught up with her, but she now had a family that would support her through it all.
The narrative transitions back to the protagonist,
H, who gazes solemnly across the vast expanse of the ocean as the chopper carrying his colleagues rapidly diminishes in size.
Eventually, H. turns on his heel and navigates his way back to the meeting room. His movements are as graceful as shadows cloak his figure, but ultimately he emerges from the obscurity of the darkness and takes his place among the assembled group.
Seated next to the scribe and a cluster of distinguished scientists, H. draws back their collective attention with a subtle but sudden presence. The scribe next to him immediately takes notice, prompting a ripple of faint alarm among the group.
Despite the stir that his unexpected appearance causes, H. remains unreadable. Taking in the faces of his colleagues one by one, he offers no hints or clues as to the weight that he carries from his recent observations by the sea.
"Shall we start the meeting?" H. spoke up, signaling the importance of the gathering. The attendees delved into the topic of war protocols and how they might need to deviate from them under certain circumstances. They discussed the transportation of people to their new homes, highlighting the careful planning and execution involved.
As the discussion progressed, they took a moment to recap the previous meeting, which the scientists were not a part of. Once everyone was up to speed, H. emphasized the significance of the current agenda. "Now, let's move on to the critical matters. Firstly, the insistence of the bacteria and then we will speak about how much power the cartels hold and what the plan is.” projected H.
H. described one of the recently developed bacteria created by the Imperium Chemical Corps of Death with a flat, unchanging tone to his voice.
“The ICCD is proud to show us the bacterium, Icorminilica Balorbenitence, should not be mistaken for its sister, Icorminilica Barlonngemizentince, which converts one type of energy into another. Icorminilica Balorbenitence feeds on radiation and breaks it down at the atomic level, eliminating the source of radiation and reassembling the atom. Its purpose is to reduce radiation in plants and resources.
Icorminilica Balorbenitence is a unique bacterium that has recently been discovered by scientists. This bacterium is capable of feeding off of radiation and dissipating it at the atomic level. This means that it can eliminate the source of radiation and rebuild the atoms that had been destroyed by the radiation. It is a very interesting and groundbreaking discovery that could have significant implications in a number of different fields.
Icorminilica Balorbenitence has immense potential in decreasing radiation levels in plants and resources. Radiation is a major cause of environmental pollution and can be detrimental to living organisms. By utilizing this technology, scientists can minimize the radiation emitted, ensuring a safer living and working environment for people.
Another potential application of Icorminilica Balorbenitence is in the firing of nuclear missiles. One of the biggest hurdles in developing a safe and effective nuclear missile is the potential for radiation leaks and contamination. By using this bacteria, scientists may be able to reduce the amount of radiation that is given off during the launch of a nuclear missile, making it safer for operators and reducing the risk of contamination in the surrounding areas.”
H. surveyed the room, meeting the expectant gazes of the scientists gathered before him. They knew the bacterium they had just developed was extraordinary, capable of causing immense destruction if utilized in the wrong way. As H. spoke his next words, there was an instant shift in the atmosphere.
"As such, I have decided that the bacteria will form the outer coating of the Ballista, and the weapons will be fashioned using 52% spent uranium rods and 48% tungsten."
The words hung in the air like a portent of doom. The scientists were at once amazed and horrified. H.'s plan to use spent uranium rods to dishevel the land was nothing short of catastrophic - it would result in an unimaginable level of destruction. In that moment, H. met the gaze of a young scientist sitting near the corner. Their long hair cascaded around their shoulders and the breathing mask attached to their back gave him an otherworldly appearance. H. moved over to them and asked,
"What are your thoughts on this proposal, EWIX? Your brother has presented us with a gift, and he wants us to utilize it."
EWIX turned towards H. and her external supports assisted her body to move smoothly. She took a deep breath, which caused a muffled sound to come from her mask. Her eerie voice was tinged with pain and death as she began to speak.
"The experiment is a creation of a bacterium that was extracted from long-dead fossilized bacteria frozen on an asteroid in space."
H. was pleased that EWIX was paying attention, but he also knew that she was aware of the specific bacterium they were discussing. Her mask clicked as she turned back to the scientists, and steam and smoke released from the sides of the mask as she exhaled.
Although the scientists thought that EWIX's words were not relevant, they were aware of the issue she faced. She had been stranded on a research shuttle for over a year, obediently orbiting an asteroid that had been abandoned. The scientists constructed a device that mimicked the gasses of space as her body had been deformed, and the oxygen in the atmosphere was poisonous to her.
Despite the strange circumstances, EWIX adapted and survived the vast emptiness of space. Dragon Lord H.'s son took an interest in her and started working in her lab, resulting in her healing a little. Soon, she would not require her mask and would only need a bio-engineered device that was attached to her face and was cloaked and hidden. However, until then, she was known as the "Death of The Chemical Corps."
H. nodded in approval as he realized EWIX was the only person, other than Dragon, who could understand bacteria and chemicals with this much complexity. She had already been in over four hundred accidents, but astonishingly she had never been harmed.
H. tapped the table and brought the meeting to a close.
"Now, there is one more matter that I must discuss with you two," the speaker stated firmly. The majority of those present got up to leave, recognizing that this was something that should only concern the select few. Two individuals remained, one being a burly man with a whistle lab coat that displayed his authority and strength, while the other was EWIX. Even his personal scribe had fled, likely due to the suffocating presence of death that surrounded EWIX or maybe he was just tired for the day. Nevertheless, the second individual was not to be overlooked, despite appearing to be a misunderstood infant despite the fact that he was over sixty years of age.
The first person was an imposing figure, his dark white hair perfectly matching his serious expression and defining his confident aura. He exuded power and confidence as he waited expectantly for the speaker to continue. Although his scowl suggested that he may be unhappy to be there, there was a faint, yet definite hint of a smile on his lips.
On the other hand, the second individual, EWIX, seemed to be shrouded in a dark aura that made those around her feel uncomfortable, even panicked. Despite its frightening presence, H. was not affected.
As H. approached the two renowned scientists, he settled down gracefully next to EWIX and across from Blackjaw, who was a 60-year-old man with a notorious black tattoo of a slithering snake coiling around his jaw and neck, cleverly concealed under his shirt. EWIX instinctively nestled closer to H. as he began to run his fingers through her hair, ultimately enabling her to ease into a state of relaxation.
Excitedly, H. disclosed, "I met Xailia today!" As EWIX nodded her head in his lap, Blackjaw covertly captured a snapshot of the affectionate pair. "She was a feisty one, but I'm glad Yui chose wisely. So, are you two planning to board the ship back, or should I arrange a helicopter for you?"
As EWIX turned her head, her mask clicked while she prepared to respond firmly, "We'll be heading back on the ship. I already know what happened above deck. One of the shadows divulged the details to me, and I don't want to vex you by causing any further intrusions."
The silent man nodded in understanding, his sharp gaze unblinking. H. continued playing with EWIX’s hair as he nodded in agreement, appreciating the woman's astuteness and wisdom.
"Please take note of all the potentially affected areas as I list them for you. Are you ready?" H. asked, turning to Blackjaw who had a tablet at the ready. Blackjaw nodded and H. began to speak.
"The main sections that are likely to experience the most fall out and damage are as follows: Durango, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Queretaro, Michoacan, and Colima."
He paused for a moment as Blackjaw carefully jotted down the information. "However, Veracruz and Tamaulipas may only be partially damaged," H. added before continuing.
Blackjaw set the pad down for EWIX to take a look, as she lay on her back with her head in H.'s lap, waiting for the information. "We're waiting, daddy," she playfully nudged him.
H. gave her a light tap, "Don't call me that yet. You're not officially married to my son, but you will be soon, my little daughter-in-law."
He then gathered his thoughts and continued, "The following places are not completely out of danger, but they are safer than the former. These states are: the Federal Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Veracruz, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, top of Tamaulipas and Durango, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora, Baja California Sur, and Baja California."
Once H. finished listing off all the areas, EWIX nodded, indicating that she had taken all the information in.
They ascended to the top deck where a sleek chopper awaited them, its blades effortlessly slicing through the air. Despite the movement, the machine produced no sound, a testament to its advanced technology.
"Ooh, private class, eh?" EWIX quipped, admiring the impressive aircraft.
H. nodded with pride. "It's an EV-98 IMAC."
Blackjaw, curious, turned to H. and asked, "IMAC, sir?"
"Imperium Military Aviation Corps," H. replied matter-of-factly.
As EWIX climbed on board, H. bid her farewell with a grin. "See you later, my little Plague."
EWIXH giggled in response, eager to experience her private chopper.
Blackjaw leaned in close to H., his voice low and tense. "I hate that nickname you came up with. I. Hate. It."
H.'s expression turned deadly serious. "Live with it, Blackjaw. We all do. And I personally love it."
Blackjaw understood H.'s affection for EWIXH; she was, after all, his future daughter-in-law. H.'s demeanor shifted. "Protect her, Blackjaw, or you're snake food."
H. pivoted on his heel and strode back down the stairs, headed for the captain's quarters. They had a two-hour journey ahead of them, just enough time for a nap. After all, he had been on his feet for 34 hours already.
6 hours earlier: Ground Force.
As Mr. Zecfreyer ended the video conference, the screen flickered and blacked out. He turned his attention to the breathtaking landscape spread out before him. For a moment, he felt overwhelmed by the vastness and beauty of it all. Standing beside him were five individuals, each with a distinct role to play in their mission.
The first person was a stout, little man with a square build who seemed to radiate efficiency and practicality. The next was a native guide who spoke in hushed tones and pointed out the path for the tanks to follow. The third person was a woman who exuded intelligence and confidence, in charge of all the scientific aspects of the mission.
The fourth and fifth individuals, however, were unlike anyone Mr. Zecfreyer had ever encountered. The first of the pair was a massive, 6.5-foot-tall droid with wings that glowed red at the tips. It carried a plasma gun in a holster on its right side, and on its left side, it held a spear. The droid's shoulders were draped with a worn and tattered cloak that left openings for its wings to emerge. Its face was a shade of dark stone gray, with a pair of glowing red eyes that turned purple when it lowered its visor. The droid also had small, sharp horns protruding from its head, adding to its fearsome appearance.
The second droid, in stark contrast to the first, stood an impressive nine feet tall. Its impressive height was only compounded by the unique shape of its legs – bent in three places and poised solely on its toes and pads, the droid arched up on its haunches before the second joint seamlessly shifted forward and the final leg moved in place against its body. The droid's arms hung level with its knees, evoking the sleek and stylized look of the Soundwave character from the Transformers Prime series. The droid's inner armor was a light gray, with a stark white outer casing that gleamed in the light. With one joint jutting out from its shoulders, the droid's weapons were displayed for all to see, two massive cannons waiting at the ready.
However, it was the droid's back that held the true surprise, an impressive array of swords and other weapons secured in place. The droid's face was short and sleek, with a curved shape that mirrored the features of a humanoid. But what made it truly stunning were its eyes, a gorgeous and mesmerizing shade of ice blue that seemed to glow with a light all their own. The outcrop on its head was not only a stunning visual touch, but also reinforced the protective barrier for the droid's brain, which rested just below.
But the attention to detail didn't stop there. Every inch of the droid's exterior reflected a unique sense of style and attention to form, with curves accenting its striking shape in a way that set it apart from any other droid of its kind. All in all, this droid was truly an impressive sight to behold.
Mr. Zecfreyer furrowed his brow in disappointment. He couldn't comprehend why anyone would want to create a female version of the male droid. Was it merely for the sake of gender equality? He couldn't fathom why that was necessary. He knew that the female droid would likely lay the blame at the feet of the creator, when in reality, it was an unnecessary and pointless addition.
As he ruminated on the absurdity of the situation, he noticed the three former associates moving away from him. They left him with two droids: the dark gray Flying Demon Droid (FDD) and the sleek, sophisticated High Protector Droid (HPD). Each droid had its own unique set of skills, and he knew that they were invaluable assets to his team.
The FDD, with its sharp, angular lines and streamlined design, was built for speed and agility. Its quick reflexes made it ideal for reconnaissance missions, and it could easily traverse difficult terrain with ease. On the other hand, the HPD was designed to protect and defend. With its sturdy exoskeleton and impressive array of weapons, it was ideal for guarding valuable assets or escorting key figures to safety.
As Mr. Zecfreyer pored over the blueprints, the two droids watched intently. The FDD positioned itself to his right, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. The HPD took up position on his left, scanning the perimeter for potential threats. Although they were merely machines, Mr. Zecfreyer knew that they were more than capable of fulfilling their duties and keeping him safe.
5 hours till operation
Suddenly, the shield ships arrived, their sleek EV-98's and WSX-34's taking flight to carry the tanks that would form the foundation of the massive defense system. The tanks were dropped off at specific points, creating an almost triangular shape that spanned from one shore to the other in Mexico. To keep themselves sound, each tank dug two piles into the ground upon impact, and opened a top hole with locks ready for their load. The number of tanks totalled a staggering 8,000, with 4,000 on each side.
As the crews worked to get everything in place, the choppers arrived to grab the generators and shield dishes from the sycamore fleet. Over 500 choppers mobilized to deliver 8,000 shields to their designated locations, where each one was slotted in place with wheels and secured with loud locks.
Without warning, a massive shield materialized on both sides of the triangle. From the sea, a mauve fish appeared, as if in response to the approaching Sycamore fleet. The two sides converged and closed, leaving only one side open at the top. The bottom tip was also closed, but extended several hundred miles underground and was invisible, making the shield a nearly six-sided complex structure. The energy for the shield was housed in generators, and as the sound barrier went up, it appeared as a brilliant blue force field before turning dark blue and then transforming into a black color as the black net activated.
This black net was located on the bridge of the capital ship, and served the purpose of disrupting and destroying any electrical device in the area. The shield was now fully operational, allowing a feeling of security to settle over the team. The countdown continued, the stakes high, but with the shield in place, the team was ready to take on the next phase of the preoperation.
3 hours to the operation.
The troops decided to take a well-deserved break and rest for an hour. While they were recuperating, a heated argument broke out between Mr. Zecfreyer and two droids regarding the concept of individuality. The debate centered around the notion of femininity and masculinity in droids- why one appeared to have more feminine qualities whilst the other had a more masculine appearance. The argument was so intense that it went on for over an hour, attracting a massive crowd who were enthralled by the exchange of ideas between man and machine.
2 hours till operation
Mexico's protected land mass had been diligently measured, with final calculations showing that 40% had been successfully safeguarded in triangle shaped shields. Despite this initial success, the operation was only just beginning. Zecfreyer, a respected military leader, shifted his position towards the inner part of the town, near the operation point, where thousands of troops had gathered in preparation for the upcoming mission.
Positioned alongside FDD and HPD troops, Zecfreyer addressed the soldiers with authority and confidence. "ATTENTION!" he yelled, and the troops rose to attention, each pounding their left foot into their right, resolute figures on the sandy beach. Zecfreyer outlined the mission objectives, speaking in calm, measured tones. "We will be grabbing high-ranking members of the cartels for the fleet and bringing them back. We are then ordered to move to the ships and head back to the fleet, which will arrive in a few hours. We will drop anchor one and two; remember your training, and stay focused."
As Zecfreyer spoke, the soldiers were silent, focused, and ready for action. Two shield generators, partially submerged in the water, were yet to activate, but they would spring into action as soon as the fleet arrived. Zecfreyer raised his left hand, flat, then slid it down in a quick motion, shouting, "Begin the operation!" The soldiers responded with a resounding "Yes, sir," and moved towards the choppers. Over 500 choppers lifted off, each one carrying a team that knew precisely where their target was.
Within two hours, they had not only captured but safely secured two of the most powerful underworld members in the country. The mission was a success, thanks to the careful planning and execution of Zecfreyer and his troops.
20 minutes till operation.
As the shields were activated, a dome of pure, transparent blue enveloped the final section of the country. As the two sides met, a brilliant light illuminated the field. Suddenly, the color morphed into a captivating dark, mulberry-blue hue before an obsidian veil descended upon the terrain.
The troops landed on the ships of the fleet, each one securely anchored. Zecfreyer and his two droid charges landed on the Bloodfallen, only to be greeted by five additional droids. These machines escorted the group with the 2 addition prisoners to the top platform just in front of the bridge where a commanding voice echoed throughout the fleet.
"Initiate Operation: Channel of Drugs."
continue in part 2