Fact is, i love you.
With every passing day
After every storm settles
I fall in love a little more.
With finesse of your voice
Charm of your words
A moment we breathe as one
I, encompassed in your brown hue
Your fingers tracing my arms
My arms necklaced yours
It shatters, you leave me wanting
Desire for all, your words, thoughts and touch
push me away, i fall in more
keep me close, i’d never let u go.
worlds might change, wars may end
The fire in me will never go out
Yearning burns me at night
Ashens me during the day
If that night was longer
Or i’d stayed an hour more
Lingering in your scent
Tracing your nape
Hold my hands again
Keep close to your chest
Kiss them one more time
Hold to never let go
This time, i promise my death
All my nights, by you, for you.
Wrinkled faces
sweaty foreheads
frozen shoulders
stiff limbs
succumbed to stress
our only motive?
heal this earth
make it home
reset our hearts
jump to 1984
where all happy
not hollow like now
dream, work, love
intermingle once again
maybe my chance
to be yours again
come people,
for the sake of lost love
I have seen this earth
as a paradise-like before
physically telepathically
come let's own
What's ours
come let's mend
what we broke
come let's heal
what we harmed.