To the Mom Who Made me Who I Am
Dear Mom,
Happy Mothers Day! You've always been the light of my world, and I could never be where I am without you. You would keep me in line, but would also take down your stern mask and show me the caring mother that I've always loved. You know when I need your help, or just simply need someone to talk to, but you also know when I'm overreacting and when I just need to think positively. You keep me away from distractions, and make sure I focus on my education. It means so much to me that you're trying to give me the best life possible. Over the past 13 years of my life, you've taught me that chasing money my entire life is a complete waste. From you I've learned that as long as I'm a humble and good person, I have accomplished in life. Rudyard Kipling stated that "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers." You have always been there for me, during the times where I needed a shoulder to cry on, and when I needed someone to cheer me on. You are the most understandable mother to ever exist, and I seriously could never imagine my life without you.
Dear mother, you'll always be the light of our home.
Happy Mothers Day.
Your loving daughter.