Infused with Love and Energy
Follow your natural curiosities and you will find what you love. When you find what you love, know they are your intrinsic gifts that will fill you with joy and purpose. Share your gifts with the world. Don't judge yourself, just give yourself freedom to explore, to succeed, and to fail and learn. When you do this, your actions will be infused with love and energy and will be an inspiration to others to do the same for themselves. Imagine a world where everyone did what they loved! There would be so much more happiness in the place of mental illness. More kindness instead of judgement, and more respect for individualism. We would see how we all fit together like puzzle pieces connected, instead of single pieces all mixed up. There would be more collaboration instead of competition, more community instead of war, and most importantly. you will find true happiness and meaning which you can share with others to make the world a better place.