The Bus Stop
The characters that you find at the bus stop can be... diverse. They range from old age to teenagers. And on rare occasions, kids. Some have characteristics of a slender size only rivaled by an old wooden toothpick. Then there are some who are so plump they camouflage the only seat at the stop. Some sit awkwardly quiet as they pretend to text. Others converse like they have known you since day one. Some attendees dabbed the right amount of their favorite scent before they proceeded to the stop. Others decided to bathe in their fragrance. And others decided not to bathe at all. Then if you add those together with the tobacco (smoked or chewed), the microwaved pig, the burned cow, the infused vegetables, plus the stop’s trash can with the two-week-old chicken and sardine pizza seasoned with a hint of rat guano, you create an atmosphere with a very distinctive aroma one can only describe as, pungent.
But in spite of all it’s problems, the bus stop is a necessary madness for the masses. And sometimes, if a person is lucky, they can avoid any of the previously stated issues by inhabiting the stop solo through the duration of their wait. If you are one of the lucky ones, that duration can be quite enjoyable. You can read a book in peace, listen to music without anyone trying to talk to you, or car shop by watching the vehicles speed by. Or, if you are easily scared, the anxiety created by the silence can be as haunting as discovering your airbnb is at 112 Ocean Avenue. Leah knew all about the haunting silence as she waited mornings for her bus to relieve her from the fear that pulsated through her veins. It had been only a few weeks since she started to migrate by bus, but every morning felt like the first day at a new school. Her angst heightened every time she entered the vicinity of the conspicuous placard.
Throughout the first weeks of her new norm, she was joined on a few occasions by fellow travelers. Leah would simply put on her headphones and play a podcast to avoid eye contact with many, but every now and then she would take a quick peek to see who was standing beside her. Most of the time they would be mirroring her actions with headphones and a cellular contraption. She could only remember one weird person looking back at her and smiling. It was a peculiar smile, one that Leah would come to know intimately well. But in that precise first encounter, the distinctive allure circumvented around Leah’s consciousness. All she could focus on was avoiding eye contact and making it to her destination. But perhaps her real destination of the day was to arrive at the predestined chance to forge a harmony of acquaintances that attach like strings executing a flawless symphony that only the heavens could adore.
Initially, Leah was able to avoid the pleasant and amicable contagion that was being transmitted from this quant host. She made sure to never make direct eye contact with the specimen in fear that it may try to converse, which was one thing Leah attempted to bypass at all cost. She just wanted to listen to a podcast or some old-school hip hop, maybe read some news, and make her travels in silence without a travel companion. But this individual was threatening Leah's entire plan by flashing the heinous yet captivating visage on a daily basis. Then finally, after a week of obstructing the weapon, her defenses collapsed and the contagion took hold of her grimace and a smile was returned back to the sender. The exchange didn’t last long, but time was delayed long enough for Leah to get a sharpened mental snapshot of the sender. The photo revealed an appealing young lady probably in her third decade of life. She was dressed in a pants suit equipped for politics, but compact enough to reveal a body for the after-party. Her gold headband flickered like a crown as it embraced her short curls. Though Leah quickly looked away after exchanging smiles, she found herself smiling at the afterthought of the brief cerebral photographic image of the amber queen. She slid her earbuds in to pursue a distraction, but the virus of the smile took hold and no song could take her mind away from the transaction sent from patient zero. She desired to take one more glance before the bus arrived, but decided against it fearing she would now become the creeper in the brief relationship. As she stepped on the bus, she took a glance back to see the cinnamon freckles one more time. It was a flash in time that didn’t disappoint because the mahogany smile still remained intact.
Over the weekend Leah recalled the exchange which had infected her with a contagious smile that never left. As she stepped toward stop 240, she couldn’t help but wonder about her new socially distanced friend. Would a smile be the pinnacle of the friendship, or will there be more? But then she began to wonder if it was a mistake sending the smile back. What if that attractive smile was how the queen of the damned lured in her prey. What if she was sizing her up so she could end up somewhere without a kidney. Her anxiety heightened as she met the placard towering over her. But then it began to cease as that Monday seemed to be one of the coveted days of silence when no one else was at the stop. Leah smiled and chuckled at herself for her unnecessary worry. As she began to descend down onto the seat, she heard a voice.
“Hey!” Leah’s fear skyrocketed because she did not notice her perimeter had been breached. She turned to discover the cinnamon freckles with a contagious smile. “Hey?” Leah’s heart double dutched as she broke her non-communication rule. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m just looking for a friend,” the mystery lady said as she joined Leah on the seat. “People here are kind of rude. You smile at them, but they never smile back.” Leah looked down in guilt. “Yeah, I don’t know why they do that.” “But you, I knew you were different when you actually saw me. Everyone else is so connected to the phone they miss what’s going on around them. I hope no serial killer ever shows up because I fear none of our bus crew would notice.” Leah slowly took the air pod out of her ear. “Yeah, I don’t know why people are like that.” “Anyways, my name is Misty.” Misty looked into Leah’s eyes and waited for a response. “Umm, my name is Leah.” Misty then reached her hand out to shake Leah’s hand. “Cool. Nice to meet you, Leah.” Leah reluctantly reached her hand back to shake this talkative stranger’s hand. “It’ll be good to have a friend here to chat with. But I know you go on bus 22, so I will still be lonely once you leave.” Leah perked up as she finally had a response that made the conversation go. “O, what bus do you go on?” Leah said, smiling with a sense of accomplishment. “I take bus 36 to work. It’s about the same, no one likes to talk.” “Where do you work?” “It’s a little place called Honey’s Hideout. It’s been around for a while. Have you heard of it?” Leah loved that place. She would always go purchase their wings. They were the best in town. “Yeah, I heard of it. It’s an alright restaurant.” “Aww, just alright? I feel like I have seen you there a few times.” Misty placed her hand under her chin and looked at Leah with an interrogating stare. “Fine, I love that place.” Misty moved her hand away from her face and clapped to her Eureka moment. “I knew it,” she giggled. “You know I have a photographic memory. I remember almost everyone who comes to our place.” Misty turned her shoulders and faced her neighbor. “Especially the ones worth remembering.” Leah tried to shield her smile and reddened face by turning her head slightly, but she wasn’t very successful as Misty leaned forward to see her damage. “You do?” Leah asked, trying to contain her emotions. “What do you do there?” Misty stood up to lean up against the pole directly in front of Leah. “I am the hostess. So I am the first face you see when you come into Honey’s. Been there for so many years I lost count.” “Really? You don’t look that old.” Misty laughed. “Girl, you know what they say about my people. We don’t crack.” Leah chuckled. “So where are you heading too?” Misty asked. “I’m heading to the college. I’m one of the president’s assistants.” A shadow covered the ground as another passenger entered the vicinity behind the ladies. Leah looked at her watch and realized it was almost time for her bus to show. She had enjoyed Misty’s company so much she never realized how quickly the time went by. “O, you big time then,” Misty said as she sat back down before another passenger claimed the coveted seat. “I’m trying to be. Taking a couple of classes up there too.” “Shit yeah. That’s what I love to hear,” Misty said as she touched Leah’s shoulder. Normally Leah did not enjoy touchy people, but Misty was different. “I love hearing about strong ladies trying to be the best instead of settling. I love James Brown, but these men can kiss my ass with that ‘this is a man's world.’” Misty looked at the young gentleman standing behind the seat with a scowl. “In the words of the Queen. Who runs the world?” The guy awkwardly glanced at Misty and started to drift backward as he stared at his phone more intently. Leah looked down and laughed. “He knows.” “You crazy,” Leah added. “You have to let these men know. We can be more than secretaries or nurses. We can be the presidents and doctors too. Can you feel me?” Misty said as she threw her fist in the air. Leah laughed and threw her fist in the air too. The now embarrassed guy slowly turned and faced the opposite direction. Misty turned back to Leah and started laughing. “He might not be coming back to this stop.” Leah said. “You right.” Misty said as she turned back to the gentleman. “I’m just playing sir. Kind of. But it’s cool.” The sound of squeaky tires was heard approaching. “I think this is my bus,” Leah said as she stood up. She was a little sad she had to leave her new friend. “Ok girlie. You have a lovely day.” The guy quickly entered the bus before Leah. The two girls looked at each other and busted out laughing again. “And let them know who runs the world,” Misty said as she waved at Leah getting on the bus. “I will girl. See you later.” Leah walked onto the bus and in her seat. She looked out the window at her new ally against men. She didn’t anticipate having such a great time with someone while waiting at the stop, but she was delighted that she did.
Over the next few days, the two found themselves in wonderful conversations about work, favorite tv shows, music, and viral videos. Though others would enter their vicinity, the stop quickly became known as their stop. The norms started to keep their distance when they came upon the stop. They knew if they came too close, they would become a victim of the onslaught of jokes and laughs the two new besties were dishing out. “Look at this one,” one of the ladies would be heard saying. Then they would reply something inaudible for their target, followed by an explosion of laughter. The victim could wear headphones, but even with noise-canceling tech, it didn’t cancel the sight of the two laughing in a person's direction. “Girl, you crazy,” or “Girl, you wild” was said multiple times during those days, and Leah loved every second of it. The eerie bus stop that she originally dreaded now became the best part of her day.
The weekend was coming up, and Leah feared she would be without her new partner for a few days. “Do you work on weekends?” Misty asked as she moved close to her partner in crime. “No, I’ll probably just sit around the house and watch Netflix.” “Girl, that sounds boring as hell. Why not come out with me tomorrow night.” Leah took a second to think about it. Usually, the answer to similar questions would be an astounding ‘NO!’ but Leah was intrigued about the idea of spending more time with Misty. “I don’t know. Where would we go?” “There is a spot by Honey’s that I think would be the perfect place for us to unwind. You can dance right?”
Book Title: Sweet like Honey
Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Age Range: Adult, or YA
Word Count: 2,177(This Excerpt) 12,000 this story, Appx 60,000 total for project
Why it's a good fit: I believe it is enjoyable when a reader get's to read about the different paths of different characters that are introduced. Plus, the stories that are in the book keep you guessing with multiple twists.
Hook: The short stories in this book all link together around a mysterious, but delicious, restaurant called honey's hideout. Will it be a date to remember, or will this day be your last.
Synopsis: Sweet like Honey is a collection of short stories that all connect together to give the reader different views of what is happening around the city. Most of the mysterious characters we find all have something to do with the city's favorite restaurant, Honey's Hideout. Each story has a twist that will keep the reader interested, guessing, and sometimes involved.
Target audience: People who enjoy romantic stories, but also love the mysterious twists
My personality: I enjoy writing when I can. Mainly it's just for the fun. But every now and then I let people see what I wrote. I also enjoy tutoring the youth with writing or math. Those seem to be the main issues with youth these days, so I'm glad that they are my 2 favorite subjects so I can help.
What would happen if the girl of your dreams, became the girl of your reality?
How would you flatter her to create a first kiss as sweet as candy?
Would you interact with the confidence of a powerful king,
Or would you gently submit as a humble subject admiring his queen?
Would the words you speak permeate like a gentle breeze,
Or will the bass rumble her core making her think of the birds and the bees.
Would you propose to her a date, take your time, become her soulmate?
Or would you disregard holding hands, take her to bed, risk it all on a one night stand.
Would you be content with looking deep in her eyes,
Or would you rather suit up and dive deep in between her thighs?
Would you find gratification with a flirtatious touch,
Or would you prefer to move south, past her navel, and make her moan “too much.”
So tell me, what would happen with that girl of your dreams?
Would it contain bells, or only contain passionate screams.
And I must ask, would it end abruptly with splashing like the ocean’s surrounding fringe,
Or is it a story that continues as far as the stars, a story that will never end.
Bone of my Bones
The darkness gave way to a vibrant blue ocean floating over him. The lively colors of this new terrain never ceased to fascinate him. There were blue, green, yellow, purple, and all other colors of the spectrum everywhere he looked. The sights were breathtaking as he stared in awe at the wondrous creation. The velvety grass hugged and welcomed him back to life as he took a deep breath to consume the elegant aroma of fresh fruit. A shadow crawled over his face. It was from an aeronautical being soaring through the ocean of the sky. He closed his eyes again to appreciate every sound that was being made around him. It was like someone was conducting a beautiful symphony made from chirps, roars, howls, laughs, and other animal languages that he had not yet identified. Every voice formed one grand opera that praised the above city and their King. Every morning was a glorious experience like no other. And every night, watching the twinkling fire burn in the sky was just as momentous. But, he desired to share the sights with another. His friends were always busy conducting new music, and the owner of his new territory only came around certain times. The owner did promise to help at their last conversation though. He didn’t know what the owner meant, but he trusted him.
He tried to sit up from his velvety bed, but this time he felt different. He felt stiff on the side of his stomach. It was a new sensation he had never felt before. The more he tried to change his angle, the more the sensation pulsated. He decided to concede back into his resting position. He didn’t sense the owner around so he turned on his side thinking it would ease the sensation. The sensation was then replaced with a new emotion, His heart seemed to skip, his breathing became shortened, and his eyes became wide. The former sensation of his side disappeared as he jumped backward at the sight of a new creature laying next to him. It wasn’t the owner, it wasn’t one of his friends. What and who was this stranger arranged in horizontal position next to him? “Hello?” he said as the being laid perfectly still. “Hello!” he yelled again as he proceeded closer to this strange being. As he inspected this being, he noticed a few similarities between it and him. But he also noticed multiple variations that he didn't have. He crept closer and yelled again. “Hello!?” The closer he came to the creature, the more his emotions changed into another. This emotion had similarities with the previous emotion like his heart pounding and breath being shortened. But this emotion seemed to draw him closer to the creature, instead of pushing him away. The luster of its bronze covering radiated as it wrapped around the creature’s body tightly. The black crown that covered its head majestically curled all around and flowed down like the 4 rivers flowed out of the garden. The eyes were closed, but the eyelashes seemed to tease that something beautiful was underneath, like a bow wrapped on an exquisite gift. It's nose separated the symmetrical dotted cheeks that showcased the cocoa bean colored lips that sat with a slight curl at the ends.
The stinging sensation on his side started to return as he admired the being. He decided to lay down beside the seemingly harmless creature and inspect closer. As he proceeded to lay down, the back of his hand gently rubbed against the bronzed skin. It was as smooth as one blade of grass. He turned his hand over to feel more of the creature's skin. He started by placing his finger under the lips and then slowly walked them down onto the chest that contained some fluid on the inside. He briefly touched his chest to confirm he did not have the same type. He slowly walked his fingers around the pouches that were protruding from the being's chest. At the peak, there was a similar part like his chest. But touching the being's peak made his breathing speed up and his heart jump, again. ‘What is this thing,’ he thought as emotions he had never felt before flowed through every part of his body. He continued his journey down the peak and into the valley of the creature’s body. He took deep breaths to slow his breathing and his heart. His fingers continued to travel down until they came to the end of the torso and middle of legs. There seem to be something missing in that spot when compared to his own. He moved through a separation and found what felt like a button. As he rubbed around it, he noticed the button seemed to affect him too.
“I told you I would fix your problem.” A powerful yet gentle voice spoke behind the man. “And that part, you can figure it out later.” “What does it do?” The man said as he turned around to see the owner. “It’s where you connect to become one again.” “Again?” The owner walked up and stood beside the man. “This is my latest creation. You needed a partner, so I made you one.” The owner then bent down and touched the man’s side. “And I made it by taking a part of you. Don’t you feel like you are missing something, like a bone?” The man now understood why his side was giving him a new feeling that he dubbed pain. “So it’s bone came from my bone?” “Correct.” “And it’s flesh came from my flesh.” “Not really, just the bone. But I know what you are saying,” the owner said. “Ok. We’ll since it came from me, let’s call her woman. Because she came from me.” The man was proud of the new name he came up with. “Ok, Adam. Keep up the name making, and enjoy your new friend. You two should have plenty of fun in my garden. But first, you have to wake her up.” The owner walked away with a smile. “How? And what is a her?” Adam yelled. The owner disappeared among the numerous trees without providing an answer.
Adam turned back to this new creation with excitement, but confusion. How would he wake this stranger up? He touched the button again, but nothing happened on the woman’s body. The only reaction came from his body. He did enjoy the reaction, but he really desired to wake his new companion up. Reminiscing, he thought about how he first woke up. He remembered the owner telling him he breathed into his nostrils to wake him up. Maybe the owner forgot to breathe into her? Maybe. Adam decided to test his new hypothesis. He moved his face closer to hers. The closer he came, the less breath he felt for himself. As his lips approached, he felt a breeze blowing into her nostrils followed by a wind coming out. He also found a sweet aroma emerging from the woman’s body. It was an aroma sweeter than all the fruit trees and flowers circulating the garden. The sweetness made him close his eyes as he approached. He missed his attended target, but he discovered a new destination that fulfilled the desired contact requirements. Her lips were connected to his in such immaculate alignment it created perfect artwork that only deserved to be showcased amongst the art of the angels. Everything froze as the first kiss set the precedent for generations to come. Never again would one kiss cause fireworks through time and space. Never again would one kiss cause the earth to stop and applaud. Never again would one kiss change the universe. It would be copied, but never again would it be precisely executed with such perfect elegance.
As Adam disconnected with little breath left, he found the gift that the eyebrows teased and the eyelids hid looking at him. They were alluring light brown eyes that reminded him of the splendid sunsets of the evening he couldn’t wait to share. The woman smiled and spoke with a voice that had a pitch of an angelic song plus the gentle resonance of the owner. “Hi,” she said. “Hello, Eve.”
Bone of my Bones
The darkness gave way to a vibrant blue ocean floating overhead. The lively colors of this new terrain never ceased to fascinate him. There were blue, green, yellow, purple, and all other colors of the spectrum everywhere he looked. The sights were breathtaking as he stared in awe at the wondrous creation. The velvety grass hugged and welcomed him back to life as he took a deep breath to consume the elegant aroma of fresh fruit. A shadow crawled over his face. It was from an aeronautical being soaring through the ocean of the sky. He closed his eyes again to appreciate every sound that was being made around him. It was like someone was conducting a beautiful symphony made from chirps, roars, howls, laughs, and other animal languages that he had not yet identified. Every voice formed one grand opera that praised the above city and their King. Every morning was a glorious experience like no other. And every night, watching the twinkling fire burn in the sky was just as momentous. But, he desired to share the sights with another. His friends were always busy conducting new music, and the owner of his new territory only came around certain times. The owner did promise to help at their last conversation though. He didn’t know what the owner meant, but he trusted him.
He tried to sit up from his velvety bed, but this time he felt different. He felt stiff on the side of his stomach. It was a new sensation he had never felt before. The more he tried to change his angle, the more the sensation pulsated. He decided to concede back into his resting position. He didn’t sense the owner around so he turned on his side thinking it would ease the sensation. The sensation was then replaced with a new emotion, His heart seemed to skip, his breathing became shortened, and his eyes became wide. The former sensation of his side disappeared as he jumped backward at the sight of a new creature laying next to him. It wasn’t the owner, it wasn’t one of his friends. What and who was this stranger arranged in horizontal position next to him? “Hello?” he said as the being laid perfectly still. “Hello!” he yelled again as he proceeded closer to this strange being. As he inspected this being, he noticed a few similarities between it and him. But he also noticed multiple variations that he didn’t have. He crept closer and yelled again. “Hello!?” The closer he came to the creature, the more his emotions changed into another. This emotion had similarities with the previous emotion like his heart pounding and breath being shortened. But this emotion seemed to draw him closer to the creature, instead of pushing him away. The luster of its bronze covering radiated as it wrapped around the creature’s body tightly. The black crown that covered its head majestically curled all around and flowed down like the 4 rivers flowed out of the garden. The eyes were closed, but the eyelashes seemed to tease that something beautiful was underneath, like a bow wrapped on an exquisite gift. It’s nose separated the symmetrical dotted cheeks that showcased the cocoa bean colored lips that sat with a slight curl at the ends.
The stinging sensation on his side started to return as he admired the being. He decided to lay down beside the seemingly harmless creature and inspect closer. As he proceeded to lay down, the back of his hand gently rubbed against the bronzed skin. It was as smooth as one blade of grass. He turned his hand over to feel more of the creature’s skin. He started by placing his finger under the lips and then slowly walked them down onto the chest that contained some fluid on the inside. He briefly touched his chest to confirm he did not have the same type. He slowly walked his fingers around the pouches that were protruding from the being’s chest. At the peak, there was a similar part like his chest. But touching the being’s peak made his breathing speed up and his heart jump, again. ‘What is this thing,’ he thought as emotions he had never felt before flowed through every part of his body. He continued his journey down the peak and into the valley of the creature’s body. He took deep breaths to slow his breathing and his heart. His fingers continued to travel down until they came to the end of the torso and middle of legs. There seem to be something missing in that spot when compared to his own. He moved through a separation and found what felt like a button. As he rubbed around it, he noticed the button seemed to affect him too.
“I told you I would fix your problem.” A powerful yet gentle voice spoke behind the man. “And that part, you can figure it out later.” “What does it do?” The man said as he turned around to see the owner. “It’s where you connect to become one again.” “Again?” The owner walked up and stood beside the man. “This is my latest creation. You needed a partner, so I made you one.” The owner then bent down and touched the man’s side. “And I made it by taking a part of you. Don’t you feel like you are missing something, like a bone?” The man now understood why his side was giving him a new feeling that he dubbed pain. “So it’s bone came from my bone?” “Correct.” “And it’s flesh came from my flesh.” “Not really, just the bone. But I know what you are saying,” the owner said. “Ok. We’ll since it came from me, let’s call her woman. Because she came from me.” The man was proud of the new name he came up with. “Ok, Adam. Keep up the name making, and enjoy your new friend. You two should have plenty of fun in my garden. But first, you have to wake her up.” The owner walked away with a smile. “How? And what is a her?” Adam yelled. The owner disappeared among the numerous trees without providing an answer.
Adam turned back to this new creation with excitement, but confusion. How would he wake this stranger up? He touched the button again, but nothing happened on the woman’s body. The only reaction came from his body. He did enjoy the reaction, but he really desired to wake his new companion up. Reminiscing, he thought about how he first woke up. He remembered the owner telling him he breathed into his nostrils to wake him up. Maybe the owner forgot to breathe into her? Maybe. Adam decided to test his new hypothesis. He moved his face closer to hers. The closer he came, the less breath he felt for himself. As his lips approached, he felt a breeze blowing into her nostrils followed by a wind coming out. He also found a sweet aroma emerging from the woman’s body. It was an aroma sweeter than all the fruit trees and flowers circulating the garden. The sweetness made him close his eyes as he approached. He missed his attended target, but he discovered a new destination that fulfilled the desired contact requirements. Her lips were connected to his in such immaculate alignment it created perfect artwork that only deserved to be showcased amongst the art of the angels. Everything froze as the first kiss set the precedent for generations to come. Never again would one kiss cause fireworks through time and space. Never again would one kiss cause the earth to stop and applaud. Never again would one kiss change the universe. It would be copied, but never again would it be precisely executed with such perfect elegance.
As Adam disconnected with little breath left, he found the gift that the eyebrows teased and the eyelids hid looking at him. They were alluring light brown eyes that reminded him of the splendid sunsets of the evening he couldn’t wait to share. The woman smiled and spoke with a voice that had a pitch of an angelic song plus the gentle resonance of the owner. “Hi,” she said. “Hello, Eve.”
The Tangible Reality
Chrystal stared at her final essay of the semester. It was a long and challenging freshman year. But with this essay completed, she was finally getting a breath of fresh air. She clicked the print button and the Brother went to work completing the final touches. "Girl, are you not done with your report yet?" A smell of fresh bath and body works cherry blossom body wash filled the room with steam. Chrystal took a deep breath to allow her nostrils to be filled with the sensational scent. She wished she grew up with bath and body works, but she only used old fashioned Zest. Her roommate, on the other hand, was a different story. "Yeah, I'm printing it now," Chrystal said as she continued to enjoy the astonishing aroma. She turned to capture a view of her not afraid to show her body roommate, Delilah. She was standing in the doorway of the bathroom drying her wet cherry blossomed body. Chrystal had always admired Delilah confidence. She traditionally had been an introvert gamer that never went to parties, including prom. She was satisfied by grabbing a controller and playing fortnite, apex legends, or some sport game by herself. Very rarely was she seen in the outside world unless she was in church. Which that avenue did allow her to date a boy or two, kind of. If going out to eat after church with a boy plus her parents is considered a date, then Chrystal had one or two high school boyfriends. But besides that, Chrystal did nothing before she met Delilah. On the first day of the semester, Delilah had Chrystal at a party. Chrystal didn't do much but sit in the corner, but she was there. Even though Chrystal has never made her way to the dance floor yet, now at least she was talking to people, going on real dates, and even sipping on wine coolers. Though not everything was for the better, at least Chrystal experienced things that she never would have if it wasn't for Delilah. And Chrystal loved her for that. Maybe loved her too much.
"I'm glad your done Chrys. Let's get into something. It's been a long time." Delilah said as she finally decided to follow in Eve's footsteps and wrap herself in a towel. "Tony is having a party." Delilah walked back into the bathroom where she found a second towel to finish drying her hair. "Who is Tony?" Chrystal's angle allowed her to have a director's view of Delilah in the mirror. She watched the steam-filled mirror like it was a TV screen as Delilah rubbed her hair up and down with the towel. "You know Tone. He has been trying to get with me for a minute. Tonight may be his lucky day." Chrystal had no idea who Delilah was talking about. Mainly because half of the football team wanted to get with her. Plus the basketball teams, plus the track team, and the science club. Though Delilah was very beautiful, Chrystal couldn't figure out how one person could attract so many people. Was it her flowing hair? That couldn't be it because every other week she changed it. Was it her smile? Can't be right either because she is known for snapping on a lot of people. Was it her breasts? No way. Though they were natural silver dollars that sat on her chest in perfect formation, they weren't mountains. They were more like hills. Was it her butt? Maybe. Chrystal did like to see it when she walked around after shower time. But still, it wasn't the biggest. Chrystal was pretty sure hers was bigger. The only thing that was left was her confidence, her tenacity, and her boldness. She had plenty of that. "Oh yeah. Tony," she said as she rolled her eyes. "But I don't know. I heard Tiff may be there too. And if I see that bitch there, it's not going to be good for her health." Just like there was a batman and a joker, there were Delilah and Tiffany. They were friends for a while, but it was a matter of time before the titan's clash. And that clash came after Kevin's eventful party. After that party, things were not the same with anyone. Chrystal had also dealt with Tiff throughout the year. She wasn't as cool as Delilah was in her mind, but she still thought Tiff was alright. Tiff was a sophomore so she knew the ropes around campus. She had a reputation for being the hook-up doctor, and the crazy party girl. But the parties she attended were usually wilder than the parties Delilah went to. For instance, she was the one that invited Chrys to Kevin's party, and Chrys invited Delilah. Because of her invitation, Chrystal should never talk to Tiff again. But Tiff was really good at doing hair, so Chrystal still had moments with her after that day. If Chrystal needed something like the locks she currently wore, she would tell Delilah she was going off-campus to avoid controversy. So far it had worked. But she also knew it wouldn't last. Eventually, she would tell her.
Chrystal still had the perfect view of Delilah as she started putting on makeup. Chrystal had never used makeup before, but she wanted to because at times she was ashamed of her freckles. And it wasn't because her family didn't approve of makeup, her parents really wouldn't care if she wore it. But because she had only brothers, they never brought it up. So no one ever taught her. "I heard the basketball players were going to the Lobo. They usually make it hyped when they are there. But someone is always fighting." The Lobo was a bar close to the college that was popular for college students. It wasn't the biggest, but they did let students in free on certain days. "Yeah, it was hyped last time." A loud click echoed through the room. The book report had finished and the printer had put the heavy-duty stapler in. Chrystal had to look away from her favorite new show to take it hot off the presses. She was proud of the work she had done and was ready to unwind, but she didn't want to go to the club. "I heard they are doing a movie night downstairs." "Yeah, but it is cheesy movies. I wouldn't mind going to the actual movies though. I heard there is a new scary movie playing." "I hate scary movies." "O yeah, I remember last time I had to cuddle with you because you were scared," Chrystal remembered that night vividly, and secretly longed for a repeat. It ended with just her and Delilah, alone, together, and in each other arms. What a wonderful night. "But I can get Charles to come with us and keep you company." Chrystal had no idea who Charles was either. Delilah always tried to hook her up with random guys just because she was so popular, but most of them were jerks because they actually wanted Delilah. "Nope. Not going with Charles." Chrystal started putting her paper in her backpack. One thing Chrystal did have over Delilah was her organization. She made sure everything was in order every night so that every morning all she had to do was grab and go. Her focus was so intense that she actually didn't notice Delilah had made her way out of the bathroom and on to her bed where she was putting on lotion. "Are you done with tests?" She asked. "I have one more, but I have an A in the class so it's not that important." "Well then, we have to do something more than a movie tonight to celebrate, even if I have to be your date. But what do you want to do?" Chrystal put her bag on the hook by the door and then turned to look at a naked Delilah again. So many answers could have been replied, but she chose the generic "I don't know." Delilah picked up her phone and then wrapped the towel back around her body. "Don't take this wrong. I love you, but how about I give you a quick makeover." Chrystal was actually surprised this was the first time Delilah ever offered. "Ok, I guess." Towel-wrapped Delilah stood up with glee and grabbed Chrystal by the hand to led her to the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Delilah grabbed a yellow mesh ball from her side of the cabinet. Chrystal had seen them before but never thought to ask if she could have one. She had always used a small rag to wash up. "First, what I want you to do, even though I know you stole some of my cherry blossom before, I want you to take a shower with this. I bought it for you." She handed Chrystal a new scent that she had never seen. It was called Dark Kiss, something Chrystal secretly craved at that moment. "Your skin has to give off an essence that no boy or girl can resist. And this plus the loofa will help." Chrystal didn't know if she should be offended. Was Delilah saying she smelled, or did she notice that Chrystal wanted to use some of her bath and body works? "I'll get the makeup ready." "Wait, are you going to be in here." Even though Delilah walked around naked all the time, Chrystal never once walked in her underwear around Delilah. "Umm, do you not see what I am wearing. As long as you don't' have a penis under that, you are alright." "I don't think I can," Chrystal whispered. "We all have the same stuff. Here let me help." Delilah took off her towel and placed it on the towel. "See." It didn't help matters at all. Chrystal slowly started to take off her favorite comfortable shirt and sweats. She had a bra underneath the shirt, so at least she wasn't instantly in the nude. But she was very uncomfortable. "Fine, I'll step out. But I'll be back in when I hear the water turn off." Delilah stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door. Delilah was so comfortable with herself that the towel was left in the bathroom. Chrystal slipped out of her Hanes sweats and bra and entered the shower. Delilah wasn't lying about one thing; Chrystal did use her bath and body works once or twice. But she had never used it with a luffa. 'How do I use this thing.' She squirted a little bit of the kiss into the middle. She couldn't see any suds, so she squirted a little more onto the strange luffa. Finally, she rubbed it on her body. Instantly the bubbles popped up. She was convinced she used too much. But her body was dark kissed today. From her neck to her legs, to her parts Hanes hugged. She smelled amazing. The rag didn't handle her as the luffa did. She turned off the shower and found a towel to dry off. But Delilah was a woman of her word. A few seconds later there was a series of knocks. 2 soft ones, 2 loud ones, and 3 more soft ones. Delilah had come up with a secret code with Chrystal after the momentous Kevin's party. Chrystal quickly found a towel as the door handle started jiggling. A few seconds later, in came Delilah with her makeup brushes. She chuckled, "You know you are still wet." Chrystal couldn't decipher exactly what that meant. "You tripping. I'm going to give you 5 more minutes and I'm coming in because you are going to be sexy tonight. Might even get you a real man instead of Eli." Delilah closed the door and left Chrystal alone once again. Chrystal quickly went to work drying off with her favorite massive beach towel that she had since high school. It was the perfect size for her mid-size body. Once everything was dry as she could get it, she started wrapping her towel around her body again. She wanted it to be snug, but at the same time a little loose, just in case. Two soft knocks came at the door. Chrystal anxiety kicked up. Should she pose sexual? Probably not, because she didn't know how to. Two loud knocks banged on the door. Should she take the towel back off and act like she wasn't ready? Nope, her brave level did not increase over the past 10 minutes. Soft knock one. Should she lay on the floor? Soft knock two. Should she sit on the cabinet? Soft knock three? Should she stand there as in looking awkward? "Are you ready for me yet?" Delilah's voice rang out on the other side of the door. She was not an introvert like Chrystal. "Yeah, ready as I am going to be." Delilah opened the door back up, but this time with Victoria hiding her secrets. "Let's do this!" She started opening drawers and pulling out palettes of every color of the rainbow. Then she pulled out a box that must have kept her secret weapon. It contained everything from brushes, lipsticks, eyelashes, eyeliners, mascara, concealer, foundations, and everything else that you would need to open a makeup store. "The first check, let me make sure you smell good." Delilah moved in close to Chrystal. She had been close to Delilah before, but this time it seemed different to Chrystal. She took in her enticing odor with a whiff. It was even intoxicating than before. It was so intoxicating she imagined that Delilah came all the way to her neck to not only get a smell but to give it a quick kiss on her dark kiss smelling body. But she wouldn't stop there. She would move in for a real kiss. Then she imagined that after a long sensual kiss, she would move her hands into her high school beach towel to reveal that she wasn't as dry as she had claimed. "That's a check. You smell good girl. Now let me get the chair for you to sit in." Reality kicked back in for Chrystal. Though Delilah sometimes played around flirtatiously before, she had never once given her the hint that she liked Chrystal in that way. Chrystal wasn't sure why or when her admiration of her best college friend had turned into an infatuation. But now it was so strong, she had wished this simple gesture from her friend would accidentally turn into a sexual interaction with her.
Delilah reentered the bathroom with a chair from the room. "Sit here girl. Let me work my magic." And work magic she did indeed. She moved like a wizard through the colors and tools she had in her secret weapon box. Chrystal sat in the chair trying to keep focused on what was happening instead of daydreaming about what could happen. She tried to distract herself by asking questions like what type of makeup Delilah was using, or how many brushes were in her box, or what was her best color. It worked for the most part. But Delilah was in such close proximity that it was impossible to stop a body part from rubbing up against Chrystal. Delilah imagination would activate every time she would touch. It was hard to stop. And when Delilah needed something new from her toolbox, she would bend over slightly to figure out what she would want. Chrystal imagined that if she was brave enough, she would take advantage of that situation. Because even though Victoria was keeping Delilah's secret the best she could when she bent over everything couldn't be kept a secret. "My masterpiece is almost done," Delilah said as she stepped back and looked at what she had accomplished on Chrystal. Chrystal tried to stare only into Delilah's eyes, but she knew that stare wouldn't last long knowing that her peripheral vision was telling her the full story. She tried to avert her eyes by looking toward the mirror. "No. Not yet." Delilah had jumped in front of her line of sight to the mirror. Chrystal used that moment to take a look at Delilah's cute naval. Her imagination took her to a parallel universe where she was brave enough to reach out and grab Delilah's side and pull her close. She would kiss around that naval before telling Victoria she could no longer hide Delilah's secret. "Now let me get you the perfect dress for tonight." Delilah pulled Chrystal out of the parallel universe and into the room. She started looking through her massive selection of unorganized clothes in her closet. Though Chrystal had feelings for her roommate, she still didn't like how unorganized she was. The few arguments they had were because of something Delilah left out or lost on her side of the room. Delilah never took the arguments seriously though, but Chrystal's biggest pet peeve was something unorganized. As Delilah was looking around in her closet of stuff, Chrystal caught sight once again of the secret. It was about to take her to another parallel universe this time of depicting some sort of punishment for the mess, but then Delilah discovered what she was looking for. "This is it!" She was really excited and proud of the dress she had discovered for Chrystal. It was a party black dress with gold trim. Shorter than what Chrystal was used to, but Delilah was for certain it was the perfect dress for the night. "I don't know, it's a little short." "Girl, you have the perfect body for this dress. I wish I had an ass like yours. I would always rock these short dresses." "Fine." Chrystal grabbed the dress and tried to go back into the bathroom. "Nope. You aren't going to look in the mirror until you are fully ready. Since you scared, I'll turn around." Delilah proceeded to turn around. But mid-turn, she remembered something. "I almost forgot. Stop wearing granny panties." "I do not," Chrystal snapped back, but she knew she did. They were comfortable. "Here take these. I just bought them but they didn't fit. You have an ass, so they should fit good. And you can have the matching bra too." As she started digging in her drawer, Chrystal started to get upset again at how unorganized Delilah was. But she was fully bent over, so her anger disappeared while she was taken away to another parallel universe similar to 50 shades. "Here they are." Delilah pulled out something of course made from Victoria. "This will work perfectly with the dress." She handed them to Chrystal and then started rummaging through her closet again. "I am going to wear the red one. We are going to be fly tonight." She took her red dress and went into the bathroom.
Chrystal started changing into these foreign clothes. They felt a little strange as she slipped them up. To her surprise though, they were really comfortable. She looked down at her exposed legs. More than usual was showing. She thought, 'my parents would kill me for wearing this.' The door creaked open from the bathroom and out walked the lady in red. She was gorgeous. A man, or woman, would see her and instantly fall in love. "You are so pretty," Chrystal was in awe by how amazing Delilah looked. "First off, I know I'm fine. And second, when you see yourself, you will say the same thing." Delilah grabbed Chrystal hand and led her into the bathroom to the mirror. Who was this lady staring back at Chrystal? This stranger had a sexy face, beautiful full lips, hypnotizing eyes, and ass. "Damn." "I told you didn't I. Call me Merlin." Delilah was truly a magician because Chrystal had never seen herself like that. It was so good, she couldn't hold her excitement. She grabbed Delilah and gave her a hug. "You are going to make me mess up my mascara. Stop!" Chrystal really wanted to follow up with much more, but she didn't know how to. "Are you ready to go stunt on these hoes." Delilah confidence is not a force to mess with. "Yeah. Let me get my shoes on." Chrystal walked into the room and grabbed her sneakers. Delilah laughed. "Normally I would clown you for those, but I like your style. Never let anyone change you all the way." Every now and then Delilah would have some words of wisdom. Maybe because she was a pk. "Where are we going?" "Let's go to Tony's."
As they came closer to Tony's house, they noticed how packed it was. They were met in the front with the normal party bouncer. He was a big 300 lb. lineman they called Bug. "What up Bug," Delilah said as she walked through the door. "What up D. What up Chrys." "What up Bug," Chrystal said as she gave him a fist bump. "You ladies look nice tonight." Bug was always seen as the serious enforcer on and off the field. But he was also one of the few gentlemen left on the campus. "Boy, I know we are looking sexy right now." "You crazy. I'm not about to have any trouble from you two again am I." "Hey, if they don't start nothing, won't be nothing," Delilah said as she walked into the loud party. "Naw Bug. It'll be cool," Chrystal said as she stepped a foot inside. "For real though Chrys, if anybody starts acting crazy, come get me this time. I got you." She punches him in the chest and says, "I know B. I appreciate it." She walks into the party and looks around. To no surprise, Delilah was already dancing with some guy. Chrystal moved around to find the drinks. "Damn girl. When did you get sexy?" "Shut up Eli. I've always been sexy." Eli was one of her few guy friends as well as her video game challenger. He also had a crush on her, but Chrystal just couldn't find him attractive. Maybe because she would always demolish him in games. "I got that new 2k if you want to come by tomorrow." "Why, so you can lose again. Go home and get you some practice before you step into my arena." She continued to make her way thru the crowd. Sometimes stopping to explain why she looked different, and how Delilah hooked her up. She then found the drinks.
"You want a Smirnoff, right?" A deep voice said as she entered the kitchen. The voice froze her to the core like an ice ball from Sub-Zero. "I know it's right." She knew the voice, and she really wished she didn't run into it. The source of the voice then places the black ice on the counter in front of Chrystal who begin to shiver like she was close to the ice caps. "I'm not even trying to mess with you right now." She glanced up to see a smile as it walked by. Minutes seem to go by as Chrystal thawed. "Hey, are you alright." This voice was different. It was the voice of Eli. He picked up the drink and put it in her hand. "You don't have to be here if you don't want." Chrystal took a deep breath in. "I'm good. He isn't going to mess up the party." "Are you sure? We can go and play a game right now." "You need some more practice before you play me again." Chrystal took the cap off her Smirnoff and started to drink. "You know you only beat me twice." Chrystal slapped Eli's arm. "Stop lying." Eli then spotted a seat that they could sit at. Delilah must have been on a break because she also joined them. "What up girl. I lost you on the dance floor." "You know I don't dance." "What up Eli. Are you trying to hook up with my girl again?" "Nope, he's over here trying to get beatdown in 2k." Delilah smirks. "I really don't know when I became friends with nerds." The three sat on the couch while the DJ continued to play. A few songs made Delilah get up and dance, but she would come sit down like a boxer after the bell rings whenever she grew tired of twerking. This would usually be followed by some dogs trying to get a date. To Chrystal, they were all corny. She wished she was brave enough to take Delilah out of the party and go back to the room where she could watch that scary movie. It would just be her and Delilah, alone, together, and in each other arms. But that was yet again another parallel universe. Because in this universe, Tony was the one that achieved what Chrystal wanted to do. "What up ladies. Looking good tonight." Chrystal rolled her eyes because she knew Tony was not trying to talk to her. She did remember him. He had been chasing Delilah for a couple of months. And judging by how Delilah stood up, he must have been successful. She went to give Tony a hug and what looked like a pregame kiss. " Come on people," Eli sarcastically said. He must have been reading Chrystal mind because she really hated that kiss scene. "How are you feeling tonight Chrystal?" Tony did have some manners after all. "I'm doing good," she replied. "I know you see my girl tonight. I worked my magic and she is looking hot, isn't she." "She is. Some of my boys wanted to hook up with you." Chrystal smiled. She didn't hate Tony anymore. But she still wished for that horror film that would give her and Delilah alone time instead of whatever is in the room that was going to give Delilah and Tony alone time. "Can you give us a few minutes. Delilah has to help me with my final. And we'll be back." "What final is that," Eli yelled as they walked off. Chrystal laughed. "I'm pretty sure its sex-ed." "Must be the take-home test." They both laughed.
"Look who is in the building. What up bitch!" "Oh my gosh. Can you leave," Eli turned off the laughter when a new third figure entered the sacred couch vicinity. It was the famed Tiffany. "Hey Tiff." Tiffany was a hugger, so the first thing she did without asking was give Chrys a hug. "And you are looking amazing. When did you start dressing up?" "My girl hooked me up tonight." "I know you are not talking about that hoe of a roommate. I can't stand her." She was definitely talking about the hoe of a roommate. "Luke told me he had talked to you earlier. I can't believe you aren't still together." "Are you serious right now Tiffany." Eli tone was becoming more aggressive every time he spoke. "Shut up. Nobody is talking to you." "Say that one more time and I swear I am going to jail for hitting a bitch." "Stop," Chrystal just wanted to keep the peace. "You know she started it. But I am about to damn well finish it." "Eli stop! I'm good. Can you get me another drink, please? I'll be ok." Chrystal had sensed the seriousness in Eli's voice. She had seen him mad before, but this moment his anger was elevated to the point she believed he was serious about going to jail. Objectively, Eli stood up and walked to the kitchen. "You need new friends girl," Tiff said. "He's cool Tiff." Chrystal knew she was now on a time limit. Unless Delilah and Tony were already at the point of no return in the room, Eli was going to go find her. And when she comes back, the drama that Chrystal really desired to avoid tonight by watching a horror film was going to be in full display. "So girl, I know it's been a while, but I heard about your little argument you had with Luke. He told me he didn't mean to take it that far, and that he was sorry." "I don't want to talk about it Tiff. But how have you been?" "I've been good. But for real. We are still good right? You aren't mad at me, are you?" Chrystal sighed. "No Tiff, we are good." "Cool girl. And Luke really does wish that you would give him a second chance." "I told your ass the next time I see you I'm slapping the shit out of you." Time was up faster than anticipated. Eli had found his target. "Delilah, calm down." Chrystal had to stand up to stop her friend, and in a different reality her lover, from doing something jail time worthy. "As stated, you need new friends," Tiffany seemed unphased by the threat to her well-being. "New friends. Are you serious?" By the way Delilah was taking off her earrings, she was definitely ready for round one. "D, calm down." Tony had finally entered the room. He recognized the code red signs from Delilah and tried to calm her down to no avail. "You know damn well what your teammate tried to do and this heifer was the reason for it all," Delilah stepped out of her heels. Tiffany still seemed extremely calm for a person whose life was possibly on the line. "First off, I can't control anybody. And second, it's just an argument between a couple that got a little out of hand." Emotions started to gut punch at Chrystal. She no longer stood in the way of Tiffany and Delilah. Luckily Tony was there to stop his girlfriend, or whatever they were, from fighting. Chrystal world was now spinning. Her imaginative mind was now filled with flashback thoughts of reality. She tried to block them out, but it felt like someone was playing dodgeball and she was losing. She moved backward fighting a memory with every step. "An argument? I'm about to show you an argument," Delilah was fully charged up and ready to go super Saiyan. Tony was a D1 college linebacker. His bench press was over 400lbs easy. But today, he was having trouble holding this 140lb girl back. Around that moment, the party had started to turn its focus to the activities around the couch. The music had ceased, and even the DJ was watching to see what was about to happen at ground zero. "An argument doesn't end with someone in the emergency room," Eli yelled as he stood on the side ready to strike if need be. "And you said you are friends? Where the hell was you when she was there," Delilah yelled as she carefully placed and perfected mascara started to flow away from her eyes. Tiffany had finally stood up from the couch. "I went to go visit bitch." "No, you didn't hoe, because I was there every day after that party. And every day after when she had to catch up with her schoolwork. I was always with her!" "Hey!" A loud voice echoed through the room. "Everyone get out now!" Bug was a force no one was going to mess with. His voice echoed through the crowd like Mufasa. The crowd immediately began to disperse and the party crowd dwindled down to four people standing in the living room.
Out of the remaining people in the living room, not one of them was Chrystal. Delilah, Eli, Tony, and Bug started to ask each other when was the last time they saw her. "Maybe she left with the group?" Eli stated as they all started the investigation. "No, I didn't see her," Bug said. "And Luke?" "I told him he had to go when I saw him talking to Chrys in the kitchen," Bug stated. "Shoot, that's my fault. I shouldn't have let him come by," Tony said. "I can't believe he is still here after Kevin's party." "People with power can beat the system." Delilah started walking away from the group. "Where are you going," Tony asked. "I got it. Just make sure that bitch is gone. Otherwise, prepare some bail money." She walked through the house until she found a bedroom with a closed door. She lightly knocked twice, and then twice loud, and then three times softly. A few seconds went by, and then a click was heard behind the door. Delilah cautiously entered. "Chrys? Are you ok?" She looked around the room and discovered Chrystal sitting alone in the corner. Her face was no longer the beautiful masterpiece that Delilah was proud of earlier. It now resembled roads on the atlas maps. Her blackened tears flowed down and blended into the black dress that was soaked with salty water. Delilah closed and locked the door behind her. Her own face lost the masterpiece that she worked on as she started to shed blackened tears too as she walked toward her broken friend. The room was silent. Not one word was spoken in between the two. Delilah sat down and placed her arms around Chrystal and tightened. The room continued to be silent as tears mingled together as they flowed to the ground. This horror film wasn't in theaters. It wasn't a part of an augmented reality. And it wasn't a figment of anyone imagination. It was reality. And it left Chrystal and Delilah, alone, together, and in each other arms.
A Bird Called King
Once upon a time, there was a bird with no name. He was the most talented musician you would ever hear play. Every night he would pull out his trumpet and play a tune that the heavens would dance to. He was so talented that other birds would come to know him as King. He would play everywhere for anyone and with anyone, it didn't matter. If King was playing, you knew it was amazing. And King was not only talented in music, but he had wisdom that rivaled Solomon. Birds everywhere would come to seek his intelligence. He met a robin one time that showed him a pretty smooth dance. King saw the dance and took it up a level. What a sight it was to see King dancing and putting the robin in awe. After that day, any time the robin would need a new move, he would come to see King. One time an eagle sought King's advice on how to compete for food. He had been famished for far too long, and he needed a new strategy. King thought a little and suggested that the eagle soar high, higher than anybody else, so he can see the whole field. And when he eyes his prey, he can dive before the prey even sees him. "Brilliant!" the eagle proclaimed, and he went back and reported it to the other eagles. Birds would come all over to see King. There was no bird he didn't welcome, and no place he wasn't welcomed to. Well, except one place. That place was known as the door. It was a mysterious swinging door that hardly any birds were allowed.
One day, King ran into a new bird who called himself Jim. Jim claimed to be the only bird that was allowed into the mysterious door. "You must get to the other side of that door," Jim would tell King. "It is beyond your wildest imagination." At first, King didn't care to much about the door. He had many friends, a wonderful home, many successes, and could blow that trumpet like no other. So why would he need anything else? But Jim was persistent. "King, you are a nobody if you never get to the other side of the door. Is that what you want, to just be known as mediocre? You will be a real King once you get to the other side of the door." King paid him no mind until one day, King walked by the door. He thought he heard music coming from the other side of the door. It piqued his interest. "Say Jim, what is in there." "Everything you ever dreamed of." Jim knew he had King now. "How do I get in?" King asked. "First, you have to stop giving birds advice. They don't like when birds are cocky. You have to be humble." King was a little confused because he believed he was humble. "Oh no, you are far from humble, King. You think you know it all," Jim said in a sly voice. So now when birds would come to seek King's advice, he would glance at the door and then tell them "I don't know." It was hard for King to say at first because he did have an answer. But over time, it was an easy habit because he started to forget. Then slowly one by one, birds stopped coming for advice. Weeks later, Jim flew back around. "Jim!" King yelled to him. "I did what you said, can I go in now." "No, you are still not good enough," Jim said. "Then what do I do," King replied. "Well, they say you live too fancy. You should just give over your stuff." King thought about how he worked hard for what he had. He had even built it himself. Seeing his reluctance, Jim quickly said, "It is fine by me if you don't get to the other side of this door." King's imagination of what was inside had ballooned over the months. He often imagined such wondrous sights on the other side. So he ended up giving Jim everything he had, except his trumpet. "I think I will at least keep my music. We have been together for a long time." King said while Jim rolled his eyes. "Fine, I don't care. I will let you know what the decision is soon." King, now homeless, fixed himself a spot outside of the door thinking that any day now Jim will come back and tell him that he can come in. But Jim did not come. King spent many nights cold, hungry, and lonely just outside the door. Some nights, to keep his spirits, he would pull out his trumpet to play a tune. Jim would come around on some occasions to hear King play his sad tune. A few times Jim even asked King to teach him the songs. Having no one else to talk to, King would gladly teach Jim the songs until Jim said he had to go.
Over the next few months, Jim would come around and King would always ask if it was time for him to go in. But Jim would give the same answer and say that King wasn't good enough to get to the other side, yet. This saddened King, but he would still play his trumpet to pick himself up. Many days were lost for King as he sat on the corner, wondering when he can get in. One day, he noticed Jim welcoming other birds in the door. King decided that maybe Jim forgot that he was waiting, so he went to the door to meet Jim. "Hey Jim, what's going on?" Jim looked over to King and said "Hey buddy. We are just letting some friends in." Looking around, King noticed that many of Jim's new friends were King's old friends. He tried to greet them, but they felt King turned his back on them, so they ignored him. As the door squeaked back and forth, open and close, King received a peek at what was inside. To his surprise, everything looked very familiar. Mainly because it was identical to his belongings. "Is that mine?" King asked. Jim, acting offended, said "How dare you ask that. We have worked hard for what's on the inside of this door. And it's some of the best that you would ever see." King then heard a familiar tune. It was some of his music. "Is that my song?" Acting offended again, Jim got louder "You are just a liar King. What's beyond this door is all original and the best that anyone has ever heard." At that point, King was at a complete loss. But he decided to ask one more question. "Well, I did what you said. Can I come in as well?" Jim snapped back, "Come on King, stop begging. And look at yourself. You look and smell atrocious. It's like you have been living on these streets." King became angry and yelled, "Because you took everything I had!" "You see King, that's your problem. You are angry and loud, and you are just no good. You are not allowed to come to this side of the door because that's just who you are. And we are birds that are above that type of behavior." "That is not who I am!" King said with tears in his eyes, "you know who I am, or was." Jim smirked and slammed the door on King. Broken-hearted, King retreated into his corner. He pulled out his final possession and started playing.
Circe’s Warning
The grumbling sound of his stomach became louder as he sat at the bar staring at the menu. Food was not in abundance today for Jordan. He was so busy running around trying to get everything in order for a concert, he had no time to sit down and enjoy a good meal. It almost seemed like he never had time to sit down and enjoy a good meal anymore. "Get this," "pick up that," "go here," is what he seemed to hear all day long. He enjoyed the increase in business, but fatigue was starting to creep at his door. So far, he had been successful at keeping it in check, but it had seemed fatigue had eaten his spinach today and Jordan was not going to win. The best he could do was sit down for a nice meal. He usually wasn't a fan of sitting in a restaurant alone for dinner though. He had grown accustomed to getting to-go orders. But today for some reason, he had decided to try his luck and sit down at the bar and eat. And it proved to be the best choice he made all day.
"Hey, do you know what you would like?" A sweet voice came from the other side of the menu. As he moved the menu down, beautiful brown eyes that should have been reported as dangerous were looking back at him. They were so dangerous they stole Jordan's words away and he sat staring back in silence. "Do you know what you would like?" The bartender smiled as she slowly leaned over the bar. Her alluring smile should have been reported as well. It also stole any words that Jordan was about to say, so he still sat dumbfounded in front of this exquisite specimen. "Hello! Are you good dude?" She waved her hands in front of Jordan's face. 'That's three strikes,' Jordan thought. Those dimples were definitely dangerous too. Though it wasn't seen from the outside, Jordan's mind starting firing at increase levels. He wanted to say the most profound thing that came to his mind so the illegal lady would instantly jump from behind the counter and into Jordan's arms, where he would carry her away. His mind finally agreed on what to say, and it was just one word. "Hi," Jordan's vocal volume seemed to be having technical difficulties and was turned up on high. The illegal lady chuckled. Jordan marked off another attribute that should be reported, her cute laugh. "Hi. How are you," she said to Jordan with dimples on full display. "Good, how are you." Jordan brain cells threw a party because the words came out smooth, at least Jordan thought they did. "I'm good," she did something illegal again. "Just trying to put the work in you know. So what would you like." She stood there with the illegal smile and dimples waiting to take Jordan's order. "Umm, I'm not sure yet." Jordan really had his mind set on the fried shrimp earlier. He had seen it right before Ms. Illegal stole his words. Now he couldn't remember what he wanted. Every time he tried to think, it was something about Ms. Illegal. "I suggest getting the fried shrimp, it's my favorite," she suggested as she leaned over the bar a little more that revealed a lower back boat tattoo. 'Marry me,' is what Jordan wanted to say at that moment, but he decided to throw that response out. "Yes, that sounds good." His volume levels had decreased back to normal, so did his heart rate. "I was thinking about getting that, but I don't know." "Yeah. Well everything is good here, but I tried the shrimp and fell in love with it so much I wanted to marry it." "In love" was two words that was floating around Jordan's head. "Tell you what, let's make a bet. If you get the shrimp and it's the best shrimp you ever tasted, you have to get a dessert." "Ok, I'll take the bet. Let me get the shrimp." "K. What about a drink? What's your type?" 'Something mocha flavored would be nice,' Jordan wasn't smooth enough to reply that. Maybe one day. "Can I get a lemonade?" "Really? Nothing to drink drink? Do you like beer?" "Naw, I hate beer. Straight nasty." "I actually kind of agree with you. But what about a mixed drink. Coke and rum?" "I'm not sure." Jordan have always heard different combinations of mixed drinks, but he never decided which drink was his go to. "I bet I can guess your drink by your name. What's your name?" "Jordan." "Ok Mr. Jordan. You look like a fruity guy." Jordan raised an eyebrow. "I don't know if I'm supposed to be offended by that." Ms. Illegal smiled. "I mean you probably like a sweet type of drink. How about sex on the beach." "Huh. What beach?" Ms. Illegal smirked and revealed the dimples again. "Wait, woah. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I'm," Jordan felt a sweat drop form on his forehead. "Mr. Jordan," she chuckled and leaned over the bar and stroked Jordan's face. "You are a little freaky, aren't you?" Her intoxicating aroma filled the air around Jordan nostrils. He wanted a taste of whatever she smelled like. "How about this." She retreats back over the bar and graciously pulls out a couple of bottles and goes to work. Jordan thought either this drink was going to kill him, make him throw up, or make him fall even more in love with this illegal lady. After a couple of flips of the bottle, she pushes her newly formed concoction toward Jordan. "Try it."
Jordan took a couple of seconds to make a decision. Will he taste it and risk certain death, or does he trust the beautiful eyes staring across this unknown bar at him. "What is it?" "Taste it. I promise it's not going to kill you." She puts her hand on her head and smiled a smile that only beings from heaven could use. Jordan eases the cup toward his mouth. "Fine," he said as he took a chance that could take his last breath...but. he found himself still breathing as the combination of drinks fizzled and tingled his tongue. It was surprisingly satisfying. He tried to keep his emotions down, but apparently his face didn't get the memo. "See, I knew you would like it!" She flipped a bottle in the air and caught it behind her back. "Now you are just showing off." "Hey, confidence is key." She leaned back over and this time touched Jordan's face with her whole hand. "And I am very confident." She glanced down the bar to see another customer. "Give me a second Mr. Jordan. Don't go anywhere." She touched his hand, and then walked to the end of the counter.
'What are the odds,' Jordan thought. He believed he was the luckiest and most blessed man alive. He never thought he would come in and find this illegal lady at the bar. He really just wanted to get off his feet and get something to eat. But now all he wanted was to know her name. 'When she comes back, I will ask her name,' Jordan decided. As he sat and drank this mysterious drink, he peered down the bar to see Ms. Illegal taking orders. He tried just to glance at her, but her beauty was hypnotizing. He found himself staring longer than he intended. He knew she was going to catch him looking but he didn't care. And sure enough, the stunning chocolate orbs in the pearly pool of her eyes floated to the side to connect with his. He quickly looked back at his drink. He had always heard advice from his brothers that he needed to play it cool with the ladies. And if he was caught staring at her, he definitely wasn't playing it cool. As he sipped on his drink, the desire to take one more peek at her overwhelmed his eyes. He slowly let his eyes shift toward what he currently desired more than life. "Are you looking at me?" Jordan decided It was probably a good idea to look up every now and then, because Ms. Illegal scared him enough that he started choking. "Are you ok. I don't know the Heimlich," she laughed. Jordan cough slowly faded. "I'm good." Cough. "You scared me." Ms. Illegal touched Jordan hand again and leaned a little more over the bar. "I don't know the Heimlich but I am certified in mouth to mouth." Mark that down as something else illegal. She reversed back over the table as another bartender walked behind her. "Your food is about to come out." "Oh, ok." 'Stupid,' Jordan thought. He knew he could have responded better after what she just offered, but his mind was blank. "So, what do you do Mr. Jordan." Though smoothness levels were not high right now for Jordan, one thing he did know was how to explain what he did. He dove right in, explaining his training, his travels, his background, and everything else he did. Ms. Illegal seemed very interested. A few times she paused Jordan so she could walk down and refill someone's drink. But after, she would always travel back and tell Jordan to continue. "I'm sorry," Jordan apologized. "I feel like I'm talking too much." "Keep talking. I like hearing you talk." Jordan started calculating how he could buy a ring. Then a waiter came from the back to hand her a plate. "Oh, here is your food. I'm going to run to the back for a little, but don't go anywhere Mr. Jordan. Bon Appetit." 'I have to be dreaming,' Jordan thought as he started eating.
He found a TV to keep his focus away from Ms. Illegal. But the TV distraction was unnecessary. Because once he tasted the shrimp, the savory flavor was enough to provide the distraction needed from Ms. Illegal. The shrimp was being hugged by a pig, and the two flavors joined together in holy matrimony on Jordan's tongue. It was the most delicious tasting seafood he had ever tasted. "Banging right?" His distraction didn't last long. Like a ninja, she had made her way back into Jordan's space without Jordan noticing. "It's good isn't it, don't lie." She had leaned slightly back over the bar forming a perfect arc in her back that Jordan's peripheral couldn't ignore. He wanted so bad to sail down that boat on her back. "Yeah, it's good." She then slapped his free hand. "I told you boy. It's hitting." "Yeah, you were right." "I know I'm right." She did a playful victory dance that wasn't a good club dance, but cute enough to make Jordan smile. "And here is the dessert menu. Go ahead and pick." She pulled a menu out of her back pocket and slammed it in front of Jordan. "Don't you have other people to mess with." "Yeah, but they don't owe me a bet." She leaned back over the bar as if she knew it affected Jordan. "So what do you want." There must have been more alcohol in his drink than he realized, because Jordan became more brave than usual. At least brave enough to mumble an answer that only a smooth operator could answer. "You." Jordan instantly sobered up and thought that it was time to leave because he just embarrassed himself in front of Ms. Illegal. Or, maybe she didn't hear it. It was kind of noisy in the room, so there was a chance. But she definitely heard it. "Don't believe that's on the menu." She chuckled. 'Crap,' Jordan thought. "At least right now." 'What the heck?' Jordan was convinced he had to be dreaming. "But you have to order something edible first. Well, at least something edible that the chef has cooked." She presented the perfect time for Jordan to make a comeback. But he couldn't take advantage of it. "What do you suggest?" "The salted caramel is cake is really good. I always get it." "Cool, I'll take that." "Ok Mr. Jordan, give me one sec." Jordan had no idea why Ms. Illegal was into him. Maybe he was just going crazy. But he determined that if she touches his hand one more time, he will just shoot his shot.
On the TV, the College Lacrosse championship was playing. He stared intently at the screen as if he was the biggest fan, but in reality, he had never watched it before. As he watched, the game became kind of interesting. Duke had just tied the game with a shot from what Jordan assumed was midfield. His eyes then drifted down the bar to see what his future wife was doing. To his surprise, she was not behind the counter anymore. But her voice could still be heard in the area, so he slightly turned his head a little more to find her in the restaurant. She was taking orders from an elderly couple. Though it was again his intention to get a quick peek at her, her beauty caught his eye so much that it became a stare, again. And it didn't take long after his peek became a stare that she caught Jordan looking, again. He quickly turned away and started watching TV, again, to see if Duke had made another epic shot. The players moved quick on the field. Running, hitting, throwing. It was a very fascinating game. It was so fascinating Jordan considered looking into the game more. But before he could, an illegal hand touched him on the shoulder. His vicinity was then filled with a fresh scent and a lovely presence that descended upon his ear. "I see you Mr. Jordan." She rubbed his back and gave him a smile as she walked to another table. 'I know I have to be dreaming,' Jordan thought. It was like she floated in between tables as she went from one to another taking orders from individuals and couples. Jordan tried hard to keep his focus on Lacrosse, but every time her essence crossed his way, he couldn't contain his focus. "Hey, are you still trying to stare at me?" Ms. Illegal stood in his eye path to the TV. "I wasn't staring at you. I was watching my team play this Lacrosse championship." Jordan took the chance that she didn't know anything about Lacrosse, but he was wrong. "I don't believe you Mr. Jordan. Tell me a position on the field." 'Crap again,' Jordan thought. "Umm, there is the goalie." "Lucky guess. Tell me another." "Umm, there is the ball runner." "Really?" Jordan knew that answer wasn't right, but he tried to play it off. "Yes, he catches the ball and he run. So whoever gets the ball is the ball runner." "I never knew that," Ms. Illegal smirked and then put a yellowish cake with a lake of brown caramel in front of Jordan. "I know you are lying Mr. Jordan." She walked around and touched Jordan's shoulder. "But I'll let it slide this time." Ms. Illegal was playing a lot of offense. But it was time for Jordan to step up and shoot the shot like the person he was named after. And not only would he shoot a shot, he would play like Mike in the 1998 finals. "Hold on, where are you going?" She stopped with her dimples on full display. "Back to work." "You have to sit down and have at least one bite." Ball goes up. "I don't remember that part of the bet." Ms. Illegal with the defense. "Well it's only fitting that my caramel angel sits and enjoys this caramel cake with me." Jordan's drink was definitely too strong because he never came close to saying a line like that before. "Well," Jordan waiting with suspense. "Let me go get their food and I'll be back." Jordan for the game. He felt he was a little bit corny, but it worked.
After she gave the couple at the table 2 plates, she came back in front of Jordan where she preceded to make an arch that was better than McDonalds. But Jordan had some more plays to make. "Hold on," he said while gently grabbing her hand. "If we are going to have a date, you have to sit down beside me instead of behind the bar. "And when did this turn into a date." Ms. Illegal seemed to like the playful banter, because she couldn't keep that perfect smile off her face. "When you said you would like to eat the cake with me." Like a true gentleman, he continued to gently hold her hand as he ushered her around the bar to the seat next to him. "Ok Mr. Jordan. But you are going to get me fired." "Just take a quick break my caramel queen." The drink was definitely too strong. "You are lucky you are cute." She signaled something to one of her coworkers. "3 minutes, and then I have to get back to work." "Great, 3 minutes is just enough time, at least for now." Jordan was in a zone like MJ was in the flu game. "Let me get a fork "She stood up and reached over the counter. "Don't be looking at my booty either." 'Too late.' Jordan thought. His eyes were fixed on the tight black pants as soon as her body made the move. It was the perfect size. Not to giant, but not flat either. But Jordan wasn't going to let her know that. "I'm not. Not much back there anyways." Jordan figured he would test the waters with his jokes. "Ok, you got jokes," she said as she sat back down with a fork. "My flat backside is about to walk away from here." "I'm just kidding. You have a nice butt." "I know it." Her smile seemed to be a permanent fixture now. "Taste it first," she said. Jordan searched his mind for comebacks, but any line he could think of was rated x. "I'm talking about the cake," she said as she pointed to the oozing cake. "Oh. No, ladies first." "You know chivalry is dead. So you try it first." The combination of the stare, the smile, and the dimples in close proximity made Ms. Illegal even more dangerous. Her beauty was like the sweetest and savory candy imaginable to his eyes. In that moment, she could ask for all his money and he would give it to her. She could ask him to go into a dark cave where there could be sudden death, and he would still go.
He tried his hardest to give a cool and funny line, but he said the only thing that was floating in his mind at the time. "You are so beautiful." That line was enough to make Ms. Illegal blush. "You're cute." Her hand rubbed Jordan's cheek. It was so cotton soft and silky smooth at the same time. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, and then whispered, "you still have to try the cake first." Cake was the last thing on his mind after her creamy lips touched his face. "Fine." Jordan tasted the cake with the golden ooze. It wasn't the most delicious, but it was a new flavor. "Delicious right?" Her smile made him lie. "It is really good." She put her fork down and picked up a napkin. She stood up and moved in close to Jordan's face and touched the side of his lip with the napkin. "You are lying again." She put the napkin down. "And your 3 minutes is up." "Just 1 more minute?" He gently grabbed her hand as she started to walk off. "I have to get back to work." "Well one more question then." "Ok, one more." "What name did God give you in heaven." The dimples are even cuter when she laughs. "You are corny. But I wondered when you were going to ask that Mr. Jordan." "Well?" "Well come back tomorrow and I'll tell you." Jordan smile disappeared from his face. "You can't be serious." She lets go of his hand, and pulls out the receipt. "You can pay it up front." She chuckled as she started walking backward. "You serious?" "Come back tomorrow after 9:30." She turned and started walking through the restaurant maze. "And who am I supposed to ask for?" She turns back and waves. "What's your name." She blows a kiss and mouths "Tomorrow" as she backs up and goes to a table. 'What the heck?' Jordan thought. 'Did she just Cinderella me?'
Jordan decided to take the chance and meet her the next day. All day long he thought about her. Her perfect smile led up to her dimples, that was across from her delicate and cute nose that established a perfect median for her dark brown eyes. Her skin was like perfect caramel that had to be smoothest in the milky way. Her elegant black hair curled around her head and into a ponytail giving it perfect alignment which made it truly her crown. And though her picture-perfect face was enough, once you add in her alluring body you will find a sculpture that is too great for the Smithsonian to have. And her aura didn't hurt matters either. How could anybody resist her charm. Plus, she was funny, elegant, hardworking, and playful. All attributes that Jordan adored. He would be insane not to go back. But he did fear one thing. What if she was just playing him? What if she was crazy? What if she was fabricating her portrayal of Jordan's dream girl? Well there was only one way to find out, and that was to show up.
All day he questioned should he show, or should he skip. 2pm came. Was she legit, or was she fake? Was she fact, or was she fiction? Was she the truth, or was she a myth? 3pm came. Will he find her name, or should he just ignore the whole night? Should he chase after her like prince charming, or should he throw the metaphorical slipper in the trash. 4pm came. Should he dress up, or just play it cool. Should he bring flowers, or should he order to go from somewhere else. 5pm came. Why is time going so slow? Is it giving him a sign? 6pm came. Can it go slower. 7pm came. He's not going to do it. She's has to be lying. 8pm came. He decided he got this. He is Mr. Jordan. 8:30pm. He should probably start finding something to wear. The collar shirt, or regular t-shirt. 9pm. 'O crap, o crap, o crap," he says as he runs around the house looking for his shoes. Maybe he should call it off. Too late, he must do it. 9:20pm. Jordan cranks up the car, still unsure if he was going to go through with it or not. Worse case, he could order some more shrimp because it was good. He pulls out of the parking lot hesitant and jittery about what was going to happen. He drives toward the restaurant. Every light seemed to have a different message for him. If the stop light was red, he felt it was telling him to stop and turn back. If it was yellow, it was saying wait and think. If it was green, he thought it was saying go all the way. He considered suing the city because all of their messages gave him anxiety. But they were really just telling the car to stop, pause, go. He finally entered the parking lot. His anxiety then altered into blame. If Ms. Illegal would have just told him her name and gave him a phone number, all of this could've been avoided. 'Is she even worth it?' He thought to himself. Then he started picturing her dimples, the smile, the eyes, and the butt. 'Worth it.' It was time to man up. But anxiety crept back in when he took his hands off the wet steering wheel. He wasn't sure what to do about the sweaty palms if she wanted to hold his hand. 'Eh, she probably isn't there anyways."
As sweat drops peaked out on the windows on his head, he slowly entered the restaurant and looked around. He couldn't believe he was there 2 nights in a row. It was a rare occasion or an accident if Jordan goes to the same restaurant or fast food twice. But for Ms. Illegal, he would show every day of the week. Though he kind of hoped she doesn't ask him to. After his first panoramic view, he didn't see her in sight. He then turned around with the thought that he should leave. But he realized he was already there so he might as well sit at the bar. He bent over to tie his shoe so his about face would look normal to other patrons of the restaurant. He took a deep breath and moved toward the bar area. A tune blew from his lips to keep his nerves down. As he walked, he noticed there was still no sign of his caramel queen. At the bar he was greeted by a waiter that he didn't notice before. "I'll take the shrimp." "Got your boss," the bartender answered. "Jordan made up in his mind that if Ms. Illegal was not there when the shrimp came out, he was going to leave. The restaurant was fairly empty unlike the previous night. He pondered if Ms. Illegal would have more time for him due to the emptiness. "Did you want that order to go bro," the waiter came back with a bowl of chips in his hand. Jordan actually didn't take into account this scenario. If it's to go he would have to leave once he gets his food. And if she was on break, he would miss her. But if it's a dine-in order and she doesn't show up, he looks like a lonely loser eating a delicious meal at the bar. It was a tough choice, but the waiter facial expression didn't look like he had all day. "It'll be here." Jordan decided he would rather look like a loser than to miss a chance of a lifetime. As he sat there for what seemed like an eternity, he wondered if he would ever see his caramel queen again. The shrimp appeared very quickly, but Ms. Illegal did not. Did he get the time right? Did she lie to him? No way. "Excuse me sir," Jordan decided to just ask. "The young lady that was working the bar yesterday, do you know if she was working here today." "What was her name and I can check." Without even being present, Ms. illegal agitated Jordan. She could have said her name and gave her number and this would be ok. "Umm, I can't remember her name." "Well if she was working the bar, she isn't coming in tonight. I'm closing up." Jordan eyes became bubbles with puddles. But his manliness was not going to let a drip come down. "O ok, cool. I'll check maybe tomorrow." Inside Jordan felt his heart deteriorate. He had anticipated that moment all day, but yet the girl of his dreams didn't show. Why did she have to lie? Why did she have to play around like that? Why did she have to break...
"Hey." A part of Jordan wanted to take off his belt. But her voice was so soothing, every bit of anger and anxiety floated away. "Have you been waiting on me." He turned around to see her in a gorgeous black skirt that definitely wasn't work attire. "I almost left." "Aww, did you miss me." Jordan manliness wouldn't allow him to tell the truth. "Not really. I just missed this shrimp." He turned around to his plate. "Aw, you mad?" She laughed as she placed her arms around his shoulders. "No, just enjoying my food." The shrimp was very delicious again, but in reality he could care less about that shrimp. Ms. Illegal was finally there and that's all that mattered. But he refused to show her how much he loved her. "Aww, I'm sorry." She moved in to kiss him on the cheek with her succulent sweet lips. Jordan almost flipped the shrimp plate over the table, but he continued to play it cool. "I promise to make it up to you." With her head tilted slightly to the left, she gave him an adorable smile which exhibited her flashy whitened teeth. Jordan couldn't play hard to get anymore; her attractiveness shattered every brick of that wall. "Damn you are cute," he couldn't help but to say. "Boy you are crazy. I know I am fine." She stood up and spun around to tease Jordan with her flawless body. He desired to pick her up and lay her down on the bar to do things not meant to be seen family restaurant. "You know, I forgot something?" He had prepared a few lines in the car to use for the evening. He decided it was the perfect time to use one. "What?" she said as she sat back down in her seat. "I forgot your glass slipper." "Look at you with the lines." She sat next to him and placed her hand on his knee. "Are you going to tell me your name?" He thought that line had to earn him a name, but she came ready for dodgeball. "I'm sorry, I got caught up in traffic coming from another job." "You work somewhere else?" "Yeah, I work in a massage parlor." "O cool. You are a hard worker than." "I try to be. I'm hungry though. What are we eating for this date?" Jordan looked down at his half-eaten plate of shrimp. There were still quite a few. "Well I have some shrimp left, if you want to share with me. I'm not going to eat it all." She reached over and grabbed the crustacean off his plate. "The fee for a second shrimp is your name though." As she finished chewing, she wiped her hands. She then stood up, came close to Jordan's ear and whispered, "Not yet. But come with me." Grabbing his hand, she gently tugged on him to follow her. "I haven't paid yet." "O, give me a second then." She goes to the hostess and whispers something in her ear. He turns and sees the bartender. "That girl right there. Do you know her name?" The bartender walks over with a towel in his hand. "So, the hostess is Mrs. Levels. But the other girl I don't know her name." "Are you serious?" "Yeah, sorry man." The bartender looks toward Mrs. Levels. "But whoever she is, she has some pull because your dinner was just paid for." Jordan turns around to find Ms. Illegal coming toward him. "Come with me?" Once again Jordan had to make a choice that was either going to kill him, or make for an awesome memory, or lead him to have a wife. 'You only live once I guess. It may end tonight but o well,' he thought. He reached his hand out to accept Ms. illegal offer.
The two exited the restaurant hand in hand and started to walk down the sidewalk. The weather was perfect for walking. There was a mellow breeze flowing around the couple as if to guide them on their journey together. The dazzling full moon illuminated the sky with a smile of approval toward the pair. The street lights were on, but they inhibited their luminance to concede to the magnificent balls of light that God threw into the sky. Ms. Illegal was smiling her typical illegal smile, while Jordan struggled to breath because of the breath-taking scene he had somehow been blessed to live in. "It's so beautiful tonight," she said as she seemed to wink at the man in the moon. "It is," Jordan said as he turned his eyes to take mental pictures of Ms. Illegal walking. With her peripheral she noticed how he was looking at her and giggled. "You are so silly." Jordan caught his breath and decided to pull out something from his bag of lines. "So right now, I am walking under a beautiful sky, with what seems like a too good to be true beautiful woman. But yet I don't know her name. Why is that?" As soon as he finished his last word, he found himself face to face with the girl he had dreamed about all day. She was so close Jordan could pick out the fresh wintergreen flavor her breath emitted. It skimmed over his face in such a soothing way it mesmerized him. Considering he just consumed shrimp, he wished he had grabbed a mint from the counter of the restaurant. But it was too late for regret. "Patience," she whispered as her head turned and progressed toward his. Her lips conjoined with his to share her wintergreen flavors. It was a brief connection, but long enough to leave Jordan weak in every part of his body except one. "You will know soon enough," she said as she moved her velvety hand over his face. 'Wow, I'm in love,' was all he could think. "Can I at least know where we are going." "We are going to a few places." "Like where." "Just know it'll be a night you won't forget." She moved in close and kissed him behind the ear. "Can you at least tell me if you are a cop trying to catch me in a sting. Or if you are mass murderer." Jordan was playing, but at the same time a little serious. "Well if I was a cop, I'll be sure to give you a good punishment before you go away. And if I'm a mass murderer, I'll be sure you have an amazing last night." "Wow. It better be really good if it's my last night." Her smile reflected the moonlight perfectly. To Jordan, it was already a great night. Even though she hinted at some intertwining connections down the line, Jordan would have been satisfied if the night ended right there. But of course, he didn't mind the other promised things.
They walked and talked until they came to a couple of food trucks. "Let's get this!" It was a truck selling Nitrogen Ice Cream. Jordan had never tried it before, but he had heard about it. "So, it's just regular ice cream." No," she chuckled. "It's a little different." She walked up to the truck. "Can I get a large." She turns and looks at Jordan. "We can share." "It'll be $10." "For that price we better," Jordan joked. He pulled out a $10 to pay for this new ice cream. Jordan normal experiences with Ice Cream included a lady, or guy, that pulls out a scooper to get however many scoops out that a person asks. But once he viewed this ice cream man putting on heavy duty gloves, he was a little concerned. With a confused face and a step backward, he stared at Ms. Illegal. "What the heck?" "He has to wear that. Chill out." "I see what you did there," the ice cream man said as he was amused by her joke. Jordan wasn't amused at all, but he decided to make his own joke. "He has to wear that to take me out. I knew you were a mass murderer. And this is your accomplice!" She playfully punches Jordan in his arm. "Umm, oww!" She was small, but she packed a solid punch. "You are silly," she giggles as she grabs a steaming cup from the creepy guy in the truck. "I'm not eating that. Looks too hot." Ms. Illegal shook her head and continues to giggle. Jordan was confused because he wasn't joking. "First off, its cold," she said with her radiant smile getting bigger. Even though he was being kind of corny, Jordan felt like he was winning the night. Ms. illegal then pulled a steaming ball out, blew on it, and then offered it to Jordan's mouth. "Try it." "Heck naw. You first," Jordan had never seen such a thing. Ms. Illegal shrugged and then popped it in her mouth. "They are good, I promise." She then grabbed another one out, a red one, and blew the steam off. "I promise they are good." Reluctantly, Jordan's opens his mouth and allows the red ball to go into his mouth. He received an unfamiliar taste as he chewed. His mind compared it to a frozen fruit loop. "It's good right?" Jordan really didn't know how to answer. It's wasn't nasty, but it wasn't the most delicious either. Judging by her face though, Ms. Illegal was waiting on him to answer something. "It's ok." "Aww," she said with a little disappointment as she popped another one in her mouth. "You don't like them?" "It's alright. Maybe it was that flavor. Let me try another one." She handed him another red one though. "They all are different flavors." "But it's still red," he said as he looked at it confusingly. "I promise." She blew the smoke off again, and proceeded to put it in his mouth. It did taste a little different, but still pretty much like a frozen fruit loop. He lied about it though. "That one tasted a little better." She smiled and ate one more before throwing the cup in the trash. "Well I guess you don't like my treats. At least those." "I did," Jordan tried his best to keep up the lie, but Ms. Illegal wasn't buying it. "Stop lying," she punched him in the chest. "Oww. You are going to have to stop hitting me now." "Or what. I ain't scared." She playfully stepped back and bounced around with her fists up. "Don't start nothing you aren't going to finish now." He started to playfully bounce around too. They playfully slapped at each other without either one of them hitting the other. Then Jordan reached out and grabbed her. He picked her up as she made a screeching sound. Gently he let her back down until they were eye level with each other. "You are so beautiful." She smiles and encloses him with her arms and legs. "You are still corny," she said as she shifted her head toward Jordan's to give him a brief kiss. "I wish I can know your name now." She smiles and gives him another taste of the wintergreen. Jordan felt like this was the girl he wanted to spend his life with, at least if she ever told him her name. She was cool, she was beautiful, she was fun, she was his ideal Eve. Now he hoped she really isn't Ms. Illegal. She unhinges her body and jumps out of his arms. "Come on, I have another place." "Well can I take you to a place first." Jordan decided to pull out his secret weapon. A few months prior, his friend had opened up an outdoor bar by the river. It was a beautiful place, but mainly meant for couples. Jordan had never had the chance to take a girl until now. "I promise you will like it." "And where is this Mr. Jordan. "Nope," he quickly shut her down. "I didn't know we were coming to get some stuffed frozen fruit loops, so you aren't going to know where we are going either." She laughed. "Ok, you got me."
The place he was going wasn't too far, but far enough where they would have to talk. "So did you grow up in the city?" "Yes, I grew up in a city. I love the big city life. I rather be around an abundance of people. It's like a buffet where you have all different type of flavors, and if you put them together right, it's just perfect." "Umm, ok. That's a weird analogy," Jordan said with a puzzled look." "Well you know what I mean. Not everyone works together, but some people together are perfect." This time it made perfect sense to Jordan. "Ooo, preach it girl." Jordan stopped to wave his hands in the air. Ms. Illegal started laughing again at his joke. It was a cute laugh, not too loud, but not too soft and scared either. "I just love your laugh. Did you go to a church around here?" "Kind of." "What do you mean kind of?" "Well it's a different kind than what black people are used to. I used to go to another back in the day. But I like the one I'm in." "What's it called." "I don't remember. But I really love this cool breeze right now. I've been hot all day." She must have been a professional dodgeball champion because she was the master of the sidestep. He tried his best to find out more, but she was so good he finally gave up and settled for telling her everything about him.
"So where are you taking me Mr. Jordan?" "We are here." Jordan smiled as they came upon an outdoor bar. The moon reflected beautifully off the river as the ripples stepped in formation. The bar was set up in the corner, pointed toward chairs and tables only set up for couples. "Wow," Ms. Illegal stood in awe of the site. "I know, most people miss this hidden treasure." Ms. Illegal stood there speechless. Jordan stared and adored her as the lights of the sky shimmered off her eyes. He gently grabbed her by the hand and walked to a table. "This is beautiful Jordan." "I know right. My boy did a good job with this place." Just then a young lady came to the table. "Would you like something to drink," she asked as she stood smiling. Jordan wanted to be sober, so he decided to go the safe way. "I'll just take a lemonade." Ms. Illegal giggled again. "Boy stop," she said as she slapped his leg. Jordan's stinging leg discovered even her playful slaps had power. "You got one more time to hit me." "Hush," she chuckled. "Anyways, no he won't have a sissy lemonade. He needs to try something different." "I don't see what's wrong with some lemonade." Her smile twisted a little to turn into a smirk. "How do you bring me to a bar and then only order lemonade? You have to order something to drank. Besides, it's your last night of freedom remember." "Fine," Jordan picked up the drink menu and stared intently at it, knowing he had no idea what was good. "He's going to take forever. I'll take a Cosmo. And can he have your buttery nipples." "Woah? What?" "The drink fool," she slaps his leg again. "Unless you want her buttery nipples too." "No, no, I didn't say that." Ms. Illegal was amused by the situation, but Jordan was not. "I'm sorry ma'am," Jordan said embarrassed. "Well, those are kind of expensive, but I may have them available." The waitress apparently was in the joke. "Oh my gosh." "You don't think they could be a good?" Ms. Illegal said still chuckling. "I didn't say that either? I'm about to go." Jordan wanted to stand up, but he knew there was a situation happening below. "No don't go," Ms. Illegal said while grabbing his hand and all out laughing. She looked at the waiter playfully as she held onto Jordan's hand. "Those are ok. He'll have the drink version first, and then I'll give him my buttery nipples later." "Ok, I bet those are magically delicious as well," the waiter says as she smiles and walks away. "What just happened," Jordan said confused. "We just offered you two scoops is what happened," Ms. Illegal said while still laughing. "But you missed it. Anyways, I really like this place. I'm going to come here again." Jordan raises an eyebrow and stares at Ms. Illegal, who still can't stop her laughing. "What?" "You are lucky you are beautiful otherwise we would be fighting." That apparently was the magic word to slow down her laughing. "Aw, you mad." she leans over the tables and gives him a kiss. "Do you forgive me?" "A little." She then walks around the table and sits in his lap. Her soft strawberry smelling hands were placed on Jordan's face as she went in for another kiss that was derived from a European country. "Do you forgive me now," she said with still a slight chuckle. "Maybe." Ms. Illegal then altered her position on his lap, this time in an arrangement that probably wasn't suitable for kids to see. But she didn't care as she went in for another kiss that was from the same European descent as before. Jordan really wasn't a fan of pda, but Ms. Illegal kisses were so authoritative that he dropped his standard. He tried his best to keep his blood in his brain, but his firewall failed. And Ms. Illegal knew it. "Mr. Jordan, what is this." She slowly moved her hand down to inspect a member of Jordan's body that had come to like her. Jordan instantly realized they were in public. Holding her by the side, he guided her up. "O ok. You want to wait." She smiled as she rose and retreated to her chair. Jordan took a quick glance around and was satisfied to see that the few couples there was minding their own business. He did view a thumbs up sign from a silhouette at the bar. 'At least only one person saw us,' he thought. But he was wrong, somebody else paying attention. "Here are you drinks. I would have had them here earlier, but I thought you were about to have your first set of buttery nipples already and I didn't want to disturb." "Naw, he wanted to get them to go," Ms. Illegal was still in play mode as she picked her Cosmo up to drink. "Y'all are trippin." He then picked up his new drink that was placed in front of him. He took a sip. It was sweet, really sweet. "You like it?" Ms. Illegal said as she stared at Jordan. "It's ok." "Just ok?" Ms. Illegal sipped on her drink like she was a 1920 flapper. The only thing she missed was one of the long slim cigs. "Ok, it's good." Ms. Illegal took another sip of her Cosmo, "I knew you would like it. I pegged you for a nipple man." She took another sip, to stop her laughter. "See we are about to fight," Jordan said as he took another sip of the buttery nipple. "You are lucky this is pretty good though." "Well," she said while standing up from her chair. "I think you should thank me." She places her Cosmo down and tugs Jordan up from the chair. She stands close, close enough where no light can be seen in between. "And I think you should thank me now." She was a couple of inches shorter than Jordan, so she reaches up and pulls his head toward her. "Nope," Jordan stops her mid-kiss. "Aww, you still mad," Ms. Illegal once again stares her illegal eyes into Jordan. "You know what you did, I can't just let that slide." "O," Ms. Illegal smiles and turns and places her back up against Jordan. She was flexible enough to still have her arms around his neck. "Well then. I guess you want to punish me instead," she whispers as she releases his neck and takes her top half off of Jordan while leaving her bottom half intact. "Whoa," Jordan stepped back. He never met a lady so fearless in her approach. "Oh," Ms. Illegal said while still bent over, "this isn't what you meant." Jordan looked around to see if anyone was seeing the same thing he was seeing. To his surprise, no one seemed to care about Ms. Illegal posture and her posterior. Well, except for the silhouette at the bar still giving him a thumbs up. "Too much," Jordan says quietly. "Oh, well maybe back at my place." She stands up and grabs both of his hands. "Let's go."
Choices. This was the moment that movies always seemed to portray as easy. But to Jordan, it was not easy. He really wanted to go with Ms. Illegal, but the very fact that he only knew her as Ms. Illegal disturbed him. But she was the very definition of beauty. He had never had the pleasure of talking to someone so gorgeous. And he definitely never had the pleasure of dating someone so stunning and magnificent. Would he miss out on the best night of his life just because he didn't know her name? Or was her not telling him the biggest red flag he could see. In real life, this multiple-choice question happened in a few seconds, but in Jordan's mind, his pick took forever. It was like time slowed down to allow him to make a choice. He looked at Ms. Illegal once more as her facial expression told him everything she wanted to do to him. But then he thought how this lady could be a serial killer. "Come on," she continued to insist. "I won't do anything illegal." He still wasn't sure if that was enough. Who was she was still the biggest question of the night. He then figured out the best solution. "If we go, you have to tell me your name." She moved close to Jordan again, her eyes were locked onto his as he stood there hypnotized by her beauty. "You can call me Sirena." She then kissed him. That was enough for Jordan to make his choice.
She stood close to him in the elevator as it traveled upward in her high-rise Sicily Apartments. People who stepped onto the elevator smiled and greeted, but then turned around with a facial expression that indicated they all knew what the two was planning. A big hint was the way Jordan's pants were fitting. He tried to take deep breaths to calm himself. But Sirena made sure he never calmed down. Her apartment wasn't on the top floor, but it sure seemed to Jordan like it was. "You must have the penthouse suite," Jordan tried to take his mind off of the tension by making a joke. "It's pretty nice. Me and my roommates share costs so it's not that expensive." And that was the statement Jordan needed to calm him down, at least for a little. "Wait, you have roommates?" "O, don't worry about them. They won't be there." She turned and put her body on Jordan. "So we have all the places with good leverage to use." Jordan couldn't stay calm for long. Finally, the elevator reached their destination and the two left the elevator hand in hand. Jordan was excited, a little too excited, but still a little worried about what was about to happen. It wasn't his first time, but he had never made it this far on the first date. Especially with someone who he just learned their name. 'But you only live once,' he thought.
"This is me," Sirena stopped in front of Apartment 1203. Jordan had second thoughts. Even though he finally learned her name, does he really know this person? Her looks rivaled Nubian queens, but what he knew about her was a mystery like the origins of a mythical creature. She walked inside as Jordan hesitated at the door. Noticing his hesitation, she lunged back toward him and enraptured him with a kiss. She stepped back and motioned with her finger. "Come here Mr. Jordan." It was like sweet music to his ears as the words came out of her mouth. He stepped into her realm and into the moment of no return. 'You only live once,' he thought as she closed and locked the door behind him. He took a quick glance around her apartment. She seemed to enjoy aquatic life as she had a giant aquarium filled with marine life. Pictures on her wall depicted other sea life that was too big to place in her aquarium. She also had a statue of what Jordan assumed was Aquaman due to the triton. "Nice place," Jordan tried to make small talk before the festivities started. "It looks like you enjoy marine life." "I do," she replied as Jordan heard a faint sound of something hitting the ground. "I like to get wet." Sirena didn't seem to get the memo of the stalled festivities. "Well, what's your favorite animal?" Jordan tried his best to not make eye contact with her body just yet, because he knew what that sound must have meant. "I like a long eel." Sirena's hand instantly appeared around Jordan's waist. They started to tinker with the contraptions meant to hold up Jordan's pants. "Umm, ok." Jordan's determination to keep the small talk going was quickly disappearing. "Why is it?" Though Sirena was much smaller than Jordan, her strength increased to overpower him enough to spin him around to face her non dress wearing body. "Because I like how it slithers down holes." And with that statement plus the sound of something from Jordan's wardrobe hitting the ground, the small talk quest was defeated. Jordan gave in to her desires and started kissing Sirena as she guided him through the room door. Though he enjoyed the moment, he did notice that her strength was legit. He decided he wasn't going to put up a fight as she took him on an odyssey through her house. She navigated the halls while kissing and feeling in places on Jordan's body. Sirena showed her strength again at the conclusion of the journey and pushed Jordan back onto the final destination. Before Jordan could inspect the new room and current seating arrangements, his visual view was eclipsed by beautiful visuals as sweet as candy is to the taste buds. The eclipse moved in like a shooting star and they again kissed as Selina multitasked with her hands. She continued using her European training with his tongue as she aborted her downward grip and reached for Jordan's hands. She wrestled them up into the top corners of the bed. "Do you trust me?" She whispered in his ear as she started to grind lower parts that were now exposed. 'What a terrible question to ask now' Jordan thought. Though body parts were already close enough to get a piercing treatment, he still wasn't sure if this scene from Cinemax would end the way Disney movies like, or would it end in a scene from a sci-fi channel late night movie. But he reassured himself again by thinking, 'I'm already here, and you only live once.' "Yes," he awkwardly said as her grinding intensified. "Good." She then revealed some hardware already attached to corners. With a quick click, Jordan was instantly restrained. Jordan heart skipped a beat due to his movement being fully restricted. Was it going to be good, or was it going to be tragic? Was he about to release tension, or release his spirit? Sirena sat up and unhooked her bra. "You like them don't you." Jordan wished he had a free hand because he wanted to touch what was just unveiled to him. "You want to touch them, don't you?" Jordan didn't know how he expressed that desire out loud. "I know you want to touch them." She continued to torture Jordan with a tease that he couldn't touch. She moved forward to whisper. "How about that to go order?" Jordan facial expression conveyed his confusion of what was just whispered in his ear. Surely she isn't holding on to the joke at this time. She sat up. "Can I bring a friend in?" She asked while her bottom half motion continued to persuade Jordan's answers. But a threesome was not on his mind at the beginning of the day. In fact, a threesome has never been on his mind, ever. But with the help of Sirena motions, he thought it was too late to abort. 'You only live once,' he thought again. He moved his head up and down once, which was enough for Sirena. "Sinoe, you can come in." "Who?" Jordan question was quickly answered as a familiar figure entered the room. "Hi." The figure said. "Umm, Hi." Jordan answered. "I brought your order." Jordan was still confused how a joke about a buttery nipples drink became a threesome. "I know you thought we were joking," Sirena bit her bottom lip as she held her hand out to Sinoe. Sinoe took her hand and approached the scene. Sirena reached out and unbuttoned Sinoe's waiter shirt from bottom to top. Sinoe then leaned in to kiss Jordan's neck. 'This is crazy,' Jordan thought as he watched Sirena unhinge Sinoe's bra. He once again desired to reach out and touch someone, but he was unable to. "It's getting crazy isn't it." Jordan sworn Sirena could read his mind. Sinoe's proceeded to move up from Jordan's neck to give him a kiss that her and Sirena must have learned from the same European class. Suddenly, Sirena stopped her movement and stood up. Sinoe also ceased her kiss. "So how about we add one more." Jordan stared speechless at the two beautiful fallen angels standing in front of him. Why would he need another? Two has to be enough. But before he could answer the question, a third figure showed at the door. Surprisingly, it was also a familiar figure that he met earlier that night. Jordan still wasn't fully sold on having the third figure join in. And he was increasingly having second thoughts about the entire ordeal. "I don't want to do this anymore." Jordan finally decided to abort the strange sexual encounter. Sirena pulled her final piece of clothing off. "Why not?" she asked as she moved in closer to an objective Jordan. In his ear she whispered, "You only live once right?" "Wait, what?"
The grumbling sound of his stomach got louder as he sat at the bar staring at the menu. Food was not in abundance today for Shawn. He was so busy running around trying to get everything in order for his boss, he had no time to sit down and enjoy a good meal. It almost seemed like he never had time to sit down and enjoy a good meal anymore. He enjoyed the increase in responsibilities, but fatigue was starting to creep at his door. So far, he had been successful at keeping it in check, but it had seemed fatigue had eaten his spinach today and Shawn was not going to win. The best he could do was sit down for a nice meal. He really didn't want to sit down for dinner though. But today for some reason, he had decided to try his luck and sit down at the bar and eat. And it proved to be the best choice he made all day.
"Hey, do you know what you would like?" A sweet voice came from the other side of the menu. As he moved the menu down, beautiful brown eyes that should have been reported as dangerous were looking back at him.