Something about that paper package sealing the healing into the bandaid makes my heart melt.
The simple act of placing a bandaid on a cut or scrape
Shows a level of caring that’s hard to find.
You are showing a readiness to heal and asking for your body’s permission to be fixed.
Scars may be there but the bandages tell your body you love it.
Every body deserves a bandage.
A Bit of the History of History (My Take)
(First off, I wrote this here, not in Word, so this is off the cuff writing. Any typos, oh well. I'm not going back to recheck.)
There are many things never taught in school about the world's history of mankind and their so-called achievments. Several of these historical happenings will only be found in the Bible, but never (at least in my time), discussed in any public schools; other than a school of divinity.
You may or may not agree with this, but history always repeats itself in some fashion. But part of history I want to put forth is our beginnings. Adam and Eve, their two sons, and the beginnings that changed mankinds thinking forever, and what eventually became laws against such things.
First we start with curiosity. Eve bit the apple to learn knowledge that was supposed to be forbidden. Fact (of sorts): If she hadn't, for the sake of conversation, would we all be blithering idiots today? Knowledge gave us the ability to create and think, and do. Yet it was deemed a sin and punishable by expulsion. Comparison: In today's religious society, if one fails to give a portion of their yearly salary (tithes), they too are expelled from whatever church they attend. (Which prompts another question: why is religion based on money, instead of belief?) As it is written in Matthew 21: 12-13 When Jesus went into the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changersand the seats of those selling doves. And He declared to them, “It is written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer.’ But you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” Yet, centuries later, man still does this. Of course many people will tell you, "Man, ya can't close Wal-Mart on a Sunday, that ain't American!"
Going back even further, the first homosexual act, the first act of incest, and the first murder happened, along with man's first lies, and man's ability to walk away from family to discover another place to call his own, hence: curiosity (Cain left home).
(I won't get into the area of how he created a new land with people, especially since there was only Adam and Eve and their family, but there sure was a lot of hanky-panky going on.)
I digress.
The first murder created jealousy, hate, and anger. All those morsals that invite control and war. As centuries passed and man and woman populated the earth, nations fought nations to control lands and people, and mostly for the sake of religion. Kings and Queens had their High Priest to give them direction, and by the laws made and decreed, it was proclaimed so by Kings and Queens. (Oddly funny is it not, we have that same thing today, only we call them dictators or terrorists.)
People rose up during those times and it was called a revolt, but the people cried freedom.
Even today, people cry freedom, but even the Amendments of free speech, gun ownership, and being able to congregate in public, is being challenged by government.
When America began, new laws were enacted to give freedom from tyranny, but the laws were written by wealthy (and sorry, bias men) individuals, who were no better than what history tells us before they came to be.
As to a comparison of sorts, historical statues were removed because of a reminder of the Civil War and slavery. But no one is willing to tear down Monticello (Thomas Jefferson) or the Washington Monument. Bit of history here: When George Washington left the presidency, he still maintained over 350 slaves. Jefferson had near;ly as many, and had slept with several of the women and sired children through them. But, nooooooo, we leave their so-called rightful place in history alone because they created our Independence.
But war after war after war followed, but it wasn't until September 11, 2001, when we felt what war feels like on our own shores. It was a wake-up call to a new era. And in many ways, to a smoothly covered over new form of tyranny in the United States.
The government can spy on a person at will. Threy can determine if you are a threat or not, and if so, put blatantly: you are screwed. As with any regime, once they have their hands in the center of control, they will not let go. Coup' after coup' has been realised over the years, some winning, others losing, but most of the winners are no better off than the ones they defeated.
History has always been a direction of repitition. We can create all the high-rise buildings, have the nicest of things, fly to Uranus, or swim with aligators if we want; but when it gets down to the truth, none of it matters.
You, me, tens upon tens of millions of people will die as they have throughout history, and your name will never be remembered in the books. Only those who were considered important, true leaders, dedicated to make things better for all.
History is a grand thing to study, but history never changes ... and never will.
Wait! I almost forgot one thing. History can be changed. Changed by order of law to write it the way those in control want it written.
... and that too, is part of history.
Most people will not look someone in the eye on a street and simply say hello. Just why is that? Fear and doubt. Fear of will the person meet someone new, or someone that will do them harm? Doubt, in that someone will not respond or become offended by being approached by a total stranger in their space. Let's face it, people are strange animals.
Agree, or disagree? Either way, it sparks conversations, some of which are sorely lacking these days.