do not look at me
therefore you'll find me
do not, honey
call me honey
and do not call me at all
therefore you'll find me
do not tell me
that i'm charming
therefore you'll find me
do not try to touch
my hair
my eyes
or legs
therefore you'll find me
do not , do not ever,
invite to me to a restaurant
or to come by for a dinner
therefore you'll find me
do not try to look at me
because all you can see is
all that isn't me
do not touch anything
it's fragile
even though it look
stone like
do not say do not
do not lie do not
do not try to see invisible.
i am not i
i am the one you thought die
i am not i
but you can see me
feel me
only if you do not look at me
you can find me
by loving me
by communicating without words
and troughtout that silence
give birth to my new self
that, unfortunately
you won't ever see.
please do not look at me.
#challenge #poetry #prosepoetry #lovepoem #mindfullness #brave soul #love #lovingbeing #soul #lovers #jelenathewriter
My own self
Do you love me , dear ?
Have you lately loved me?
Am I yours, or
Am I?
Do you love me, dear?
Have you ever loved me?
Am I loved by you , or
by whom
Am I loved?
Do you love me, dear?
Have you ever kissed me?
Am I kissed by you , or
by whom
Am I kissed?
Do you love me, dear?
Are you dear at all?
Are you dear to me, or
to whom
are you dear ?
Do you love me, dear
Do you , dear me , love
Am I dear to me , or
to whom
Am I dear?
Do you love me , dear
Are you here, dear
Do you hear me , dear
Myself died, dear
Do you love me dead
Do you love me, dear?