MERCURY - (Derived from the world of Smite)
"Summon the speedster forth. I have a message for him to deliver."
He's talking about me, Mercury. The wittiest and quickest God of them all. Now, I'm not boisterous, but I was given the task of being the Messenger of the Gods for these qualities, as told by Zeus, Janus, Kukulkan, and various other Gods I only looked up to when I was younger. You may think, "ah, you're a postman". If so, you are mistaken. Here's why.
The ability to think and act at speeds surpassing light is my gift. Others obtain powers concerning elements or properties of the world such as lightning or snakes. I am widely known for being a messenger, but in the war, I was classified as an assassin. The Greek and Chinese pantheons against the Roman and Mayans. In wars, people kill to live. It's what I had to do, but it only left me to mourn fallen brothers. The Council was formed to bring us all to our senses after seven years of chaos. It was seven years too late. I had already killed dozens, and the whereabouts of my father, Jupiter, were unknown. All because of an order from a certain man.
The message was for Chaac, the second in command of the Mayan pantheon. He, a former acquaintance of my mother, Maia. As a policy, it is none of my business to investigate a message's meaning. But this one needs investigating, and it starts with the God of the Sea.