Being given joy was the greatest gift of all back then
Sweets, gifts, and the luxury of time is what we received.
What we didn’t expect was given,
As also what we took for granted was given, too.
Somewhere along our path, we ventured into unknown territory
The sky, an unknown color, overshadowed our view.
The trees, bare and broken were scattered across the road.
It seemed our wonderland was shattered.
It seemed we could never achieve that state of ecstasy ever again.
Somewhere along this path, our wonderment was replaced
With pure cynicism.
No gifts were bestowed in these days.
Or were they?
No, but we could create our own.
Could we sow our own harvest,
Create what we so desired?
Of course.
It will not be easy.
It will not be without work.
But that is where our wonder went.
No, it was replaced.
The wonderment of the unknowns of our reality
Were transformed into something else.
Dreams, Desires, Drive.
What was given is now worked for.
What we live in now is better than before.
Balance of Opposites
Every Spiral has a downwards, but an upwards, too. So far deep in this vortex, the option of ceasing to feel is the only escape the pain. The wound in your heart is so deep, so painful, that this void is the sole thing residing in your soul. Shattered and broken, your spirit lies dying in the ether it was born from. As of now, you stab yourself with the remaining fragments of it. "Pain." "Despair." "Anguish." "Hopelessness..." If you have the capability of feeling these emotions, than it is possible to feel the opposite. Look at what you have; what you lack and what you need. This is painful, I know, but nobody wants to climb the hill, everybody wants to enjoy the ride down. Contentedness does not come without work! Ignite your soul, your passion! You are the sole person that can fix yourself, and it will come from within. All those days of suffering can't be in vain. You can't end it all here. All those days of suffering were just a buildup to what you will accomplish! Don't let your past define yourself; let the lessons you have learned shape your future. I know you can change yourself. I know you can help other lives, too. It all starts here. It's time to escape your hell and start living.