Fallen Gold
Once upon a time there was an angel
Who’s head rested in heaven
She laughed and danced on clouds
Thankful for all she’d been given
Once upon a time there was an angel
Who’s eyes looked down below
To see a boy so heavenly
He gave off his own golden glow
Once upon a time there was an angel
Who fell from heaven above
Her wings ripped from her back
Like the perished life of a dove
Once upon a time there was a fallen angel
Who met with the golden boy
She thought the loss of her own halo
Didn’t matter when compared to this joy
Once upon a time there was a fallen angel
Who brushed her hand through his golden hair
Which then drew back in blood
Because of the horns that’d been there
Once upon a time there was a fallen angel
Who thought, on earth, heaven lay
Naïve, she saw an angel instead of a boy
Deceived, she saw light instead of decay
Once upon a time there was a girl
Who had no golden halo around her head
All to show for this great loss
Was a simple wish to be dead
Now be warned of golden boys
Who like to spin their golden lies
Or else wind up a fallen girl
Whom, with heaven, has fallen ties
Paris and Montreal feel different because of you
Paris is just a place, not a person.
I’ve been struggling to decipher the two.
Montreal is just a place, not a person.
The coldness I feel isn’t wafting from his heart, but the air around me.
These places just hold memories and shouldn’t be blamed for the hurt I feel.
You are just a person, not a place;
And it’s time for me to go home.
I Believe This Time
I believe that this time when i say i love myself, it will not be a lie
I believe that this time when i say i am worth it,
It will not be a lie
That this time i will believe it and i will finally be content with myself and believe that i am not broken and needy anymore.
I want to feel whole again with myself and not rely on petty words that drip from the mouths of men.
I want to believe that this time around i will not fall back into the depths of despair everytime I hear your name or remember a long ago memory.
This time i will smile and thank the heavens that i am healed and know that i am worth so much more than the scraps you gave me.
I believe that this time I'll be okay.
Was It Everything?
Tell me what happened
Was i too much again?
Over bearing
Over zealous
Over everything
Tell me what happened
Was i too little again?
Not quick witted
Not intelligent
Not everything
Tell me what happened
Was it something i did again?
Talk too much
Talk too little
Or was it everything
Was it something i said
Or is it just me
Or was it everything about me
What happened?
Red Ribbon
You sent me a note
Tied it up with red ribbon
When I expected a profession of love
I Was instead met with a goodbye
It didnt rain outside, but cornered in those four walls a hurricane hit my heavy heart
Was I too late to save the one i love?
I called and I called, but no one answered
Even the ocean couldn't hold the depths of my despair
Please don't try to say goodbye again
I’m Not Worthy
It would seem that everytime i catch your eye
I blush and give out a sigh
Because i do this everytime someone graces me with their affection
Is it love or wishful thinking
Im hungry of heart yet fragile to touch
I want and i want
I take and i take
I want to be loved and i take what i can get
I want you to love me, but i dont know if im worthy
Im not worthy
Im not worthy
I’ve been alone all my life, then you showed up
When i was 15
I thought i was in love
But he was a boiling lover
My skin was red and blistered all over
He never held my hand
But there was a kind word when he needed me
When i turned 16
I figured "this is the year!"
I'd finally get a date for real
But this year left me to kneel
I waited and waited
But no one came
When i was 17
I had given up
I sat in my ivory tower
Content to sit and glower
"Love is only temporary"
My parents taught me that
Now im 18
So much time has passed
Im still lonely it would seem
My eyes had lost their gleam
Im not happy with myself
And i try so hard to fix it
And you just had to show up
I dont know anything about dating!
I dont know anything about love!
Your presence is like a gift from above
But dammit what do i do?
Im not even sure if what you're doing is flirting
You confuse me
You furiate me
You twist all ive ever known
What do i do
You’re All I Think About These Days
When i think about you
Its with stars in my eyes
But a little voice keeps whispering
Is it all lies?
I cant seem to figure you out
Youre such a mystery
I cant gauge what youre thinking
Do you even like me
You say these things
that send me reeling
It catches me of guard
What is this im feeling
I bite my tounge
Not ready to say
Youre an adventure waiting
And im ready to play
My thoughts keep whispering
Get out while you can
But i turn and there you are
I can barely stand
Thumbs the Cat Acts Like a Dog
Thumbs is my cat.
She has thumbs and that's not usual for a cat.
Thumbs the cat acts like a dog.
She comes when you whistle a certain way.
A long high note then a short low note.
If shes walking all over you and it annoys you,
you can point your finger down and say 'lay down' and she'll do it.
If you see her stretching out in the hall and you get her to look at you,
Just say 'Pretty Kitty' in a condescending tone,
She'll start rolling around, trying to be cute.
It works.
Thumbs the cat acts like a dog and that's okay.
Yet a girl can be a girl, but act like a boy,
but a boy still cant still be a boy and act like a girl.
It's not okay to be weak.
It's not okay to be a woman.
But Thumbs will continue to be who she is,
without anyone's approval.
My cat has thumbs, she is different,
and I love her so much.