History Shows...
Earth reached full ecological collapse, humanity fled out into the galaxy and has settled in on anther planet. The collapse, turmoil and flight away is now taught to children as history. Write one of these histories, either textbook style, or more personal. Tag me in your post :)
Ended February 6, 2021 • 0 Entries • Created by KathrynMcgahan in Sci-Fi
Write a story or poem that plays with distorted time, a second that seems to draw out for hours, a year that passes in a day, time travel, sleeping spells, anything goes. I added Sci-Fi as a portal, but anything is welcome. This is my first Challenge, I am really looking forward to the responses! Tag me either in the comments or your post
Ended January 28, 2020 • 8 Entries • Created by KathrynMcgahan in Sci-Fi