Little Moments
How did we manage to talk ourselves into being okay with mediocrity?
I hate my job. But I need money to survive.
This is not the life I had pictured for myself.
I’m not living my days how I want.
I wish i was someone else, something else, somewhere else.
And when death comes for you, are you going to be satisfied with just the little moments?
I know I need more, than just little moments.
the way you feel
Purple is the way you make me feel
Deliquescing around you
On a rainy day
Or dewy morning
You remind me of a porch swing
And you make the space you’re in feel
A comfy place even when surrounded by
Or even grass
Dead or green
You’re the trick with the life saver
On my back teeth
Biting into you
Creating a spark
You are
The tree growing through fence
The flowers through concrete cracks
You are
All but nothing
Relatively Unscathed
You fucking lied
But we cant leave it at that
There’s a fact hiding in the corner
The act of extracting said fact is less than
You fucking lied
Behind the door she sits and cries
Disguised is your way of stealing time
Digging under fine lines to reach the surface
Every So Often
You asked me why I'm angry
At the time i had no answer
Its been too many months
And its starting to feel normal
I hate that its starting to feel normal
Im scared that I’ll forget
But i hurt every time i remember
Im angry that helplessness was my only option
But I'm glad i was there through it all
I have so much anger and sadness
I forget to be happy with my memories of you
You're gone
Im still here
Is it selfish of me to wonder who is hurting more?
Today i
sat alone
With a broken dream in my left hand
My tear drops glistened
As they hit the shattered, mirror mess in my palm
When a dream you’ve conjured for yourself dies
It feels as though you’re missing a part to a whole
I am more than just myself
I am my dreams
I am my hopes
I am every deep breath, footstep, and fall
I am the center of the universe
And every obscure, dirty corner
I am a dying dream
But i am also the start of a new one
Sad Eyes
You said i have sad eyes
But they're alright, i think
Sitting in their designated nooks rather normally
They seem fine in their confines
Actually quite snug, yet spacious
Is it smug of you to mention my eyes?
While you squint yours and fail to recognize
My eyes aren't sad
Yes, they have bags
And the purple underneath offsets my paleness
In all realness
My eyes aren't sad
At least not today
I woke up happy, unnaturally void of disarray
My eyes are smiling
At your inquisitive suggestion
Maybe sometime
I'll show you my sad eyes
We Cry Today
His arrogant eyes wished away the world
Acidic imprints he lay on another's back
He has yet to know bone crushing loneliness
He killed his happiness when he crawled behind a badge
So he sat, broken backed and crumbled
Holding that boys last breath in his pocket
He thought himself superior, so he will fall first
His mind riddled with rows of misplaced anger
Called upon when gun in hand
He may sleep well tonight
But their souls call for justice and they will not go unheard
When his blue dissipates, he will find he's stained with red
And our promise must be to never forget